Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 361: Surrender

Chapter 361: Surrender

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 18:05

Location- Sky Blossom City, d.a.m.ned Raining Arena.

[Winner Ally, initiating ring cleaning process. Please be on standby…]

“You guys regret not choosing the first option, right. Who’s next? Come up, don’t be shy. As long as you behave and answer honestly to my question, I will give you guys a painless death.” Wiping the bloodstains off her face, Anna addressed the hostile card emperors. While the broken bones ridden corpse of the dead card emperor, his blood and other gore disintegrated to ash and dissipated from the ring.

[Ring cleaned. Hostiles, please choose the next challenger…]

“…” After witnessing Anna brutally crush each and every bone in her opponent’s body to powder, the hostile card emperors had turned speechless. Seeing Anna’s small build, these card emperors underestimated her physical powers, but to their surprise, despite her pet.i.te build, Anna’s body was packing herculean strength.

“You have lots of muscle on you. Go put them to good use.” Witty one among the card emperors pointed at a bulky card emperor and suggested to his colleague.

“Make me you wimp” the bulky Card emperor glared at the Witty Card emperor.

“How dare you talk to me like that” The Witty card emperor pointed his figure at the bulky card emperor and yelled at him.

“b.i.t.c.h, this the d.a.m.ned arena here all soul powers are equally useless. Let me help you understand with an example.” The bulky Card emperor picked up the Wimpy Card emperor like a sack of potatoes,

“You mongrel, unhand me… ” being carried like a sack of potatoes, the witty card emperor felt humiliated and tried to struggle, but his physical prowess was very weak.

Outside the d.a.m.ned arena, both the Bulky and Wimpy Card emperors were domestic card apprentices. Still, the Wimpy one, because of his strong background, had access to many strong broken runes and precious resources, making him more potent than the Bulky one and other domestic card emperors. Therefore he is used to looking down and bullying other domestic card emperors.

“In your next life, better learn your place.” Finally getting his chance to get even the bulky card emperor carried the wimpy card emperor to the ring and threw him into the ring.

“No, I don’t want to fight that b.i.t.c.h.” Being thrown into the ring, the wimp tried to jump out of the ring, but he vanished and reappeared in the ring.

“What! No! Let me out… I surrender, I surrender” being greeted by smiling Anna and her heavy sword again, the wimp freaked out and yelled in surrender.

[Hostile challenger surrendered initiating ring cleaning process. Please be on standby…]

[Ring is Cleaned. Hostiles, please choose the next challenger…]. After the announcement from the voice, the wimpy Card emperor disintegrated to ash and dissipated.

*Gasp* Seeing a card emperor disintegrate into ash, the atmosphere in the arena became heavier, and all the card emperors gasped in shock, witnessing the strength possessed by the voice. Finally, the group of card emperors realized that they were trapped in an invincible cage with a beast.

“I don’t want to be next… let me out!” One of the scared Card emperors yelled in hysteria and ran towards the edge of the arena.

“…” Each one of them was a mighty Card Emperor. Any organization would bend over backward to welcome them to their organization. Still, here, they were nothing but ordinary mortals waiting to be tortured and slaughtered by Anna and her d.a.m.ned card.

All the hostile Card emperors eyed each other and distanced themselves from the crowd showing that no one was willing to be the next one to climb the ring and face the man slaughterer Anna.

[Hostiles, please choose the next challenger…]

“Guys, don’t be p.u.s.s.ies and climb the ring. Your death is inevitable. You might as well die with honor.” Seeing none of the hostiles willing to climb the ring, Anna tried taunting them.

“Your highness, I am sorry to rain on your fun but aren’t you a little bit worried about your friends outside. And how they are faring against our other colleagues. If my estimate is correct, my friends should have killed that boy by now.” The clever card emperor from earlier who previously pointed out Anna’s card info suddenly addressed Anna and alerted her about the dangers outside the d.a.m.ned arena.

“Don’t worry, I trust my friends. They are more than capable of solving any problem thrown their way. I don’t know your intentions by speaking these words, but you have managed to increase my interest in you.” Anna did indeed trust Luna and Lorenzo to protect Wyatt at all costs. As for the other two t.i.tled card emperors from the Duskborn family, Anna was not sure about them, but since they could earn a t.i.tle, she believed they could be a meat shield.

“Your highness, my intentions are as clear as the milk. I am just reminding you that the longer you waste your time here, the more dangerous it’s for the boy. One of my colleagues outside has a powerful stealth ability that can fool a card demiG.o.d. No matter how much you trust your friends, there is no way they can achieve something out of their capabilities. So, why don’t you deactivate your field card and go help your friend instead of wasting your time with us lowly beings.” The clever card emperor did not know about Flower Thief and his origin card.

He was bluffing because he knew there are only two ways out of the d.a.m.ned arena one is to kill your opponent, and the other way is to have the southern emperor cancel her field card. The second option came with dire consequences, but the clever card emperor believed if Anna cared enough about her friends and the boy, she would not hesitate to pay the price and cancel the field card.

“Hahaha, you may think you are smart, but you only managed to aggravate me. I trust my friends to handle the things outside. And as for here, I promise your death will be more painful than you can imagine.” Anna did not fall for the clever card emperor’s bluff not because she knew he was bluffing but because she trusted Lorenzo and Luna to handle the situation outside.

[Hostiles failed to choose the next challenger…]

[ Ally, please choose your next opponent among the hostile…]

‘…’ Hearing the announcement, the face of the clever card emperor paled in fright. Not just him, all the other Card emperors trembled in terror. In contrast, Anna glanced at the clever card emperor and sneered.

“I chose that smart mouth.” Anna was a person of her words, and since she gave her word that she would give the most painful death to the clever card emperor, she will keep her promise.

[Challenger selected…] soon, the clever card emperor was teleported from the crowd of card emperors to the ring. The voice displayed high intelligence. It did not require a detailed answer, but it seemed to understand Anna’s intent. And respond appropriately.

“h.e.l.lo, You seem to have something to say to me. So I called you over as your voice was not audible enough from over there. Can you repeat yourself?” Anna lifted her heavy sword and placed it on her shoulder as she greeted her next opponent with a wild grin.

“Your highness, forgive my rudeness earlier. I am willing to cooperate with you and answer all your questions if you promise to let me live.” Clever Card emperor thought he was the smartest in the room and knew that in front of absolute strength, his smartness was of no use but to help him beg for his life, which he was doing right now.

“What makes you think that you can talk terms with me? I have 21 others in the same condition as you. I bet they all will be more than willing to cooperate with my interrogation for their life.” Two things were stopping Anna from listening to the Clever card emperor. First, she gave her word to give him a painful death, and she can not go back on her words. Secondly, she was not willing to pay the price required to cancel the d.a.m.ned arena.

“Your highness, you seem to be mistaking quality over quant.i.ty. Those card emperors may be more in number, but the information they can give you will not be as worthwhile as mine. Please trust me, I can give you more detailed and accurate information on why I know your field card info and the person behind this attempt.” Seeing that Anna did indeed have a point, why should she talk terms with him when 21 others are willing to talk for less? The clever card emperor gave a sales pitch to Anna.

“That’s a bit far-fetched. I only see risk in your pitch. And no benefit.” Anna also believed clever card emperors seemed to be more knowledgeable than other card emperors. But the price of canceling the field card midway stopped her from making any rash and reckless decision.

“I understand, your highness. Therefore I am willing to tell you everything depending on that; please decide whether to spare my life.”
