Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1746 Love, s.e.x, And Teenager

Chapter 1746 Love, s.e.x, And Teenager

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 14:23

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Headquarters compound

Lt. General Spencer who had her tongue tied because of DemiG.o.d Norley"s warning, was shocked to learn that the person who arrived was Dalton Wyatt"s manager. According to the files she received, the manager was the priority target of their protection in the sky-bloom city. Besides how could a Card Scholar arrive here? What is the Ethereal snake covering her?

Both Lt. General Spencer and DemiG.o.d Norley were DemiG.o.ds but not only were their strength realms apart but Lt. General Spencer"s knowledge and insight showed a huge disparity to that of DemiG.o.d Norley who was not only able to recognize the Ethereal Snake Spirit but also pinpoint its source of origin, the little white snake warped around Susan"s waist.

"So you are the rumored manager, you got quite an intriguing pet," DemiG.o.d Norley looked at the Card Scholar in surprise, she was a beauty. No wonder the boy was infatuated with her.

"Hiss," the ethereal head of little Beam flicked its ethereal forked tongue at DemiG.o.d Norley in anger at being called a pet.

"Love, s.e.x, and Teenagers," DemiG.o.d Norley thought in scorn as he had seen many talents fall for beauties in his entire lifespan, he too almost became one of them fortunately he had a stronger will than others.

"Your Highness, Little Beam is not a pet she is my friend," Susan corrected DemiG.o.d Norley, no she was not ignorant of his status but being professional. With 7 years in sales, she was used to dealing with various customers. Being honest and straightforward was always appreciated.

"I see. If I had not retired, I would have loved to operate on your friend. She is neither a monster nor a devil, seeing her is itching my old habits to surface," DemiG.o.d Norley responded honestly, he was here to teach the little boy, Dalton Wyatt a lesson. But the sinister snake had ignited his curiosity as he had not seen such a being and thought it must be an unknown alien being. He was itching to cut open the snake and study it but he controlled himself from doing so. The snake was fortunate since he had forsaken his old ways.

"Hiss," Little Beam once again warned the DemiG.o.d Norley to stop disrespecting it.

"Little Beam was it, shut up or I will rip your real forked tongue out," As DemiG.o.d Norley said this his eyes suddenly turned pitch black and his pupils were reduced to the size of a needlepoint. Under his gaze, Little Beam"s ethereal body suddenly retreated a few meters backward almost running into Lt. General Spencer.

All 11 demiG.o.ds and Susan who witnessed this were surprised as they did not understand why the Ethereal snake spirit retreated in a scare being stared at by DemiG.o.d Norley. They didn"t seem to see his eyes morph as little Beam did. Hence, they were not affected by DemiG.o.d Norley"s stare. Also, it was the reason why they were puzzled by little Beam"s action.

In her heyday, Little Beam was strong enough to make the original Belphegor fear for his life but once she used most of her realm to help the corpse puppet created using Corey Park"s corpse grow a spirit and become sentient her strength decreased by a huge margin as helping an SSS-rank Corpse Puppet generate a devil rank spirit was not cheap if it were Belphegor would have down it himself.

Right now her strength was stronger than Belphegor"s Worldhog incarnation making her stronger than many average devils and demiG.o.ds but she was no longer a threat to actual experts like the Orignal Belphegor and DemiG.o.d Norley.

These guys were old monsters with their experience in the demiG.o.d or devil realm alone spanning over a few millenniums. Whereas little Beam was a few centuries old but not a millennium old. The experience and knowledge acc.u.mulated by Belphegor and DemiG.o.d Norley was not something a youngling like little Beam could match against.

"Your Highness, please forgive little Beam. She did not mean any harm. She is still not used to being outside around people," Susan apologized to DemiG.o.d Norely for little Beam"s action. Then looking at her waist she ordered, "Little Beam, behave."

"Whatever, take me to Wyatt," DemiG.o.d Norely did not continue to bother with the snake and instead asked to meet Wyatt.

"About that, I have no idea where Wyatt is," Susan replied honestly.

