Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 315: Vale Lord’s Wrath

Chapter 315: Vale Lord’s Wrath

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 15:28

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, Arena no.2

Though I narrowly escaped the magma b.a.l.l.s I would still be caught in their explosion range. Thankfully, due to the Super Viltronian skill of Gigamite taboo physique, my skin was 4 times thicker than that of an average viltronian. And I also had the floating arms cover for me.

Corey’s tail was still pierced into the arena floor and the magma field was spreading, conquering most of the area on the floor of the arena I would escape to.

Being bombarded by magma b.a.l.l.s and the spreading magma field kept me on my toes as Corey laughed as I danced to her tune. Right now I felt like I was at Corey’s mercy. Corey could always increase the size of magma b.a.l.l.s she is throwing so that the explosion on impact was strong enough to do some serious damage to me. But she didn’t. I could see that she was enjoying seeing me dance like a monkey with her every round of explosion.

I was not without moves I could easily constrain Corey with my ‘I Spy’ ability but I was doubtful whether the floating hands could constrain Corey’s scathing hot tail. If the floating hands cannot constrain the tail then the whole arena would turn into a magma field. It’s not the magma I am afraid of but what Corey can do with the magma. Seeing how the magma b.a.l.l.s she threw would explode on Impact. I guess she can turn magma into explosives. With the whole arena converted to magma, she could easily blow me to kingdom come.

With Corey already on alert for my ability ‘I Spy’ I had one chance and had to make sure I could completely contain her including her tail. Therefore I was going along with her charade. Finally deciding to risk it I planned to constrain Corey’s tail with two pairs of floating arms while constraining her with one pair of floating arms.

“I Spy” activating the ability all three of the floating heads on the right-left and back of my head teleported and appeared behind Corey’s head. Just like I had already instructed them, the floating heads creepily greeted Corey from behind prompting her to move and shoo them off but she could not as she was restrained by a pair of floating arms. Not just her arms but she felt a tug on her crocodile tail.

Corey turned to see that she was not the only one to be constrained by floating hands but her tail was also being constrained by two pairs of floating arms. The floating arms seemed to be trying to remove her tail from within the arena floor.

Seeing this Corey sneered. Though her movement may be constrained by a pair of floating arms it was a different story for her tail. With a mischievous thought, Corey increased the temperature in her tail to the extreme.

With increasing heat in the tail the floating arms constraining it started to burn and give off a burnt bbq smell. Thankfully these floating heads and arms are controlled by my slave consciousness with a.s.sistance from Hive AI. So I did not feel the pain.

I had already antic.i.p.ated this and had thought of a contingency. That is to heal after than it burns using my Calamity soul gem ability ‘restructure’ with this I could restructure the burnt part faster than they were burnt completely.

Applying enough force the two pairs of floating arms were finally able to pull Corey’s tail out of the arena floor and stop the spreading of the magma field. Seeing this the sneer on Corey’s face washed away. Seeing that things weren’t heading the way she hoped for Corey finally started to struggle and tried her best to increase the temperature exerted by the tail to the pinnacle she could achieve.

It was not that the temperature of Corey’s tail wasn’t enough, it was and was successful in burning the floating arms but the thing was that floating arms did not appear to feel pain and we’re able to heal faster than Corey could burn them. Corey was thinking of other things she could do without utilizing the skill cards in the grimoire.

But it was already too late for that as the floating arms started to lift the constrained Corey into the air. And then the floating hands levitated the constrained Corey to the edge of the arena. Corey who was trying to act calmly while struggling to free herself finally showed a desperate look. Befitting her current situation.

I wanted to get back at Corey for making me dance to her exploding magma ball but then I realised I had something better that is to win this battle and others yet to come. So I instructed the floating arms and heads to ditch Corey outside bound and disqualify her out of the tournament.

Seeing that she will be soon thrown out of the arena bounds and lose the semi-finals, already desperate Corey was under turmoil. Being forced to this point Corey had no charge but rely on cards and she did,

“Vale sword arts – Vale Lord’s wrath: Tornado.”

A tornado generated from within Corey and spread to outside. Cutting the floating heads and floating arms constraining her. In the process of freeing Corey. After being cut to pieces by her outburst the floating head and floating arms returned to floating at the back of the original head and arms.

“Haha, I won the second round. And it seems my physique is better than yours.” I gloated, finally gaining a win against Corey in her battle.

“Yes, you win the second round. But do not celebrate the victory too early. The war hasn’t ended yet.” Corey warned me from gloating at her.

“Whatever, now the score is 1:1 between us. Not only will I win the next battle but also win the duel. When the time comes Corey don’t forget about your bet.”
