Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 493

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 14:09

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no. 234.

"Haha, Master Wyatt. It seems I finally have your attention. You know I seriously started doubting my charm, feeling the coldness in your voice." Diana acted ladylike. This is new, the Diana Kieth, who did not heal her scars but showcased them as a type of empowerment, now acted cute to gain highschooler"s favor.

"Ms. Diana, please get to the point. What about Elliott?" I knew Elliott was going through a tough time now, but I did not think it was that big of a deal because if it were, he would have asked for my help. But hearing Diana, it seemed like Elliott may be in over his head. Or Diana is just exaggerating things to get me interested in listening to her.

"As may have guessed already, Elliott is in over his head. If not for the three adventures you have lent to him, he would have been kidnapped by his siblings already.

Don"t worry, there is no threat to his life. n.o.body in the southern region would dare to harm the boy toy of the southern emperor. So n.o.body dares to bring harm to his life, but Elliott is misjudging the situation and thinks he still has a chance in the game of succession.

Unfortunately, he doesn"t. With the fall of his biggest backer you he has already been cast aside. If the matters continue as they are, he will lose everything." According to Diana, thanks to his relationship with Anna, Elliott is not at risk of losing his life. Still, this relationship is not enough to help him protect what belongs to him.

"What are you trying to say? And what do you mean by I am his biggest back? Shouldn"t that be Anna?" I finally knew why Elliott had not contacted me even if things had gotten worse, as there was no real threat to his life.

Hearing me address the southern emperor on a first-name basis casually, Diana was not surprised. Instead, she nodded in understanding, and her eyes turned bright as if her bet was correct. It seems Diana suspects something and, depending on that. She has started to make her move. I did not care what Diana knew and planned to do as much as I liked to if Elliott was in trouble.

"According to the few laws pa.s.sed during the monster war, the Royal family cannot interfere in the family"s succession war. This was one of the changes brought by the Heatsend Royal family during the monster war to motivate and reward the families, clans, and Guilds.

Therefore, with the southern emperor out of the picture, you have become Elliott"s number one backer. With your presence, it looked like Elliott was most likely to succeed the Jk family and the company after his father, but that was when the world believed in your Silver Milk Powder. The thing turned worse for Elliott when rumors about you and your patent started to spread.

The family elders who strongly supported Elliott, knowing his connections with you, now started to alienate him. From the top of family succession, he fell to the absolute bottom in mere seconds.

And I say Elliott is in over his head because he is trying to prove to his family"s elders and the company"s board members that silver milk powder is not a hoax but the world"s future. Elliott doesn"t seem to believe in the rumors and has absolute trust in you and your patent. But all of Elliott"s effort to convince his family elders and the company"s board members is a waste as the whole world has already decided that Master Wyatt and your Patent is a fraud.

I do not know where he gets the confidence to trust you even when the whole world is parading you as a fraud. His beliefs aside, if Elliott continues as he is now, he will definitely lose in his family"s succession war." Diana explained that Elliott"s relationship with me had gathered him a lot of support from his family"s elders and the company"s board members and had almost become the new successor of his family and company. But malicious rumors about silver milk powder led to his downfall.

"And what is your interest in all this? After all, without something benefiting you, you would not come all this way to give me this information, right?" I did feel good that Elliott believed in me but seeing his current position, I do not see how I can help him. And I think Elliott understood this too. Therefore, he did not bother to involve me with his problems. What I did not understand was what is Diana"s interest in all this and why is she wasting my time with all this useless info.

"Straight to the point, huh? I get it you do not like my presence on your property. So I will give it to you straight and keep it real.

Elliott"s situation is not without salvation. Fine Gold can help him make him the next Patriarch of the JK family and CEO of Jk Ltd." Diana stopped to look at my facial expressions hoping that I would try to grab on to the last straw presented by her to help my good friend Elliott.

Now I understood why Diana focused on informing me how Elliott fought against the world and believed in me and my product. She was trying to increase my sympathy for Elliott, so I would go to ma.s.sive lengths to help my friend. Fueling the fire of brotherhood in me so that I would not mind sacrificing one or two to help Elliott. Diana was on another level than her little sister Jaya. What I did not understand is why not contact Elliott directly? Instead, why come to me? Is there something she wanted from me?

"So?" I did not indulge Diana"s words too much, having figured out that she wanted something from me.. And tried to obtain it by taking advantage of my friendship with Elliott by approaching the spirit of brotherhood in me.
