Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 170: Factions

Chapter 170: Factions

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 3:40

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

After 40 minutes of bickering and threatening, Anna stated her bottom line, “Fine you keep the patent but I get the exclusive rights to the patent in exchange for 25% royalty. Wyatt, take what I am giving and know when to retreat.

Here, sign the soul contract so we can head to the patent and trademark a.s.sociation.”

Hearing Anna I snickered inwardly, n.o.body is giving me anything. What you offered is what I negotiated for myself. If anything you are robbing me. Funny how things turn out. 25% royalty sounds good as even the government will not be this generous if I offer them the exclusive right to my patent. The government may even try to screw me over by preaching patriotism and all that bull c.r.a.p. But this was not enough as this did not guarantee my life and the life of those close to me from an unknown danger. Not to mention I have yet to solve the problem named the Circle.

“Now you are talking but we will have to add some terms and conditions to ensure that you will not screw me over after you get what you want.” I was very weak compared to Anna and the forces under her not to mention the people backing her. I can not hold onto 25% of royalty with my current strength, forget about others after getting exclusive rights to my patent Anna would be the first to claim my life to avoid paying me 25% royalty. So I had to add some terms and conditions to ensure I won’t be betrayed by her.

“You are too weak, Wyatt. No terms and conditions can let you gobble 25% of the pie peacefully. If not me, someone else will take action. Is this what it means to Bite Off More Than You Can Chew?” Anna is a century-old monster who has more than a hundred ways to get what she wants. Therefore I had to make terms and conditions such that Anna will work for me not against me. But Anna will never agree to such conditions, that’s where the battle of wits laid.

“Anna, do not be smug. I will rewrite my will making the government the sole beneficiary of my 25% royalty upon my death. Once the government gets in you are smart enough to know what awaits next.” Government is nothing but a group of people with the authority to govern. The people forming the government in this world have already reached the zenith of strength one could reach in this world. They do not lack anything but strong allies so that they are not ganged upon and strong forces to handle things that they are too busy or lazy to deal with. With Silver Milk Powder they could build a strong army to contend against any forces. So how could the people that form the government let go of the opportunity to have the silver milk powder for themselves when presented.

“You wouldn’t!” Yelled Anna with puffed cheeks. She is hundred years old yet acted cute in front of her junior generation, but in this vain world, it worked as her appearance was that of a 20-year-old hot bimbo.

“I wouldn’t? Why would I not? Did you think you’re the only smart one in the room?” Negotiating with Anna it became clear that Anna’s achievements were not hers, she was smart and strong-willed but lacked experience. I can not see someone with her mindset get to be the commander of the southern watch. She must belong to a strong faction for her to become the sole body governing the southern region. Though the Southern region may be a backwater part of the country, it still made up 19% of the government tax income. How could a n.o.body Card Emperor sit on such a gold mine, Anna is just the puppet of the faction behind her. No wonder she dared to swallow the monopoly over silver milk powder production and supply.

“You! Don’t you think you are forgetting something?” Having said that, an arc of red soul energy extended out of Anna leaving a shallow cut on my chest. This time I wasn’t prepared and lived the complete pain of having the flesh covering my chest cut and burned.

“You b.i.t.c.h!” As this word came out of my mouth I suddenly regretted it, a red light flashed and I was missing my left ear. Thankfully this time I had Hive AI dampen my pain receptors. An hour has pa.s.sed but I was still laying on my back as I did not heal my injuries to hide my abilities and Anna was not generous enough to offer to heal my injuries. She liked negotiating with me on the ground, helpless. It helped calm her ego which was being tested by me again and again. I also wanted it this way so that Anna underestimated me and felt that she was in control. But once she felt she was not in control this happened.

“Just because I am negotiating with you does not mean we are equals, don’t forget your place you Mutt. Next time I have to remind you that, it will cost you more than an ear.

Now the conditions have changed 20% and I will not harm you or people close to you in any way. Stop wasting my time and sign the soul contract.” It seems Anna was no longer in the mood to play games and directly offered her bottom line. She was being sincere considering how in this world people do not negotiate with the weak.

“I have a better offer, 15% and you give me protection.” I decided to exchange 5% for protection, money could make me strong but could not buy me enough time to become strong as my enemies. With Card Emperor as a backer, n.o.body would dare to mess with me and I could continue to live the peaceful life I planned to live.

“You are smart but you do know that you will be seen as a part of my faction by my enemies and they will become your enemies.” This was obvious if you have friends then you have enemies. But the Southern region was Anna’s domain. As long as I do not leave the Southern region Anna’s enemies or the enemies of the faction backing her could not deal with me. But had to make one thing clear,

” Does the Circle belong to your faction?” Yes this was the million-dollar question that could potentially break the deal I and Anna had established, as murders of my parents the Circle and I could not live under the same sky, one of the two had to die.
