Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 395: Recognition

Chapter 395: Recognition

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 10:22

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Gra.s.sland

“Memirconium is an artificially created ore that can amplify and dedicate the rule power feed to it.” Luna explained the newly created ore to Anna.

“If it is artificially created, why is it called an ore? Shouldn’t it be called an alloy or something?” Anna was not good with books, but she knew the definition of ore.

“You are right. Naturally occurring minerals are mainly termed as ore. If you knew the manufacturing process of Memirconium, you would agree why they termed it as an ore instead of an alloy. Please do not ask me about the manufacturing process of the Memicronium ore.” Luna was surprised to see Anna point out the definition of ore.

“Why? Do you not know the manufacturing process of the Memicronium ore?” Hearing Luna, who loves to lecture on facts and things people do not give a d.a.m.n about, says not to ask her about the manufacturing process of the Memicronium ore. Anna found a way to get even with Luna for making her feel like a fool earlier.

“I said not to ask because the theory behind it is too complicated for your small brain to understand.” Seeing Anna not let it go, Luna decided to crank it up a notch.

“…” Seeing the fuming Anna, Luna remembered why she had stopped taunting and hurriedly hid behind her grandfather and yelled, “Now don’t blame me. You were the one who was being petty, Anna.”

“Old man, move out of the way if you do not want to feel my wrath.” Anna respected her elders. If it were someone else, that would be the case. But since it was the sc.u.mbag Lorenzo, who conspired against her to annul his beloved granddaughter’s arranged marriage, Anna did not mind breaking a few bones of this so-called elder.

“You are on your own.” Anna was powerful and vindictive. Ever since that incident, she has been finding reasons to trash him. And without the support from a prepared array trap, Lorenzo was not a match for Anna. Therefore Lorenzo did not hesitate to throw his granddaughter under the bus. After all, in the case of Luna, Anna will only embrace her a little, but if it is him, he can foresee a trip to the hospital.

“Grandpa… ” Luna exclaimed, feeling betrayed.

“Hehe” Anna neared Luna with a menacing laugh.

“Guys, how much longer will it take? If you could just tell me what it is you want, I can answer and provide a solution if needed….” Running out of topics to talk about with Cortney, the atmosphere in the primary cabin was starting to feel awkward. So I ejected from the Mecha to ask the Heatsend Trio what was taking so long.

Standing on the Lion’s head, I could clearly see Anna bending over Luna and whooping her b.u.t.t. While Lorenzo stood facing the Megamorpher, seemingly busy a.n.a.lyzing whatever it was they were looking for.

“…” My sudden appearance caught the cousins in surprise. Luna took the opportunity to free herself and hurriedly distanced herself from Anna. Then she yelled, “I will get you back for this”

“I will be waiting,” Anna sneered because she thought with the level of Luna’s prowess, she had nothing to worry about.

“Boy, you make one heck of a golem… I am sorry, Mecha. You seemed to have used a lot of mortal alchemy behind its design. Here’s the problem with mortal Alchemy: it’s too basic.” Having said that, Lorenzo extended his hand and struck his palm on the MegaMorpher.

*Bang* With the impact of Lorenzo’s palm, the whole MegaMorpher reverberate with vibrations covering its entire body with the point of impact as the point of origin of the oscillations. Soon the MegaMorpher jolted and turned into light and split into three mecha beasts, and the mecha beasts turned into specks of light and returned to their respective grimoire. Cortney, her mother, and I began to fall to the ground under the influence of gravity, with the vanishment of the Mecha carrying us. Thankfully the culprit, Lorenzo, was kind enough to use his ability to catch us mid-air and land us safely on the ground.

“Old man, what was that for?” Landing on the ground and feeling safe, I yelled at Lorenzo and asked him to explain himself. What prompted him to attack the MegaMorpher. Despite its humongous height, MegaMorpher is an A-rank Item, and thanks to the Earth Wind and Fire Formation, it could display the strength of card overlord at best. So attacking it with the power of a card emperor was a bit of overkill.

“I was just pointing out the flaw of your item card,” Lorenzo replied nonchalantly.

“You mean you attacked the mecha to show-off?” Hearing a carefree response from Lorenzo, I was enraged.

“For you, it may look like a show-off, but for someone of my age, all I see is a generous elder pointing out mistakes to his arrogant junior. Your card creation ability is creative. I have never seen a card creationist who used Mortal alchemy to create cards when you have better and excellent alternative card ingredients available.

Your Mecha could be a lot stronger if you relied less on mortal alchemy and deepened your knowledge about array cards. Combining the three beast mecha to form the giant Mecha using a formation carry is a good idea, but your understanding of the formation is too shallow. Therefore there are too many flaws in giant Mecha, and I did not even need to utilize my soul energy to defeat it.

If you use this mecha against any skilled array master, they can also see the flaw I saw. And do exactly what I did just now.” From the Power suit to Exoskeleton to Beast Mech to the MegaMorpher. Each one of them has succeeded in impressing and being acknowledged by Lorenzo. Which meant he recognized me as a capable card creationist worthy of this advice.
