Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 414: Mission: Extraction Part I

Chapter 414: Mission: Extraction Part I

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 5:39

Location- Way Beyond, Madame Web’s Unknown underground safe house.

“Madame Web, the Intel you gave us was wrong. There was another DemiG.o.d with reinforcements laying in wait. Just when we thought we would complete the mission, the female demiG.o.d and another elite force of Southern Watch attacked us from behind. We had no choice but to abandon the mission and flee.” A False DemiG.o.d with the appearance of a youngster reported the events that transpired during their mission to Sansa.

“Codename Shota, not only did you fail the mission. You are blaming your incompetence on me.” Sansa’s voice grew cold hearing her men forget the hierarchy and raise his voice at her.

“No, your highness. I was stating that we failed because of the bad intel. And almost got killed in the hands of the two Heatsend royal family demiG.o.ds. I had no other meaning behind my words.” Being a false demiG.o.d who answered to a mere card emperor was humiliating for Shota.

But Shota had no choice but to swallow his anger and embarra.s.sment because he had made a deal with the Devil. If not for that deal, he would have been stuck at card emperor realm till today. Yes, the reason he was able to become a half-step demiG.o.d is because of the help provided by Madam Web.

When he was in the Card emperor realm, Madame Web had already enslaved his memory and recruited him as a member of her club. He was one of the first generation members of the Madame Web club.

Shota believed that as his realm grew, with the increase in his strength, the grip of Sansa on his memory would weaken, but he was wrong. Because of this a.s.sumption, Shota gave up resisting and did everything he was asked of and had to gain enough merits for him to get resources enough to become a false demiG.o.d.

When Shota finally became a false demiG.o.d, it was too late for him to realize that his a.s.sumption was wrong. The influence of Madame Web on his memories had not weakened with him breaking through to the higher realm. Instead, her mark on his memories had undergone baptism with his breaking through and had become more vital than its previous self. Therefore despite gaining strength, Shota still lived a life of slavery. He was not the only one with such misery. The other false demiG.o.ds with him on this mission had the same predicament.

“I understand that you all have escaped death narrowly and are a little edgy. That is why you are still sane; otherwise, I would have turned you into a mindless vegetative corpse long ago.” Sansa was a leader who ruled with an iron fist and reminded every one of her slaves whenever she got an opportunity to. But his time, it was not. So, Sansa chose to show mercy to those who dared to question and point fingers at her. This time she let it slide as she had other plans in motion to take care of the current blunder.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generosity. This slave shall forever cherish this opportunity.” Shota thanked Sansa for not getting offended and not punishing them for failing the mission a.s.signed to them.

“How many of you guys survived?” Sansa asked this question to Shota deliberately. She knew how many of them had survived. With the death of her slaves, their mark in her origin card also disappears. Sansa knew how to count, so she knew precisely how many of them had made it out alive from the mission.

“28 False DemiG.o.ds and 78 Card emperors, your highness.” After the death of the original commander of this mission, Shota was the new commander. So all the members reported to him. This is how he reported to Madame web about the card apprentices captured and taken as prisoners by the Heatsend Royal family forces.

“Okay, have all of the surviving members reached the safe house?” Seeing Shota truthfully answer the number of surviving members. Sansa asked if all of them had made it safely back to the safe house.

“Yes, your highness, all the surviving members have made it to the safehouse. And do not worry, all of them had followed the protocol during the retreat and made sure that none of them were followed.” Shota reported honestly as he had no choice. Because Madame Web would verify the truth using her origin card by going through his memories.

” …” as Shota expected, Sansa used her origin card to go through Shota’s memories to check if he was telling the truth. After confirming that he told the truth. She replied with one syllable, “Good.”

“Madam Web, what are we supposed to do next? The Heatsend family dogs have received an order to Search and Eliminate all of us. They will find the safe house soon. What should I do?” Shota and the other members were all now trapped in the southern part of Way Beyond, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Heatsend Royal family, whom they had p.i.s.sed off by trying to ambush the Queen of the royal family. It was only a matter of time before the Royal family army would find them all.

“Do not worry. I have made arrangements. You, people, wait for the reinforcement. The reinforcement team has a card emperor with an origin card that has the ability to summon a unique nightmare beast. The nightmare beast’s mouth can open into a s.p.a.ce transfer door. With that, you guys can make it out from behind the enemy lines.” Sansa explained her plans to Shota and asked them to wait for the reinforcement patiently.

“There is such a magical beast? No wonder your highness is not worried. This takes a load of weight off of me. Thank you, your highness, for your infinite wisdom. If not for that, we all would be lost.” Shota did not spare any words to flatter Madame web.

“Just make sure that you guys do not get caught for another hour or so. I will call you when the reinforcement is near your location.” Saying that, Sansa hung up the call and contacted Gray Fur.

“h.e.l.lo, Madame.” Gray Fur hurriedly answered the call.
