Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 332: Misleading

Chapter 332: Misleading

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 16:28

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, Arena no.2

“Susan again. Ms. Park you too. Don’t tell me you also think she is your mother. I thought Corey was not strong enough to summon you.” Considering how Corey has memories of a past life I have an itchy feeling that all this ‘Susan’ ‘Corey’ ‘Mother’ fiasco is related to it. But how does Corey Park fit in all this? This girl is more messed up than I thought. Anyhow, the involvement of Corey Park is not a good turn of events for me.

“Yes, Corey cannot summon me physically but I can possess her when she is unconscious. Wyatt, I hope you surrender because I do not know to pull my punches” flames started to slowly spread on Corey’s body. It seems she is preparing to act based on my next answer.

“Sorry, Ms. Park Susan is an important person to me too. I won’t surrender her even if my bones are beaten to dust.” With Corey, I sensed a childish rivalry but in Ms. Park I sensed resolve. It was as if she was not here to fight me but just to bring Susan to her side. As if the duel had already concluded in her favor.

“I see, are you trying to court my mo… Susan as mentioned by Corey. If yes then you have to prove yourself worthy of her to me through this duel.” I thought Corey was messed up. This elemental chick is also bat s.h.i.t crazy. What do you mean by ‘Courting’ ‘Prove Myself’ ‘Worthy’? How much did that origin card of Corey’s mess up the two of you?

“No, it’s not like that… don’t listen to Corey. Susan is my… well it’s complicated” I was not comfortable explaining myself to a demonic fire about my relationship with Susan. So I just said the first words that came to my mind but these words sounded misleading when I said them out loud.

“It seems we have reached an Words no longer enough let our fists do the talking. Where I come from the heaviest fist gets to choose first.” I do not know what Ms. Park understood from my words but it seems she was more determined to defeat me now. As I saw the flames that were covering her body grow.

“Where I come from the biggest minds get to choose first. But yours is also good, it’s easier.” From the moment Corey Park possessed Corey I had opened my Soul Pupils to observe her every move out of caution and to know how she was able to do that. And the results of my caution and curiosity were rewarding as I gained new knowledge about how to use rules and runes from her.

“Flame On!” saying this phrase floating Corey’s body literally rocketed to the sky as the flames covered her lower half the torso section and formed a flaming tornado tail to carry Corey to the sky.

It wasn’t just Corey’s torso that turned into a flaming tornado tail but the upper half of Corey’s body was also covered in flames and morphed into a huge flame body. Right now Corey looks like a Red Female Genie. Except her entire new body is made up of a Fire elemental rule with the original body as a Core. The upper torso of Corey made up to 5 meters in height while the flaming Tornado tail was on the arena floor supported the upper torso to maneuver as it willed in the air.

Thanks to the stretching and inflating flaming tornado tail Corey could fly 100 meters high and also hover 5 meters near the ground level. Other notable features of this fire genie form were that the upper body was in female humanoid shape covered in dense smoke armor. And the head of the genie had the same facial features as Ms. Park with her signature pair of ram horns.

“Organ Armament – Horn helmet” with Ms. Park’s command of the horns on her head turned into a helmet with a relatively small pair of horns. Soon I noticed that the Tail Sword RedTail also grew to fit the 5-meter upper torso body of Ms. Park and was equipped in her right hand.

“Mr. Wyatt what is the big brain of yours telling you right now are you ready to give up or should I make you.” The Genie from Corey asked. She seems to have been offended by my biggest brain comment from earlier.

“Haha… Ms. Park, you have opened my eyes.” With my Soul pupil, I saw what Corey Park actually did and deduced how she made use of her Demonic fire rune and rule to her advantage and turn into a perfect battle G.o.d.

“Haha! This is not a big deal. If not for the tournament rules constraining me I would show you my true battle G.o.d form but for now, this should be enough.” Ms. Park boasted about her new form. Come to think of it, this form of Corey does not violate the minimum aerial height rule of the tournament. As the area of the arena had increased there was a relaxation on the giant summons rule. But the aerial rule of 100 meters height remained. To balance the tournament.

“How about I show you what the big brain of mine is saying? Condense!” Saying that I executed what I had explored from Corey’s new form.

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 16:30

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, Arena no.2, 3km in the sky

“Are they for real, first that boy now Corey? How can she have such strong control over her rule and rune? It’s as if she has been practicing the rules from her mother’s womb. It took me 5 years to get such control over my rule that is after I spent years comprehending the rule. These two are monsters. Real monsters.” Luna exclaimed seeing Corey transform. She was shocked and dumbfounded this did not make sense. The two monsters below changed the definition of genius in her dictionary.
