Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 429: Blood Rule

Chapter 429: Blood Rule

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 14:42

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands.

“Yeah, so where is this dungeon, where Bloodette is supposed to be sealed in?” I asked Corey, landing at the barren land.

“Wait, I will ask Bloodette to summon the entrance to the gate dungeon she is in.” Replies Cortney Summoning her grimoire to contact Bloodette using the soul pact card.

“Will she come?” After all, Cortney and Bloodette parted on bad terms.

“Don’t know, but I got to try?” Cortney only hoped that by now, Bloodette’s anger towards her had decreased by a lot. With a heavy heart, Cortney tried contacting Bloodette, “Bloodette, I am at the gate. Let me in.”

“Cortney! Come in.” A childish cold voice sounded in the barren land, then soon, a blood-red dungeon gate appeared in front of Cortney and me.

“Well, I guess she has forgiven you,” I said, seeing how Bloodette let us in.

“Nope, this is just the calm before the storm,” Cortney responded based on her previous encounters with Bloodette.

I followed Cortney into the blood-red gate, and we were transported to a cave-type dungeon. The walls of the cave were all blood red. I tried touching them as I felt a power of rule flowing through them. Upon touching the stones, I found out that the cave walls gave me the same feeling as my Blood ego elemental. It appears that the rocks that made up the cave walls were soaked in blood rule and mutated into a low-level blood rule ore.

As I continued down the path, I discovered that the entire cave contained blood rule stones. And the concentration of blood rule in the rocks increased as I went deeper into the cave. The air in the deeper parts of the cave dungeon contained blood rule. This cave was the perfect place for a card apprentice to comprehend the blood rule.

Having reached the center of the cave, I stood corrected. This place wasn’t just perfect to comprehend the blood rule. This place was the holy place to learn blood rule. I wanted to summon Blood swordsman so that it can practice and reforge its blood rune. I did not do so not without Bloodette’s permission.

Not to mention, this whole cave is a mine full of blood rule ore. One blood rule ore would be enough for a card apprentice with an average ego gem to comprehend the blood rule to basic proficiency. With the amount of blood rule rocks in here, one could make a fortune enough to run a country. But this cave was somebody else’s house, and it would not be polite of me to do as I please without permission.

Forget my blood ego elemental. I just comprehended blood rule to basic proficiency by inhaling the blood-rich with blood rule. This is focking crazy. Combined with the high synchronization rate of my calamity soul gem and high density of blood rule in the cave’s atmosphere, I didn’t even have to connect with the world to get started with comprehending the blood rule. If I were to seriously try to comprehend the blood rule in the cave, then I bet I could reach master level proficiency in Blood rule within half an hour.

It seems it was worth coming to visit Bloodette. But this cave was Bloodette’s property, and I did not plan on using it to comprehend blood rule without her consent. Therefore I waited patiently to greet the landlord and get her permission.

Walking into the center of the cave, I saw that the whole cave was filled with wooden furniture and decorated like a regular room, where a human would live. It did not take me long to spot blood-red Bloodette, who was rolling on the mattress as she read a book. If I were to guess, all the furniture was brought by Cortney for Bloodette to make her stay sealed in a dungeon more comfortable.

“Bloodette, I am sorry for yesterday.” Cortney apologized.

Hearing Cortney, Bloodette looked our way. Noticing me, she said coldly, “Why is he here?”

“He is here to apologize for yesterday.” Cortney referred to me whooping Bloodette’s a.s.s on the tournament stage.

“Speak for yourself. I am not here to apologize.” I never told Cortney that I wanted to apologize. I know Cortney is only trying to get me in Bloodette’s good books. But I can take care of myself.

“…” Cortney gawked at my response.

“Then why are you here?” Bloodette asked sternly. Her voice was cold. It seems she did not forget the loss she suffered yesterday at my hand.

“I am here to thank you.” I genuinely wanted to thank Bloodette; if not for her, I may have died in the tournament. Though Anna would have saved me anyway, that’s a whole other thing.

“Why?” Bloodette became confused seeing me genuinely thank her.

“I know yesterday it wasn’t you who was trying to kill me, but the world’s will. If not for you resisting the control of the world’s will, I would not have been able to defeat you. Forget winning the tournament. Instead, I would have died.

Thank you for not giving in to the influence of the world’s will. Thank you for saving my life.” I thanked Bloodette honestly. I did so because I was here to make friends, not enemies.

“I did not resist the world’s will because of you. I fought it because I don’t particularly appreciate being controlled. But it’s good to know that you know you couldn’t have defeated me if I was not resisting the will of the world.” Bloodette acted like she did not appreciate my thank you, but I could it was the total opposite.

“Anyways, thank you once again.” I still humbly thanked Bloodette as I knew it was working.

“That’s okay. I accept your grat.i.tude.” Bloodette finally stopped acting cold towards me. As I could hear the coldness in her voice reduce and ooze with pride. She was so easy to read, just like a child. I can not believe somebody like that once had the power to frighten demiG.o.ds into s.h.i.tting their pants.

