Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 528

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 09:43

Location- Sky Blossom City, SS-rank Field Card - Gladiator"s Pit.

[Card Name: Booster Shot

Card Type: Item Card

Card Rank: SS-Rank, Legend Grade

Card Rate: 12-Stars

Card Durability: [99/100]

Card Effect: Booster Shot is a drug created using the hormonal extracts of a humanoid Alien beast within the realm of Card Emperor yet had the physical strength to rival a peak demiG.o.d. These hormones of the Alien beast are used to create a shot upon usage that can increase the physical power of a card demiG.o.d by 100 times.

Additional Effect: Me So h.o.r.n.y.

Warning: over usage of this drug can cause permanent damage to the user by mutating their physique in the direction of the shape of the Alien beast.

Note: The boost given by this drug only lasts for 10 seconds, and soon ma.s.sive withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, moodiness, extreme arousal, etc.]

Me So h.o.r.n.y: The s.e.xual prowess of the user increases by a hundred times.

Note: If the user is a female, her ovulation hits the peak of the cycle, ready to be impregnated with multiple offspring.

Warning: over usage of this drug can cause permanent damage to the user by mutating their physique in the direction of the shape of the Alien beast. In the case of impregnation, there are high chances of the offspring born being mutated too.

[Card Name: Blood Resurrection

Card Type: Skill Card (Pa.s.sive)

Card Rank: SSS-Rank, Legend Grade

Card Rate: 15-Stars

Card Durability: Single Usage

Card Effect: A blood Resurrection card is created using the blood sacrifice of 10 card apprentices of similar rank as the card.

Blood Resurrection card automatically activates upon the death of the card apprentice equipping it. It can resurrect the dead card apprentice by regeneration of the dead body.

As long as there is a single drop of blood left, this card can regenerate the complete body of the user.

Additional Effect: Blood Light.

Note: The blood sacrifice used to create the card should be healthy with a complete body.

Warning: If a tainted sacrifice is used in the process of card creation, then the resurrection process will have complications.]

Blood Light: Blood Light is the skill where a blood-red light covers the user"s corpse, trapping the user"s soul in the after the user"s demise. Stopping the user"s soul from entering the river of souls. Blood light acts as a protective layer and absorbs all physical, soul, elemental, rule damage to the corpse, and converts it into blood vitality to help in the presentation of the user"s corpse.

"100x Giga Palm"

*Baam!* Anna"s hundreds time enhanced Giga palm smashed Yin Widow into a blood and meat paste. And this time, the golden tattoo on the back of Anna"s palm vanished without a trace Immediately, unlike earlier.

"Anna, what if that elderly lady has another resurrection card?" Ann, who was in Anna"s grimoire, reminded Anna mentally.

"I thought of that already, but I decided to risk it considering the patron saint guardian card given to me by our grandpa." Anna was also loaded with cards to help her escape death, but these cards were very expensive, even for her family.

Soon the Gladiator"s pit field card disappeared, and the scenery surrounding Anna returned to the airfield of the Sky Blossom city. Noticing that Yin Widow"s Diamond grimoire and divinity were starting to fall to the ground under the influence of the gravity, Anna grabbed them and added them to her storage card.

"When did Grandpa gift you such a valuable card? Was I asleep then? Then where is my present? Did he forget about me? " Ann complained.

"Yes, he did forget you, and why should he remember you? He only has one granddaughter. And that"s me." Anna tweeted, not forgetting to get back at Ann for calling her dumb. But she clearly knows that her grandpa did prepare a separate gift for Ann.

"You are mean. Why do you always say such sharp words to me? It"s already hard enough to be trapped in your origin card. But hearing such words hurts, you know." Ann whined. Her voice sounded with utter sadness and pain in it. It seems Anna"s words genuinely hurt her.

"I am sorry, don"t you start crying and whining again. Check my cardholder. There should be an ugly-a.s.s dress item card that"s grandpa"s present for you." Since Anna has promised Ann 3 months of freedom, she could not lock Ann"s voice out of her head, which meant she would have to hear Ann whine in her head for the next hour until her flesh body is recreated. Therefore, she chose to apologize to Ann for her hurtful words and pointed Ann to the gift her grandpa prepared for her.

"Wow, SSS-rank legend grade Saintess"s Holy Armor card. I love it." Finding the card her grandpa prepared for her in Anna"s cardholder, Ann cheered.

"I forget your taste in fashion is ancient. Only you would like such a dress." Anna criticized Ann"s taste in dress.

"Whatever, I think Wyatt will like this Armor," Ann spoke her mind.

"What? Why does it matter if Wyatt likes this Armor? He doesn"t even know that you exist." Anna was stumped hearing Ann mention Wyatt.

" Why not? Is he not your crush? And not to mention he is the only mate out of your multiple mates that our mother approves. I can feel you are very serious about him. After all, you stopped fooling around. Right now, under the side effect of the booster shot card, you are highly aroused, and all you can think about is Wyatt and the various ways he will ravage you and explore every nook and corner of your body." Ann, being Anna"s alter ego, knew how severe Anna"s feelings were for Wyatt.

"Stop reading my thoughts. Mom wasn"t being serious back then, and how does that explain Why Wyatt should like your dress?" What Ann said was true. Under the side effect of the Booster Shot card, Anna was extremely aroused, and her thoughts were all over the place thinking of her steamy hot sessions with her beloved Wyatt. But Anna did not let herself be diverted by Ann"s words and stuck to her previous question.

"If you are planning to make him your husband then, I think Wyatt"s opinion on my dress matters," Ann answered, not trying to hide her intentions.

"I still don"t understand." Anna understood what Ann was saying, but she denied or hoped its not what she thought.

"Listen, Anna, I respected your words and did not interfere with your choice in having various s.e.xual partners, but once you are married with mother"s approval. Your husband is my husband." Ann knew being stuck in Anna"s origin card, her prospects in love life were near zero, so she decided to settle for one that Anna loved and was approved by her mother.

"What the fock? You made my mother your mother, You made my grandparents your grandparents, you made my relatives and friends your relatives and friends, I can tolerate sharing all of them with you, but now you want me to share my husband with you? That"s It. I don"t care if you are my origin card, I will shred you to pieces." Anna was furious hearing Ann be blunt about her intentions. And made it clear to Ann that she would not share her husband with her.

"We will see about that. It"s not up to you.. Let"s see if Wyatt will like your public lose crusty tunnel or my VIP exclusive premium tunnel."
