Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 520

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 09:27

Location- Sky Blossom City, SS-rank Field Card - Gladiator"s Pit.

Having sobered up from the false sense of invincibility, Anna no longer acted arrogantly and decided to finish the fight as soon as possible. Considering the number of marked graves and believing that all of them housed an undead demiG.o.d, Anna realized that prolonged battle would not work in her favor as n.o.body can compare to undead in stamina.

"Flicker," Anna teleported out of the encirclement of the five undead and the Yin widow.

"Tsk," clicking her tongue in annoyance, Yin Widow yelled, " follow her, don"t let her rest."

Group ranged combat within an open and limited s.p.a.ce like a colosseum had an obvious disadvantage, friendly fire. Considering that all six of them were demiG.o.ds, their fire was pretty devastating, meaning if they went full out on Anna, then they had to a.s.sess the risk of hurting themselves in the line of action.

Therefore despite having the advantage of numbers and firepower, Yin Widow could only watch helplessly as Anna ran around in the stadium like a rat. Seeing Anna shamelessly flicker around the stadium despite talking a big game, Yin Widow was enraged as every second wasted her meant endangering her son"s soul.

Thanks to the wager Anna made with Yin widow earlier, neither of them could leave the stadium unless they defeated the other. Anna planned to capture Yin Widow and bring her to justice using the wager, but the whole thing just backfired on her. Yin Widow was not just a senile demiG.o.d. She carried an army with her. Thanks to the field card she summoned now, she could not even get help from her family. Right now, she regretted c.o.c.kly denying the reinforcements from the Family.

Unable to hold back, Yin Widow yelled," Is this the power of your Unparalleled bloodline? Running around like a rat? Why don"t you change the name of your unparalleled bloodline to rat bloodline?"

What Yin Widow was trying to achieve by taunting unparalleled bloodline was obvious. She wanted to enrage Anna and use her anger against her. As long as Anna gives in to her rage and stops running, she can finally put an end to this charade and go find her son"s bloodline vessel and help his soul descend into it.

"That"s your opinion." Having dealt with her share of bullies, Anna knew how to tolerate and act when ready. Anna"s rage was boiling hearing Yin Widow"s insult to her family bloodline, but she knew losing her life would not do any good to the family. Instead, it would prove Yin Widows" words. Therefore no matter how angry she was, Anna suppressed it and focused on cracking Yin Widow"s trap card because that Is how she could get out of this mess she had gotten herself into.

"What?" Yin Widow"s taunt didn"t seem to work as she accepted it too. She was baffled hearing Anna"s reply and even thought that Anna was trolling her. Just a few minutes ago, she wanted to punish her for speaking her Ancestors name casually, and now she acts as if it"s not her business. Yin Widow finally stopped seeing Anna as a little girl but a scheming devil waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Yin Widow could easily win this battle by prolonging this battle until Anna is exhausted and then capturing her. Unfortunately, she had a time limit of her own, the Soul Status Candle, whose struggling flame constantly reminded her that her son"s soul is on balance and she should nearly up.

"World"s Greatest Mother, your dumb daughter needs your a.s.sistance. Please help me, mother!" Yelled Anna, her ruby checks told that she was embarra.s.sed beyond redemption. But soon, her eyes glowed with intelligence.

"You!..." Hearing Anna"s yell, Yin Widow decided that Anna was trolling her.

"I got it," saying that, Anna flickered to one of the open marked graves which belonged to one of the five undead demiG.o.ds chasing her. Arriving next to the grave, Anna threw a punch aiming at the tombstone of the open marked grave, yelling," Giga Punch."

"No!" Seeing what Anna was up to, Yin Widow yelled in distress.

*Boom* with a loud sound, the tombstone crumbled with the impact of Anna"s Giga punch. As the tombstone of the marked grave crumbled to dust and one of the five undead demiG.o.ds chasing Anna turned to ashes, its diamond grimoire fell to the ground.

"You b.i.t.c.h! How did you figure it out?" Yin Widow yelled in distress, seeing one of the precious undead demiG.o.ds from the ancient era die trying to capture a Card emperor realm brat.

"How? It"s because I am smart and you are dumb. Get it. I am too smart for you." Anna started to boast shamelessly, fully knowing that the credit of finding the weakness to the undead graveyard card belonged to the SS-rank legend grade bestowal card "Mother"s Love" created by mother.

Anna"s mother"s exact words when bestowing this card to little Anna were, "Anna. You are dumb. Believe it. Otherwise, you will have a hard life in society. Blame your father"s neanderthal genes. Anyway, you are my daughter, I have to look past your flaws and help you overcome them, but your dumbness is innate, something you are born with. So the only way I can think of making up for your flaw is with this card. Always equip it."

"Give it a rest. It has something to do with the shameful chant you yelled earlier." Yin Widow knew Anna activated a card which helped her decipher the weakness of her trap card.

"What shameful chant? I don"t remember yelling." Anna denied Yin Widow"s claims and said, " You couldn"t be more obvious trying to hide the weakness of your trap card. Your mistakes are what led to me deciphering that the tombstones of the marked grave held the souls of the undead demiG.o.ds."

"Impossible. I have used the same technique to kill numerous demiG.o.ds.. Most of them were infamous for their intellect. How can an airhead bimbo like you overcome what they couldn"t?"
