Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 672 Birth

Chapter 672 Birth

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 19:38

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

Thanks to the silver milk pills, Kane was able to provide a steady supply of soul energy for the blood-red flower bud growing in his navel region to continue its growth and mature to its final transformation.

With the abundant soul energy available to feed on, the blood-red flower bud grew. Its stalk began to broaden and increase in length until it developed to a meter long. Then the blood-red bud began to grow bigger and bigger to the size of a basketball. Later the huge blood-red bud blossomed into a giant flower that matured into one big blood-red fruit. Then the fruit grew in size and got larger until its diameter grew to a meter.

"b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l." Muttered Kane as he looked at a meter-long stalk connecting his belly b.u.t.ton and a huge fruit that could fit a human in it.

After the blood-red fruit grew a meter in diameter, it began emitting a pleasant fragrance that soon filled the entire warehouse. Later a movement was noticed inside the fruit. Earlier, the fruit appeared to be like a meter-long blood-red grape. Now, as it began emitting a fragrance, it looked like a meter-long red water bed. It kept wiggling. Soon we started to notice a human face and hands pressing against the fruit walls from inside. It appeared as if something inside the fruit wanted to break free.

"Kane asks if it requires our help to break free," I advised Kane to ask his summons whether it required our help to break out of the fruit.

"She rejected our help. She said she could handle it herself." Kane replied after having talked with his summons mentally.

"Are you sure? Because it doesn"t look that way. She seems to be struggling." I asked in concern, looking at the wiggling fruit. The tree summons was trying hard to break out of the fruit, but it appeared as though her efforts were getting her nowhere.

"Yes, she says not to meddle in her business." Answered Kane after mentally communicating with his summons, who was trying very hard to tear fruit skin trapping her inside.

"A summons with att.i.tude. Now that"s interesting." Said Corey. As she intently stared at the meter-long wiggling blood-red fruit.

"You can do it! Come on, you can do it!" Susan started cheering for the humanoid tree monster to break out of its fruit sh.e.l.l. Then feeling all the gazes in the warehouse land on her and look at her weirdly, Susan explained, " I read somewhere that positive words can influence the growth of a plant. Since she is a tree monster, I thought cheering would help."

"You can do it! You can do it." Feeling Susan"s explanation reasonable, Kane began cheering for his summons enthusiastically. Soon Corey tagged along, " Girl, you can do it! Yes, you can do it!"

In a certain warehouse, three people cheered for large wiggling blood-red fruit while the remaining three looked at the other three as if looking at fools.

"I think it"s working. It is struggling hard. Come on, Wyatt, join us," Susan asked me to cheer for the humanoid tree so that it could break free from the sh.e.l.l prison it.

"Cheering indeed helps, but I think three people cheering for it should be enough." I agreed with Susan that cheering does indeed help motivate the tree monster to break free of the fruit, but it is an activity I wouldn"t willingly partic.i.p.ate in. What surprised me was that Corey joined in to cheer for the tree monster. I guess she is not a lost cause.

"Come on, big sister, stop wasting time on that heartless man. The fruit is about to hatch any second now." There she is, the Corey I know. Trying to gain points with Susan by throwing me under the bridge. She would never give up on an opportunity to earn points from Susan.

As Kane, Corey and Susan continued to cheer for the fruit monster, Anna, Vivian, and I waited patiently for the fruit monster to break free out of its sh.e.l.l.

*Splash* Soon, the skin of the wiggling fruit ruptured, and the gore water spilled out and filled the warehouse floor.

The people in the warehouse were not concerned about the gore liquid covering their footwear as they were mesmerized by a tall green humanoid female figure with blood-red hair and eyes. The green figure"s voluptuous body was covered in a tiny bikini made entirely of rose-red petals, which left very little to a person"s imagination. She had long, slender legs and Sawn neck.

Despite her green complexion, she was an alluring beauty appearance-wise. Her red hair and green skin may be unlike any human female, yet they were breathtaking and tempting. A slight smile on her rose-red lips could capture any man"s heart. She had pointy ears. They were of average size, unlike elf"s long pointed ears.


It took a while, but I finally noticed that in many ways, she was the green and red carbon copy of Kane"s bully"s mother. I don"t remember adding this appearance to the origin card. Then it hit me, maybe she took the shape her summoner wanted her to see in.

"Kane, did you ask her to take this appearance?" I asked Kane as he could communicate with his summons as she shaped her body. He might have instructed her to take the appearance of his bully"s mother.

"No, Master Wyatt. I would not do anything to put you in jeopardy." Kane hurriedly explained.

"Keh ker kek kekeh!" The green humanoid spoke, but all she did was let out weird sounds, which n.o.body understood except Kane.

"Kane, what is she saying?" I asked. As it appeared, she seemed to be answering my question about why she chose that particular appearance.

"Boss,… she says… she took this appearance because I like it." Kane dragged his words as he felt shy and embarra.s.sed to explain why his summons took his bully"s mother"s appearance.
