Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 189: Ambush

Chapter 189: Ambush

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 12:20

Location- Sky Blossom City, Lion Cubs High

Handing in the signed liability waiver I left the’s office, having received my waiver Andrea did not care that I left hurriedly.

As I left the administrative building and headed to the school main gate, nearing the gate I was surrounded by a group of 8 – 12 students. I did not recognise them, I used my soul pupils to check their strengths. They all were in the card scholar realm. I recognised one figure in the crowd, it was Jason Saget. The bully, who got his nose broken by me during my previous visit to my cla.s.s. I was surprised to see him on the school premises and even more surprised to know that he ascended to the card scholar realm in a week.

“Jason, buddy, long time no see. I see in my absence your nose healed pretty nicely and you have ascended to the card scholar realm, congrats.” It was obvious these guys were here to get revenge on behalf of Jason.

“Wyatt, cut the bulls.h.i.t because of you I got suspended from the school but thanks to my elder’s influence I was able to attend the school once again and ascend to the card scholar realm” explained Jason, he seemed proud when he mentioned his older brother. And for some reason, he blamed me for his suspension.

“And who are these schoolmates, are you guys supposed to be a gang like the Bright Lions?” I was curious if there were other gangs in the school besides the Bright Lions.

“What s.h.i.t are you spewing? There is no other gang in the Lion Cubs High other than the Bright Lions can’t you see the lion head badge on our uniform. We are all part of Bright Lions third squadron, the Super Lions.” Yelled a tall dude, his appearance did not suit that of a high school student instead a middle-aged uncle who fathered a dozen kids back home. He seemed to be leading this group of students.

“Super Lions… How are you guys all in the card scholar realm?” I almost burst out laughing listening to them call themselves Super Lions.

“As part of Bright Lions, we were all given a free membership to the Bright Martial Gym. And limited access to the gym’s active soul control cultivation chamber, why the fuq am I explaining this to you? Boys fuq him up.”

No wonder there are no rival gangs to Bright Lions in Lion Cubs High, they give lots of freebies to their members which even an established adventurer guild would not provide to its members. The Bright Lions are literally throwing soul jades to wipe out any compet.i.tion.

Active soul control cultivation chambers are a bunch of rooms connected by an amplifier array that is powered by soul jades. The array amplifies and distributes the soul energy from the soul jade into the chambers connected to it evenly or as specified in its control panel. The card apprentice uses the soul energy in the chamber to cultivate their active soul control.

Listening to their leader’s command the students summoned their grimoire and unleashed a total of 11 fireb.a.l.l.s at me. Aren’t these guys worried about these fireb.a.l.l.s killing me? No, the way they cautiously laid in ambush for me and chose to fight a ranged battle rather than a close one they seem to have heard about my victory over their gang previously.

Not surprising but what surprised me was that the Bright Lions gang has also armed their members with some basic attack cards. This is the first time I have seen a gang blatantly spend money to recruit members. Aren’t they worried about the loyalty of their members?

Having heard the reason behind their high realms I also did not want to waste time on them anymore. I did not even bother to summon my grimoire to dodge the fireb.a.l.l.s or deal with these guys, utilising the strength, defence and speed of my mutated soul energy, viltronian physique and card soldier realm to the fullest. I faced nearly a dozen fireb.a.l.l.s head-on. Thanks to the 4 times refined mutated soul energy covering my body, I and my clothes were scorch-free even after taking 11 fire falls head-on.

“Monster! Run” Seeing me face their collective attacks head-on without summoning my grimoire and the 11 fireb.a.l.l.s barely do any damage to me or my clothes the expression on my ambushers changed. They were frightened so much that they all fled in different directions. Yes! They fled. Activating the A-rank Southern Watch Combat Arts card I chased every single one of them, my fingers dug into their leg muscles and tore them enough to render them unable to use their legs for a while.

Those to be attacked by me first shouted in pain as they experienced their leg muscles being torn apart. Feeling their partially unresponsive legs they started to yell,

“My legs! My legs! I can’t move them, they are not responding!”

“You monster, what have you done to me!”

“I am sorry! It was all Jason and Bert’s plan we had to follow Bert’s command.”

“I am sorry! Wyatt, I beg you… give me my legs back.”

The shouts of pain and crying increased as the number of my victims increased. Once all of my ambushers were down I yelled, “Listen up you p.u.s.s.ies, crawl and huddle up in front in a minute or I will kill all of you claiming self-defence.”

The threat worked like a charm and all of them crawled to huddled up in front of me in a minute. Interestingly none of them tried to threaten or negotiate with me using their gang or gang leaders name this time around. Seeing their expressions I realised they seem to have given up on struggling because they thought that I had paralysed their legs permanently. while crawling over to me they must have experienced how no matter what they did their legs did not seem to respond instead they felt constant pain of their sore and torn muscles. Which in fact was an indication that the paralysis was temporary but they were too scared to realise that.

Seeing their blank expression I could not bring myself to punish them so I decided to give them hope, “I have torn your leg muscles hence the pain when you try to move your legs leading to temporary paralysis, with a few days of proper rest you guys will be back to normal again.”

Hearing my explanation the blank expression on their face turned into a joyous one, they looked at me as if I was their saviour, forgetting the fact that I was the one who tore their leg muscles in the first place.
