Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 589

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 21:38

Location- Sky Blossom City, F-rank Common Grade Horned Hare Heaven Gate Dungeon

"Now you know what to do, right?" Corey Park wanted Corey to stop opposing their mother"s love interest and, if possible, aid her in her pursuit of love.

"I will not oppose it, but don"t expect me to help. I will sit back and let nature take its course. When she requires a sympathetic shoulder to lean on, I will always be there." Corey answered to her ego fire mentally. Though she was pro-love, she did not like that her boss would become her stepfather. Corey park nodded in understanding.

"Big Sis, are you alright now?" Asked Corey in concern as she gently rubbed Susan"s back.

"I am fine, Corey." After answering, Susan got out of Corey"s embrace and wiping her tear stains she added, "Let"s head back."

"Okay. What about the monster meat?" Heading towards the campfire, Corey asked Susan.

"I lost my appet.i.te. Let"s just hurry back." Susan hurried to the campfire, knowing the heartache that awaited her, seeing her low in another"s embrace.

"Okay," despite agreeing with Susan, Corey still collected a few monster corpses on their way back because she did not want Anna to see through her mother"s facade.

I looked at Anna as she grilled the meat on a make-shift BBQ grill meticulously. Basked in under the campfire"s light, she looked more lovely today. "WTF am I thinking?" This is the magic of the night sky, campfire, burning meat, and the company of a beautiful woman. As if Anna heard my thoughts, she glanced at me with a gentle smile. Looking at that smile, I yelled in my mind, "Begone vile thoughts."

"Big Sis, you rest. I will roast the meat for you " Using My Cards, " " Corey deliberately emphasized her last words as she and Susan walked out of the woods and headed to the campfire. Thankfully Anna didn"t seem to care.

"Corey, you are here. I need to speak to you. Can spare a few minutes." Now that Anna was busy with bbq, I had an opening for my business with Corey.

"What is it? Speak." Corey responded, placing the corpses of the monsters she hunted on the ground.

"Not here, somewhere private. Follow me." I head into the woods, excepting Corey to follow me. And she did. Finding a spot private enough, I stopped saying, "this should be far enough."

"Wyatt, what are your intentions? Why did you bring me this far into the woods?" Corey asked sarcastically.

"Cut it. I am here to talk serious stuff, not argue with you. Summon your ego fire. Her presence is required." I had no intention to entertain Corey"s sarcasm.

"She is listening, speak your " serious stuff. " " Corey did not summon Corey Park and asked me to continue as Corey Park shared her senses.

"Woah! Your origin card has messed your head up. One second you are reasonable, another second, you turn into a b.i.t.c.h. If you require any medical help, then ask. Don"t be shy to ask before its too late." I got roped into an argument by Corey"s words.

"Did you call me a b.i.t.c.h?" Corey asked with flaring eyes.

"No, I said you turn into a b.i.t.c.h. For example, right now." I know I shouldn"t fuel her and end it right away. Still, I kept going.

"You have done it now!" As Corey was about to pounce at me, a flame came out of Corey and bound her, stopping her from attacking me. A part of the flame grew a face and spoke, "Wyatt, don"t forget your purpose for calling her."

"If you had come out when I asked to, it wouldn"t have come to this." I threw the blame on Corey Park.

"I am an ego fire. My master controls my will. If not for you agitating her and making an opening, I could not come out to stop her." And Corey Park threw the blame on Corey.

"Park, let go of me this instant. I will show him who is the b.i.t.c.h." Corey struggled against the fire binding her and yelled.

"I hate to say this to you, but he has grown stronger. We were not his match before, and we are not his match now." Corey Park had a good instinct, and right now, it told her that she was not a match for the man in front of her.

"What if he has grown stronger? We also have grown stronger. Unless we fight, we won"t know who among us is stronger." Corey Bright would rather fight and lose than surrender.

"Corey, let"s settle this. Man to Man, what"s your problem with me? If it is regarding Susan, then get over it. She chose to work for me. Deal with it. There is nothing you can do about it. Instead of bickering all the time, why don"t we all get along harmoniously? I think Susan would also appreciate it." I thought we had already settled this, but it keeps coming up again and again.

"..." Corey had decided to pretend to get along with her boss for Susan. But, witnessing her mother"s devastating state earlier, she blamed it all on her boss for being too dense and causing misery to those around him. Therefore, she once again pointed her guns at her boss. Which was stupid since he did not know what the problem was. Shaking her head, Corey said, " Okay. You side you have something to discuss, speak."

"Just like that?" I was surprised to see Corey be so understanding. But I did not voice it out, fearing my words flipping her switch once again. So I did not waste my breath and decided to make use of this G.o.dsend opportunity.

"What do you guys know about time manipulation? Especially going back in time. Did either of you experience it?" I chose my words carefully to make the question a general time manipulation related question rather than a specific one that asked about the time rewind an hour ago.
