Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 184: Compet.i.tion

Chapter 184: Compet.i.tion

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 11:15

Location- Sky Blossom City, a.s.sociation Guild Mall, Warehouse no.234

Susan and Corey walk into the warehouse as I and Ronnie we’re discussing his future as TSR guild Chief of the monster meat processing division. Corey seemed more enthusiastic than in the morning and she seems to have reverted to calling Susan as Big sis.

“Was the origin card creation a Success?” Asked Susan feeling my gaze.

“Yes, it was a success. When it comes to origin card creation I am the undefeated champ.” I boasted.

“Check out my new pair of arms.” Saying that Ronnie partially summoned a pair of mech tool arms on his back which waved at Susan and Corey.

“What the fuq!” Susan and Corey, we’re caught off guard and cursed in surprise, “blasphemy”

“Relax guys, they are just mechanical robot arms which I can summon. They are a part of my origin cards ability.” Ronnie was obviously hurt by their response.

“That freak show was just a part of it? Can your card get more blasphemous?” Corey criticised cruelly.

“My origin card is not blasphemy, it is one of the greatest cards ever created in the history of card creation.” Ronnie defended. For a headstrong guy, he seems to care what people think about him seeing his fated ingredient and origin card.

“Knowing it is one of Wyatt’s creations, I think Ronnie’s origin should be among the best of its kind out there. Corey, stop being rude.” Susan backed Ronnie’s claim blindly knowing it is one of my creations.

“Enough about that Big sis help me create a shop on grimoire network.” Corey criticised Ronnie’s card only because she knew it was Wyatt’s creation other than that it was not worth her time and too proud to partake in criticism.

“Sure thing, let me discuss with Wyatt about our temporary arrangement but if he doesn’t agree I cannot help you much in regards to the local address to register your shop.” Susan did promise to allow Corey to temporarily make use of the warehouse but it all depended upon Wyatt. Since he was her boss.

“But big sis you promised earlier” Corey recalled cutely.

“I did but this warehouse is Wyatt’s as much as it is mine so you need his permission to make use of the warehouse even if it is temporary.” Susan did not budge even after seeing Corey’s cute face.

“Need my permission for what?” I was standing right in front of them and they talked as if I couldn’t hear them. From the sound of it, Corey needed my permission to use the warehouse for something.

“Ah, Sorry Wyatt! Corey quit her job today to set up her card studio. And she temporarily wants to use our warehouse until she finds a suitable office s.p.a.ce. I agreed to her request but if you are not comfortable with it she can make other arrangements. ” Explained Susan.

“Everyone wants to be a card creationist these days” Ronnie commented as retaliation for Corey’s criticism earlier.

“Nope, not happening I barely have customers, with her here they will choose a Bright over me any day” Was I afraid Corey was a better card creationist than me, h.e.l.l no! But her family name had a lot of weight to it in Sky Blossom city similar to an international brand back on earth. Any citizen of Sky blossom city would choose the Brights over the n.o.body any day.

“What! How can you say that? Are you afraid of healthy compet.i.tion?” Taunted Corey.

“Yes, I am. Compet.i.tors are bad for businesses! Not to mention with the guild a.s.sociation mall right next door I had enough of compet.i.tion.” If not for my luck maxing out to search and bringing me rich customers I would be broke ma.s.s-producing low-rank armour cards for auction.

“Are you going to let him just decide everything like that?” Corey turned to Susan for help.

“Corey I am sorry my hands are tied in this matter” Susan replied, she felt that her boss made some valid points.

“Fine! Dalton Wyatt, I challenge you to a Card Fight. Winner gets to keep the warehouse.” Now Corey was being unreasonable, even Susan felt that way.

“Are you dumb why would I gamble with such unfair stakes. I already have the warehouse. Now that reminds me, what happened to the 100 storage cards that Suan tasked you to sell.” I could defeat Corey without summoning a grimoire in a Card fight but I did not accept her challenge as a gentleman does not bully the weak and also if William learns that I crushed his beloved granddaughter in a card fight he will come searching for me.

Thankfully this reminded me that It’s been a while since Susan handed those cards to Corey but till now I haven’t heard an update on the sales of those cards from Corey yet.

“You! Here take this soul jade it should be more than enough to cover the 100 storage cards.” Said Corey as she handed me a soul jade. I could feel a lot of anger in Corey directed towards me as I took the soul jade.

“Ronnie help Susan shift all the ingredients of E-rank armour cards for the auction to the Card Lab. I am heading to the school to sign up for the school tournament tomorrow.” I planned on creating all the E-rank armour cards for the auction today but I had to postpone that since I have to go to the school to sign the Liability Waiver.

“Wyatt, by any chance are you talking about Lion Cubs High?” Asked Corey Curiously.

“Yes, I am. Why?” I couldn’t help but feel that Corey’s words had other intentions.

“I am also a student of Lion Cubs High but I rarely attend the school since there is barely anything left I could learn there. I signed the liability waiver today morning as my cla.s.s teacher came to get the signature when he heard I wanted to partic.i.p.ate in the tournament. You must have met my cousins. They formed a school gang called ‘The Bright Lions’.” Flaunted Corey.

“Yes, I did” Answering Corey I summoned my Nanomorpher hoverbike and left. Leaving Corey dissatisfied.

“Sweet pea, how can this uncle help you” Oliver Bright answered his grimoire as soon as he saw Corey’s name.

“Uncle I want the warehouse next to warehouse no.234. I do not care who is using it. I want it emptied in an hour and transformed into a card studio for my use. Also, get me the latest hoverbike in the market.” Corey skipped the small talks and directly relayed her demands to her uncle.
