Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 573

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 13:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, a.s.sociation Guild Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Are the new doc.u.ments for share transfer ready?" I asked Cindy as Diana had tasked her with it.

"Yes, boss. The doc.u.ments have been prepared. Diana and Jaya have given their signature. All that remains is your signature." Cindy answered while Jaya shared the doc.u.ments with my grimoire after signing it.

"Good, let"s get done with it and get back to work." Asides from preparing a meeting for me with the top bosses of the Sun Blossom city, Fine Gold also had to make arrangements for the carrier floaters. This part was tricky since these carrier floaters had to hide a large number of card apprentices within their cargo. So this section required a lot of planning. I left this part for the trio to figure out. If I did all the job, then why did I hire them? But I will not forget to double-check their work at the end.

"Boss, Speaking of work. Rami Kaga, the current head of the blossom district medical card a.s.sociation, is in town." Diana suddenly informed.

"And who is this Rami Kaga? And what the heck is the Blossom District medical card a.s.sociation? Don"t tell me it is an a.s.sociation for card apprentices with medical cards. And why am I hearing about him?" I could tell from Diana"s hurried tone that the person in question was a prominent and influential figure. But couldn"t figure out how he fits in our plan to destroy the Circle.

"Yes, boss, medical card a.s.sociation is indeed an a.s.sociation for card apprentices with medical cards.

Blossom District medical card a.s.sociation is an a.s.sociation for card apprentices with medical cards within the blossom district, which directly falls under the Southern region medical card a.s.sociation, spearheaded by the Central region medical card a.s.sociation.

Blossom District medical card a.s.sociation strongly influences all the hospitals and medical centers within the Blossom District. These guys monitor the pricing and conduct of medical cards and their card apprentices. Most of the medical-based cards are regulated by them.

So, by being the head of such an influential a.s.sociation, Rami Kaga is, by default, one of the most prominent and influential people in the blossom district." Diana explained what the h.e.l.l a medical card a.s.sociation is and how influential Rami Kaga was.

According to Diana, during the period of the monster war, the royal families had made a separate decision for medical Card apprentices in their army. The royal family specifically trained these card apprentices to use medical cards with the most optimum efficiency in a short period to respond to the casualties on the frontline. This idea of the royal families was a big hit, and as an award for their merit, these Card apprentices were given the ownership of the medical cards they used during the monster war.

But that was a huge mistake. The monster war had left the world in shambles. The government had not been rejuvenated yet. Therefore there wasn"t anyone looking out for ordinary people suffering from various diseases, illnesses, and injuries. At this weak moment in history, the military medics who were discharged from their duties found an opportunity, and some used their cards to help the people while others used the cards to ama.s.s wealth and satisfy their l.u.s.t.

The Royal Families and the new government let them be because they had more pressing issues to tend to. Another mistake on the Royal Families and the new government"s part. The medics who showed compa.s.sion were started to be targeted by the medics who followed their greed and l.u.s.t. By the end, an uprising took place, and gathered seeking vengeance over the greedy medics who killed their last good medic and would not save the patient because they did not have enough money or a wife or daughter who were beautiful enough to join their harem. It took a riot for the Royal Families and the new government to notice cancer within the house and remove it. But by that time, the medic card a.s.sociation was set up. The cancer cells had swallowed all the good cells.


Blossom District is an area in the southern region, where all the Sky blossom city, Sun Blossom city, and other blossom cities are located. And all the medical facilities in Blossom District are monitored by the Blossom district medical card a.s.sociation. As the head of this a.s.sociation, Rami Kaga is a prominent figure in the southern region. But she was yet to get the part that explained why he mattered for our plan.

"Boss, Rami Kaga is a Sun Blossom City resident. Because of him, the Sun Blossom City is currently the top City in the Blossom district, with the most advanced cards in the medical field.

Since the Medical Card a.s.sociation regulates the medical cards, he chooses whom to sell the medical cards to, and most of the time, it is Sun Blossom city. I will not go further in detail as the muddy water there is too deep.

All I am trying to say is in Sun Blossom City, Rami Kaga"s words are heaven"s command. As long as you have him under your thumbs, we don"t have to worry about any kind of opposition from Sun Blossom City as we invade it and destroy the Circle." It turns out Rami Kaga was the G.o.dfather of the Sun Blossom City. It seems I will have to pay a visit to him.

"Great, Diana, you made my work easier. Now when do you plan to arrange a meeting with him?" I didn"t plan on creating too many calamity daughter gems. Until now, I have only used calamity daughter gem to get information about papa and mama Wyatt"s death or to protect myself, or because I liked their origin card.

So unless it was essential for my comfortable life, I never planned to use the calamity daughter gem. Because with every calamity daughter gem I create, I had one more extra secret to hide. In this world where literally anything could be made into a card, I did not know what could happen next. Who knows, one of my calamity daughter gems could get exposed. Nothing is set in stone.

Just take the Matron and the Paw clan, for example. I bet she would have never guessed that her shadow organization members, who have been operating in the shadows for decades, would be caught in one of Anna"s weird field cards and expose almost all of her secrets about her origin card and the organization. I bet the Matron is still in doubt whether her secret has been revealed or not.

I did not want this to happen to me with regards to my calamity daughter gem. Unlike matron"s secret, which was just a memory manipulation trick, my secrets are more than just a trick.. They are so big that they can start a world war.
