Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 743 Questions

Chapter 743 Questions

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 20:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234.

"b.i.t.c.h, I will kill you," Anna yelled rushing at Agatha.

"What the f.u.c.k? Why me?" Agatha hurriedly retreated knowing that engaging incoming Anna would not work in her favor.

"Anna! Why are you attacking Agatha instead of questioning this pervert creep?" Aba tried to reason with Anna who kept rushing at Agatha with the intent to kill.

"It"s not his fault. It is her fault for seducing him. The world is filled with husband robbing s.l.u.ts like her, I will get rid of one today." Anna had her reasons to explain her actions. Which for regular people would make zero sense and might even sound crazy.

"What kind of crazy logic is that?" Agatha uttered. Had she known her actions would incur such fate she would have never acted as such. Midway in her escape, Agatha thought, "Wait, am I supposed to be the husband robbing s.l.u.t she speaks of? Whose husband did I rob? f.u.c.k, my friends were right these southern b.i.t.c.hes are crazy."

"Anna, stop this madness. let us talk this through." Aba felt that if this continued Agatha would die in Anna"s hands. Unable to think of anything to calm Anna down Aba turned to the boy at the crux of this matter, the origin of this madness.

"What are you looking at me for?" I ask Aba.

"Don"t just stand there do something before things get out of hand. After all, you are the one to be blamed for this mess," said Aba.

"Me? Not me, little missy. It was your retainer who started this crazy chain of events. If she had just piped down and let me explain myself this wouldn"t have happened in the first place." Hearing Aba throw all the blame on me I reminded her that I wasn"t the one to be blamed here but Agatha herself. She dug her grave, and let her sleep in it.

"Piped down? You would want that, wouldn"t you? If the victim speaks out then it is their fault, isn"t it? You men, you disgust me. Don"t think just because you have the southern emperor backing you I will let this matter go. You haven"t seen the end of it." In the heat of argument Aba completely forgot the point of her conversation.

"Shorty, how many times do I have to tell you, girls, that all this is a misunderstanding? If you only shut up for a second and listened to my explanation none of this would have happened in the first place." I had started to feel annoyed having to repeat the same thing again and again.

"You–" Aba what to argue but was interpreted by me.

"Save it. Whatever you have to say can wait. If I let this continues these two will bring down this warehouse." I wanted to let Agatha fry in the consequence of her actions but considering the safety of the warehouse, I had to step in. It was already surprising that the berserk Anna had not destroyed the warehouse yet.

"Anna, stop it. I have something important to tell you." My words were purposefully misleading this time around because there was no other way that I knew of that would get Anna to calm down and listen to my explanation, "Anna, do you hear me? I want to tell you this before it is too late."

"As if that would get her to stop. I was wrong to ask for your help. A child could come up with better reasoning than this." Aba scoffed.

"What is it?" Anna stopped in her tracks and asked me.

"You were saying?" smirking at dumbfounded Aba I neared Anna and said, "Anna, I need you to be patient and listen to me, and then you are free to do whatever you see fit."

"Okay, go ahead." Anna agreed. She was being too reasonable considering the situation.

"I have promised Agatha that I will convince you to let Aba partic.i.p.ate in the mission in exchange Agatha will guard me from the shadows on the night I launch my attack on the circle, sun blossom city branch. That is what I meant by "I will borrow you for a night." A little context is missing causing the intended message to be lost." I told Anna about my deal with Agatha truthfully. Because I felt Anna and I are at a point where we don"t need to lie about these kinds of stuff. I hope I am right about this.

"I see, so this b.i.t.c.h didn"t try to seduce you," Anna asked pointing at Agatha who couldn"t help but flinched when Anna"s gaze landed on her.

"No ma"am," I answered.

"If that"s what you want then I am okay with it." Anna seems to respect the fact that I didn"t lie to her and was truthful to her. After all, at this point in our weird relationship, lying to her would be equal to betraying her trust.

"Thank you, for understanding. I will make it up to you." Since Anna could be so reasonable I had to step up my duties to her.

"..." seeing the boy turn the southern emperor docile with few words and hearing the conversation between them, Agatha was confused. Finally, she asked the question that she should have asked the moment she arrived here. What is Southern Emperor doing here? What is her relationship with the boy? Were the rumors about the southern emperor helping a fraudster apply for a fake patent true? Too many questions that Agatha should have asked herself at the beginning finally started to raise in her mind seeing the weird but close dynamic between the southern emperor and the boy.

"..." Aba was in the same dilemma as Agatha. She started to feel the boy she came to recruit as a favor to the untaintable legend had an ambiguous relationship with the southern emperor. She was surprised that it took her so long to realize this when they have been dropping hints and clues about this from the start.
