Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 167: Teleportation

Chapter 167: Teleportation

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 2:25

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

“Hey, Wyatt this is Elliott… send your current location to this grimoire quickly. I will explain later.” Elliott’s came from the other of the unknown caller. I was surprised as Elliott could have just called with his grimoire and why is he sharing my contact info with someone without my knowledge. But before I could answer or ask him he hung up. Not knowing what was happening, trusting Elliott I sent my location to the unknown caller’s grimoire. Just as I was in deep thought regarding Elliott and the unknown caller, suddenly two figures appeared out of the blue in the bedroom, a meter away from me catching me off guard, “Holy Ghost!”

“See we landed a meter away from him.” Said the charming female who was dressed professionally to Elliott who was next to her.

‘Location teleportation – A high-level teleportation not limited by distance or predetermined location but the coordinates of the destination. As long as you have coordinates to the location you can teleport there. No wonder he asked for my location. Wait this is more than normal location teleportation which only allows the host to teleport, she was able to teleport with Elliott. This card is of mythic grade beyond the rare grade, meaning she has a platinum grimoire. Thankfully I do not have the bad habit of sleeping naked like that mutt Ronnie.’ Knowing that the female next to Elliott had a platinum grade grimoire I decided to look past their rudeness for invading my bedroom without permission. Now that I had an idea of what was going on I regained my composure and calmly gazed at Elliott and his female companion.

Seeing my questioning gaze Elliott let out a simple apologetic smile and explained, “Your highness this is Dalton Wyatt. *Ahem* Wyatt, this is her eminent commander of the southern watch, Card Emperor Maiden of h.e.l.l.”

‘Card Emperor!’ Knowing the true ident.i.ty of the female next to Elliott I hurriedly got off the bed and with respect, I said, “Dalton Wyatt, pays respect to her eminence the Card Emperor.”

“Interesting boy, what have you done to your body? It is stronger than a C-rank beast’s body even though you are just in the Initial card soldier realm. The purity of the soul energy in your body is off the charts, it’s a lot denser than regular soul energy. Elliott said his physique is thanks to his origin card. Is your condition the same?” Under the Card Emperor’s gaze, my mutated soul energy and special physique both could not stay hidden. Thankfully my false human core was architectured copying the design of dungeon calamity seed, which was a mystery to demiG.o.ds let alone a Card Emperor.

“Elliott has a variant clear scale earthworm core in him which explains his mutant physique. But I do not sense any monster core in you. How did you get your mutant physique and soul energy?” Card apprentices having a monster core in them was not a new concept. Many Card apprentices had monster cores as their fated ingredient, some extracted powerful skills from these cores to create cards, some incorporated these cores in their bodies to gain a half-human half-beast form known as Were Form. So the card emperor was not surprised to find a false core in Elliott’s body. Seeing my physique she thought the same about me but she was unable to find any core puzzling her. Just when I was sweating bullets considering how to explain to her my physique and soul energy mutation, the Card Emperor said, “Everyone has their secrets right, let’s not dwell on it and talk about the business we are here for. shall we?”

“Yes, your highness” yelled Elliott enthusiastically. He seemed very proud and close to the Card Emperor for some reason, almost as if he was her manservant. I never felt so much disgust for Elliott. I guess the t.i.tle Card Emperor and the power it comes with could charm and bind the best of us.

“What business does your highness have with this humble high schooler?” I asked. Seeing how she was keen about the variant monster core in Elliot and our mutant physique, I thought she wanted to get the recipe for the card I have created.

“Wyatt, take out the sample of the Silver Milk Powder let her eminence see and verify your product, with the help of her highness we could launch the product without any trouble in the market.” Hearing Elliott a bomb exploded in my head ‘f.u.c.k! this idiot invited a gator inside the house.’

I do not know what Elliott sacrificed to get the Card Emperor to personally come and verify my product but I was sure she was so casual and easy-going because she was 100% certain that our product was a hoax. After all, if she felt there was even a 1% truth to our product being able to turn mortals into card apprentices faster then she would not hesitate to silence us after getting our product.

Now consider my predicament, who knew that the Silver milk powder had 100% results in helping mortals become card apprentices by helping them cultivate their active soul control % faster. I knew if I showed my product or denied having such product in the first place either way I and Elliott both would be killed, for wasting her time or silencing us. Worse if my words raised suspicion then only h.e.l.lish torture awaited me. Knowing I would be murdered, either way, I decided to play along and improvise.

“Your highness, this is the Silver Milk powder I have created. Upon prolonged intake, a mortal can cultivate his/her active soul control % faster and become a card apprentice.” Introducing the Silver Milk Powder I handed the batch of Silver milk Powder I had on me to the Card Emperor.

The Card Emperor scanned the silver milk powder with her keen eyes then smelled it before licking a pinch of the silver milk powder, upon a sudden realization she consumed a handful of powder and her eyes shone with brilliance.
