Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 489: Blood Spirit Ogre

Chapter 489: Blood Spirit Ogre

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 12:37

Location- Sky Blossom City, A-rank Ogre Field gate dungeon.

"Master Wyatt, fortunately, n.o.body had applied to clear the A-rank Ogre field Gate dungeon, so I was able to book it for us. And as you requested, I have gathered a large amount of C, B, and A-rank origin cores." Van reported that he had achieved all the requests I made of him.

"Great, what are we waiting for? Then let"s head in right away." I said impatiently as I was eager to explore the possibilities of the fate plunder ultra rune.

Walking into the A-rank dungeon, a plain field of 2 feet tall elephant gra.s.s greeted us. The sky in the dungeon was clear and sunny. The wind was a little chilly and playful as it rustled with our hair and the elephant gra.s.s as it pa.s.sed by.

"Wow, this is the second dungeon I have visited. Why doesn"t my dungeon have such scenery?" A blood pseudopod in the image of Bloodette"s face extended out of Cortney"s nape of the neck and complained why the dungeon she was sealed in did not have such scenery.

"Bloodette, Scenery doesn"t matter if you are going to be stuck in the same place for eternity. With enough time, even the world"s most beautiful scenery will start to feel bland." I advised Bloodette to be happy with what she had.

"Whatever, I feel this place is all a lot better than my dark cave." Bloodette had yet to learn the proverb, "The Gra.s.s is Always Greener on the Other Side."

"Uurah!" A loud battle cry interrupted our discussion. As we turned to find the source of the battle very, we saw three gray ogres holding large stone clubs. The tall elephant gra.s.s seems to absorb the disturbance caused by the stomps of the ogre, making it seek like as if the Ogres had mastered silent walk skill. But in reality, the gra.s.s was absorbing the sound of their footsteps and masking their presence.

"Cortney, do you want to go first, or should I?" All three ogres we noticed were of C-rank, so I did not bother to compete with Cortney to kill them.

"I will go first." Saying that, Cortney dashed towards the three ogres, and when she reached within 10 meters from the Ogres, she yelled, " Active Blood Spirit Sanctuary."

With Bloodette in the center, a pool of blood covered about a 30-meter radius of ground engulfing all the elephant gra.s.s in its path.

"…" Seeing the ground underneath them be replaced by a pool of blood, the Ogres were confused. But still seeing the small prey running towards them, they wanted to hunt it before their colleagues, but when they tried to move, they felt a pull from within the pool of blood.

"Blood Quagmire." The pseudopod Bloodette activated one of her skills, turning the pool of blood covering the gra.s.s field into a quagmire.

"Bloodette quit it, they"re mine." Cortney was unappreciative of Bloodette"s help binding the Ogres to one place.

"When I am in your innate rune, we are the same. What"s yours is mine, and what"s mine is yours." Bloodette defended her behavior and then went one step ahead to prove it, "Swallow."

With Bloodette"s command, tentacles made of blood extended out of the blood pool and started binding the ogres and dragging them deeper into the blood quagmire. Finally, the three 9 feet tall ogres vanished in the blood pool.

"Hurry, start the Blood sacrifice and turn them into blood spirits." For the Blood sacrifice to work, the person offering the sacrifice should be the one to kill the victims. Here Bloodette had killed the ogres and asked Cortney to sacrifice them, trying to prove that right now occupying the innate rune, Bloodette and Cortney were the same.

"Blood Sacrifice" Cortney heeded Bloodette"s request. And results were in Bloodette"s favor as Cortney successfully sacrificed the three ogres and raised them from the dead as blood spirits.

"See, I told you. Cortney, you have to heed my advice more. We could reach places." Bloodette acted smug, seeing that she was correct.

"And what place will that be, blood food paradise?" Cortney mocked Bloodette as she witnessed the three ogres rise from the blood as blood spirits.

The Ogre blood spirits appeared precisely the same as their original self, except for the fact that their body was entirely made of blood. The Ogre blood spirits showed intelligence as they remembered to equip themselves with the stone clubs that they carried with them before being sacrificed.

"You are just sour that I was right. You sour grape." Bloodette was dissatisfied with Cortney not acknowledging her as a wise person.

"Looks like your rune works wonderfully. What is the strength difference between the original ogre and the blood spirit?" I walked next to Cortney and asked curiously as I observed the blood spirits.

"Umm… I don"t know. I feel like they should have retained 100% of their past peak stats." Cortney was unsure about the strength difference as she did not know the stats of the original ogre before their demise.

"Here, use these origin cores to perform the blood ritual. Maybe in the card form, we can get more accurate information." I handed three C-rank origin cores to Cortney so that she could use the cores to perform the blood ritual and turn the three ogre blood spirits into cards.

"Now, that is a wise advice," Cortney said, poking fun at Bloodette. Taking the three C-rank origin cors from me, Cortney prepared to perform a blood ritual.

Cortney placed the three C-rank origin cores in her grimoire card creation page, and then she willed her Blood spirit sanctuary rune turning the three blood ogre into a Blood rune. Then, these three blood runes floated into her grimoire. Without any hesitation, Cortney placed the three ogre blood spirit runes into three C-rank origin cores, one in each.

Having set the three ogre blood spirit runes into the origin core Cortney then morphed the origin core into Cards, forming three C-rank Ogre blood spirit cards.

[ Blood Ritual successful!]