"You are not lying," it was not hard for someone with DemiG.o.d Norley"s level of insight to tell if a Card Scholar was lying to him or not. However, he was surprised to learn that Wyatt"s Manager had no idea where Wyatt was.

"What reason would I have to lie to you, Your Highness?" Susan replied waiting for an opening to ask demiG.o.d Norley about Wyatt"s information.

"Lt. General Spencer, you are free to speak. Is Dalton Wyatt really not here?" DemiG.o.d Norley said this to determine if Wyatt was in the city or not based on her answer. He was confident in his insight so much so that he even believed that someone of Lt. General Spencer"s level could not lie to him.

"Your Highness, any and all information about Dalton Wyatt is sensitive information. I am not at liberty to disclose it to anyone," Lt General Spencer answered DemiG.o.d Norley gaining his permission. Then turning to one of her subordinates she ordered, "Joe, please escort Ms Susan back to the city."

What Lt. General meant was for Joe to take Susan to safety. Temporarily they have avoided DemiG.o.d Norley"s wrath but she had no idea how long they could stall. She has already reported the situation here to the Royal Palace in the Southern Capital. Now all they had to do was stall until Field Marshal Heatsend arrived. She was willing to fight DemiG.o.d Norley by sacrificing her lifespan and divinity to buy the needed time so she prioritized sending Susan to safety.

Listening to Lt. General Spencer"s orders Susan panicked, she had yet to learn about Wyatt"s whereabouts so she resolutely yelled, "No, I will not leave until I know what is happening with Wyatt. Is it true that he sacrificed himself to save the card world?"

Following his superior"s orders DemiG.o.d Joe flew next to the Ethereal snake spirit and ignoring Susan"s demands he said, "Miss, please follow me quietly."

"Hiss," Little Beam"s Ethereal spirit glared at demiG.o.d Joe warning him not to get any closer. She was really p.i.s.sed because of DemiG.o.d Norley and if DemiG.o.d Joe pushed her b.u.t.tons she will make him the target of her frustration.

Was she not worried that she had led Susan directly to the enemy when Corey specifically asked her to keep Susan out of harm"s way? Little Beam was proud of her speed, especially in ethereal form. She had full confidence to outrun DemiG.o.d Norley even if she was not a match for him in terms of strength.

"Leave the girl alone, I am not done talking with her," DemiG.o.d Norley ordered finding that Lt. General Spencer was not giving him direct answers. Instead, she was using wordplay to avoid giving him answers. It seems she was aware of him trying to use his higher insight to deduce Wyatt"s information based on her words.

"This…" DemiG.o.d Joe paused in his track listening to DemiG.o.d Norley"s words and turned to get further instruction from Lt. General Spencer. If she wanted him to leave here with Susan he would not hesitate to do so even if it meant offending demiG.o.d Norley, one of the founding fathers.

"Stand down," Lt. General Spencer was thrilled learning that DemiG.o.d Norley wanted to talk with Susan. She could only hope that Susan would be able to stall as much as possible. It would be best if she could hold off till Field Marshall Heatsend arrived.

DemiG.o.d Joe returned to his previous position following his superior"s orders. As for DemiG.o.d Norley, he looked at Susan and said, "It seems the rumors are true, your relationship with Wyatt is more than that of mere colleagues."

Listening to the middle-aged demiG.o.d in front of her Susan frowned but politely answered, "Your Highness, you are right. Wyatt and I are good friends out of work."

"Little Girl, don"t try to fool this old man. I have a lot of experience in this area so trust me when I tell you a man and woman can never be friends," DemiG.o.d Norley found Susan"s words funny and naive therefore he corrected her that a man and woman can never be friends.

"..." Susan was speechless finding the middle-aged demiG.o.d"s words and actions similar to that of a hoodlum. She did not expect this from someone of his status.

"It seems you are the reason why the boy keeps rejecting my daughter. I wonder if I kill you he will return to my daughter. That foolish girl has been crying her eyes out ever since the incident in the Southern Capital," DemiG.o.d Norley"s words caught all 11 demiG.o.ds, Susan, and little Beam off guard.