Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 425: Memory Suppressed Spies

Chapter 425: Memory Suppressed Spies

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 14:18

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“You know you can’t do that, right?” seeing the crazed light in Anna’s eyes, Lorenzo checked if she still had a sense of reason.

“Why shouldn’t I? It would be fun to revisit my university friends after nearly 100 years. Let’s call it a reunion with revenge as the theme.” Anna’s thoughts no longer operated on ordinary sense.

“Doing that would only trigger the war between the two families earlier than it would? I don’t see where the fun is in that. We should be trying to stop the war between the two families, not start it even before it would.” Lorenzo yelled at Anna.

“Emperor Lorn, your highness, haven’t we already stopped the war between the two families by eliminating the ambush. Now, we have to accept the unexpected. The Matron I saw in my vision would not give up just because of a setback. This time around, you guys will not have my future vision to help you people.” Clown Mask corrected Lorenzo that they had already stopped the war between the Northern and Southern Royal families by blocking the ambush. And warned them that Sansa would not just stop at that.

“No matter how I see it. This Sansa Baylor is a remarkable and capable girl. To be able to put two Royal families against each other without them realizing the involvement of a third party.

Killing Sister-in-Law in ambush and stealing the forsaken treasure.

Then using the forsaken treasure to mislead the Heatsend Royal family into thinking that the Gainover b.a.s.t.a.r.d was behind the ambush on Sister-in-Law.

Seeing all this, I think Sansa was the one who made Gainover mysteriously disappear. Raging the ongoing war between the two royal families to the point of no return.

Once both the families are exhausted from the war, she steps in and claims both the north and south regions under her rule while chasing the two royal families out of their domains. Sophisticated yet straightforward plan.” Lorenzo narrated his thoughts.

“Congratulations, old man, for stating the obvious and complementing the enemy,” Anna said sarcastically. It seems she was p.i.s.sed at Lorenzo for raining on her plans of taking revenge on her bullies.

“…” Lorzeno avoided Anna, and for a good reason as he knew what happens next when Anna gets like this based on experience. She would rip him a new one no matter what he said until she was satisfied. So he chose to stay silent.

“Old man, your a.n.a.lysis of Sansa’s plans based on the current facts is correct, but you missed something. Her Origin card! With it, she doesn’t have to go to war. She can topple a country or organization from within. The other parties involved will not know what hit them.” Anna explained that all the credits of Sansa’s plan went to her origin card.

“This origin card of hers, what is it? For her to be able to a.s.semble and run an organization entirely exclusively to Card Emperors and False demiG.o.ds. Without anyone noticing it, right at the heart of the central region where most world leaders live. How overpowered is it?” Lorenzo was curious what kind of origin card could empower a person to run a colossal organization filled with Card emperors and demiG.o.ds from the shadows with n.o.body knowing its existence and with no rebellion from within.

“Old man, you do not know what her origin card is capable of, and you still dared to comment on her plans and methods. Aren’t you pretentious?” Anna’s mood was foul right now. And she did not need a reason to rip Lorenzo a new one.

“…” Lorenzo once again went quiet. Any words of defense or argument from his mouth would only provoke Anna into bad-mouthing him.

“From the information I have received, Sansa’s origin card seems to belong to a control type. A memory control type, to be exact. According to the card emperors I have interrogated, she can suppress and manipulate the memories of her victims.

They said Sansa could dig up their dirtiest past and blackmail them into doing things they don’t even remember because she has suppressed them.

The most crucial point of the Sansa origin card is not its ability to suppress and manipulate a person’s memories but that it can affect numerous victims simultaneously. And has an extended range of effect. Meaning once you are under the influence of her origin card, there is no turning back on her orders or running away from her.

Sansa has the ability to suppress any thoughts of rebellion in her victims with a single thought, which is a beneficial ability to have when running a shadow organization. Not to mention she can completely erase the memories of her victims and turn them into brain-dead idiots. Now you know why the people you and my mother tried to interrogate suddenly went into a vegetative state.

The scariest part about her origin card is that by suppressing the people’s memories, she can easily plant spies in any organization, just like sleeper cells.

One day you are doing your daily routine, and suddenly, you recall some of the suppressed memories. And receive a grimoire call asking you to do s.h.i.t they say or else.

Finding this kind of spies is very difficult because even they don’t know that they are spies due to their suppressed memories.

This is why I was hesitant to tell you about Sansa and her ability. Whoever leaked the info about mission forsaken treasure probably doesn’t know they revealed the information to Sansa.

I think in Clown Masks’ future vision, Marton, aka Sansa, must have lots of such spies implanted in the Heatsend and Osmond Royal families. This is how she could drive both the royal families away from their territory.

But planting such spies in a royal family cannot happen in a day. It must have taken decades of preparation for Sansa to plant the spies in both Royal families.

If my guess is correct, Sansa must have already started planting spies in our family.

Thankfully right now, Sansa is a Card emperor, and the scope of her origin card is only limited to false demiG.o.ds, card emperors realms, and below. But the same cannot be said when she finally breaks through to the true demiG.o.d realm. Therefore, we have to act fast.” Anna explained that she did not just hide the info she knew for no reason. There is actually not much to gain from many people involved in this matter. Cause she cannot be sure whom to trust. Anna went through various possibilities to counter Sansa’s ability and has not found a solution yet. Therefore, she decided to recruit the help of Lorenzo and Clown Mask.
