Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2149  Partnerships

Chapter 2149  Partnerships

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 23:17

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Residential Area

Seeing Wyatt not answer her questions, Asong frowned and reminded him, "Wyatt, we discussed this before. We don"t hide anything from each other. If I know something you need to know, I will share it with you, and I expect the same from you."

Asong believed that, with everything that had transpired between her and Wyatt, they didn"t need to play games and should be straightforward with each other. However, her having to remind him of this made her think that maybe their partnership meant more to her than it did to Wyatt. This thought left her a little disappointed.

However, Asong"s worry was unwarranted. Their partnership was equally important to Wyatt; he simply did not want to risk his plan by telling Asong what was actually happening in the central region. Even if he only told her a part of the truth—that the masters were behind the undead army—she could inadvertently cause a lot of damage.

Asong might seem like a small-time politician, but Wyatt, who had seen future visions from Clown Mask"s memories, knew that her death would trigger a series of events leading to the demise of the three mischiefs who had taken the Card world from the masters, the four royal families, and the demiG.o.d worshipers. She had many serious and solid connections that would go to any lengths for her or just in her name.

Therefore, Wyatt worried that Asong knowing the truth, even a part of it, would only hinder his plans. He intended to use the three mischiefs to take out the Masters and then use the Southern Princess to take out the three mischiefs. The appearance of Gideon Grim and the possibility of a second demon invasion were variables enough; he wanted to avoid adding more variables to the list if possible.

The Southern Princess had seen the future vision from Clown Mask"s memories just like Wyatt. He was certain that she was preparing to embrace that future with a twist: this time, the Southern Royal family would not be erased but would instead erase the three mischiefs. If she was anything like Wyatt, she would use this situation to her maximum benefit, and she stood to gain the most if the Southern Royal family emerged as the heroes of the coming new world.

As for Wyatt, he had no plans of playing the hero or the king. His primary concern was to ensure his dynasty"s safety and prosperity as he prepared to venture into the myriad realms. This mission meant that, even at the risk of worsening his relationship with Asong, Wyatt had to keep a tight lip about his true intentions and the knowledge he possessed. The act of saving Asong"s life was already a significant variable in his carefully crafted plan.

Wyatt knew that every piece of information shared or withheld could shift the delicate balance he was trying to maintain. The Southern Princess"s ambitions were another factor he had to consider. Her desire to position the Southern Royal family as saviors and take over the Card world added another layer of complexity to the already complicated plan.

Despite the tension it caused, Wyatt believed that keeping certain truths from Asong was necessary. He hoped that she would eventually understand his reasons and see that his intentions were aimed at the greater good of their shared goals. "Asong, if my guess is right, you used your emergency teleportation cards to leave the central capital and hide in your secret hideouts around the globe, but the undead managed to find you every d.a.m.n time. That"s why you had to run desperately to my city to save your lives. You must be hoping that the Southern Watch protecting me would save your Fortunately for you, you were lucky enough to meet two of the greatest card apprentices the Southern Region has to offer to help you—"

"What"s your point, Wyatt?" Asong interrupted him midway, clearly impatient with his lengthy speech. She wanted him to get to the point.

"My point, Asong, is that there aren"t many places in this world left for you to feel safe anymore. Don"t make the Southern Region one of them. I have no problem giving you the answers you seek, but many powerful people"s interests are tied to it," Wyatt paused dramatically before continuing, "I really hope I got through to you this time because if you poke your nose where it doesn"t belong again, I might not be able to help you."

Wyatt chose his words carefully, attempting to warn Asong without harming their partnership too much. He knew that their relationship was likely to take a hit, but he was doing what anyone would do in an inevitable situation—damage control.

He understood the gravity of the situation. The truth Asong was trying to uncover was dangerous, and her actions could have far-reaching consequences. He respected her drive and determination, but he also knew that she needed to understand the risks involved. Wyatt"s own plans hinged on a delicate balance of alliances and secrecy, and he couldn"t afford any missteps.

Asong"s frustration was evident, but Wyatt hoped that she would grasp the seriousness of his words. Karl and the masters would not sit by if Asong planned to continue down this path. Even the Southern Princess would not hesitate to do the same if such a situation arises because Anna"s mother would not risk the survival of her family and lose the opportunity of once-in-a-lifetime, to screw everyone over and take over everything. He valued their partnership and didn"t want it to be ruined by misunderstandings or reckless actions. By being upfront, even if it meant being blunt, he aimed to protect both their interests and ensure they could continue working together towards their common goals.

In the end, Wyatt knew that trust was a fragile thing. He hoped that despite the tension, Asong would see that his intentions were to keep her safe and protect their shared mission. Only time would tell if his words had the desired effect, but for now, he could only hope that Asong would heed his warning and proceed with caution.

Asong stared at Wyatt long and hard, this time not daring to underestimate his warning. However, she couldn"t help but say, "Looks like my gut was right. This is way bigger than a few corrupt and power-hungry people. I can"t think of a reason or explanation as to why and how the Southern Royal family is connected to the horror hidden right under the central capital, but it seems I will soon have to make new living arrangements."

Listening to Asong say she planned to make new living arrangements, Wyatt knew it was her way of saying she wouldn"t stop until she knew the whole truth and put an end to it. Therefore, he couldn"t help but say, "I might sound like a jerk, but I think I have to say it on this occasion. Sometimes, something good comes out of something bad. What will happen might not be the worst that could happen or even maybe the change the world needs. This might be one of those situations."

Wyatt felt ashamed to say these words, but knowing that the current rulers, the Masters, didn"t care about the people and only pursued their own interests strengthened his resolve. There was a reason why the four royal families never allied against the Masters; these rulers were strong and had many versatile means. Wyatt knew someday he would be strong enough to overthrow them, but time wouldn"t wait for him, so he had to deal with it as it came.

Knowing what the future had in store, Wyatt understood that a civil war in the card world was inevitable. He would rather get it over with before the second demon invasion began than have it occur during the invasion. This way, the world wouldn"t get destroyed, and its people wouldn"t be traded across the myriad realms as slaves and livestock by the dark races.

"Wyatt, if you are willing to take an oath to look all those people who are and will be affected by this in the eyes and tell them the same, I will take an oath to stop looking into this matter right now," Asong proposed, her voice shaking with rage. The fact that Wyatt could speak such words made her reconsider their partnership and relationship. She couldn"t help but wonder how she had come to trust someone capable of saying such things.

Her anger and disillusionment were palpable. Wyatt"s words had not only offended her but also made her question his character and the foundation of their alliance. The idea that he could so casually speak of potential catastrophe as a necessary evil unsettled her deeply. Asong"s mind raced as she weighed her options, realizing that her trust in Wyatt might have been misplaced. The path forward was uncertain, but she knew one thing: she couldn"t ignore the warning signs any longer.