Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 305: Conspiracy

Chapter 305: Conspiracy

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 14:52

Location- Sky Blossom City, Whiteburn Manor, Whiteburn Family Conference hall

“Luke, I hope I was able to answer all your questions.” Jack’s eyes were so cold as he glared at Luke, the elders that noticed this thought Jack was planning on killing Luke.

To these elders who were oppressed under Jack’s absolute tyranny, Luke who despite all the embarra.s.sment and intimidation stood tall to question Jack appeared as a saviour and a better option than Jack the current family head.

“Yes, family head your answers were clear but my questions are not done there. I want to ask you,

Why did the DemiG.o.d family attack us out of all the families in the sky blossom city? We are the Whiteburn’s strongest and the richest family in the city, how could they possibly be courageous enough to attack our family in our territory.” Like asked the question that was bugging most of the elders. These elders are busy with their Active soul control cultivation or out on family business. Most of them do not know what transpired recently to provoke the religious nuts into attacking them. So, this question was bugging most of the elders.

“I do not know… I heard our family was not the only target they attacked the card stadium too. Maybe their acts were just acts of terror. And they chose our family because of Paul’s involvement. If they want to terrorize the city then what better than attacking the strongest and richest family in the city. With the help of Paul and his information, our family may have seemed easy as a target.” Jack lied without batting an eye.

“*clap* *clap*… Family head I will let this slide as a fellow father. Hey, which father doesn’t lie to protect his only son. But do not forget the oath you took before becoming the family head, family before anything and anyone.

According to my information, the demiG.o.d worshipers attacked our family and the stadium because of your son, Pax G.o.dson. The demiG.o.d worshipers believe that your son is the last descendant of the demiG.o.d Michael Angelo G.o.dson. Is it true?” Luke everything all along and he purposefully asked his questions to trap Jack.

“No, Pax is not the last descendant of any demiG.o.d. His mother was a low-level adventurer who I met during my adventuring days. Have you ever heard of a demiG.o.d descendant picking up a dollar bill more efficiently than a stripper?

The demiG.o.d worshipers have misunderstood my son as their lord’s last descendant because of his golem origin card which is shaped in demiG.o.d Michael Angelo G.o.dson’s image. That is all this is a big misunderstanding.

Do you have any more questions? If not, this family conference will end here. I still have to take care of a lot of things.” Jack was p.i.s.sed that Luke brought his son into this despite knowing that his son is at the centre of this and he can not hide him forever.

“Family head, I know you are busy but we still have to decide how to treat the people involved and not mention the compensation to the 7 branch family members that sacrificed themselves for the family” by people involved Like clearly meant, Pax G.o.dson. But he could not be obvious because Luke knew that pushing Jack too would not favour him. So turned to another issue that would help him gain points with branch family elders.

“What about the 7 beach family members? They did their job, why do we need to compensate them?” From the start, Jack acted as if the people from the branch family were expendable.

“Family head your quick response of declaring martial law was indeed helpful in averting the ambush of the demiG.o.d worshippers but we cannot forget that those 7 people were also key in repelling the enemy. Even though we cannot reward their bravery and contribution to those 7 people, the least we can do is compensate their household. What do you think of this family head?” The branch family elders looked at Luke with grateful eyes, the branch family did not dare to complain about discrimination in front of Jack who even oppressed the main family.

“Fine, 7th elder please see to it that all 7 people’s households are compensated appropriately. Everyone dismiss… Elder Like please stay behind. I have things to discuss with you.” Dismissing everyone else Jack asked Luke to stay behind. Elders knew what Jack was up to but they did not dare to voice against Jack and could only shake their heads in disappointment with themselves.

“I never thought a day would come that we both would work together, you know I did try to have your eldest daughter and then your son through a death match.” Luke did not understand Jack, how could this man be so cold-hearted that for the family he is willing to sacrifice his children.

“Anything for the family, right. Anyway, I stand to gain more by making you my puppet than killing you. So, did you make contact with Paul? How is it going on his side? ” Jack did not hide his intentions from Luke.

“I did. The plan was a success. Everything went according to your calculation. They trust Paul as one of them. Having Paul help demiG.o.d worshippers attack our manor to become one of them and then having Paul rescue the fleeing demiG.o.d worshippers to gain their trust. Only you could think of such a devious plan.” Luke reminisced how Jake approached him with Paul yesterday night. And offered to make him the next family head in exchange for his cooperation.

“But that is not enough for Paul to get into the inner sanctum of the church and get his hands on the demiG.o.d Michael Angelo’s broken runes. There is still a lot of work we have to do. Make sure that body doesn’t screw everything up in the middle. ” Jack pardoned Paul for his crimes and helped him infiltrate the empire because he had bigger plans like eyeing the broken rune of the demiG.o.d.

“Don’t worry Paul is somebody I choose. That kid is more devious than you think. The important thing is how eager he is to prove his loyalty and himself to the family. As long as we look after his parents he will do what we ask of.” Luke a.s.sured Jack that he could trust Paul and he can control Paul fine using his attachment to his parents.

“And You make sure to maintain the reputation I helped you build today. Especially focus on gaining the trust of the branch family. if you gain their trust. n.o.body can stop you from taking the family leader position when I step down.” Jack advised Luke on how to become the next family head when he steps down.
