Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 754 Negotiation

Chapter 754 Negotiation

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 00: 25

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234.

"Aba, Here." Walking out of the card lab I called out to Aba who was immersed in her grimoire while Agatha was practicing her active soul control.

"Done, already?" Aba looked at the high schooler card creationist with doubt, she felt he was trying to cheat her of her father"s money.

"What"s with that look?" I asked Aba feeling odd about her gaze.

"Nothing…" Said Aba reaching for the card. But I pull back my hand and said, "payment first, and then I will give you the card." Saying these words I understood one of the reasons why cheaters cheat, they cheat because they don"t want the other guy to cheat on them. Susan was right we should stick with the rules and principles.

"Don"t I need to check the card to see if it is worth the price?" Aba argued.

"Fine" I gave Aba the card because of my ethics as a card creationist.

I pa.s.sed the card to Aba and going through the card info, she yell, "You did it, you created an A-rank summon card using a D-rank monster, you monster?"

"..." Seeing the expected surprise on Aba"s face I wasn"t surprised but I couldn"t help but feel proud.

"f.u.c.k!" Aba cussed going through the card effects. Hearing the commotion Agatha stopped practicing her Active soul control and reprimanded Aba, "Princess, language."

"Agatha come here and look at the effects of this card." Excited Aba enthusiastically showed Agatha the card info.

"Impressive, you created this card? You are indeed a talented card creationist." Agatha praised the boy but thought, "But this is not enough. I heard the southern emperor likes to have a good time with different boys but I never heard about her obsessing over a man. If not money and status, could it be the thing in his pants, what she is obsessing over?" Agatha had never given up on solving the mystery of why the southern emperor was possessive of a n.o.body orphan high schooler.

"I know my card is good, I don"t require you to remind me of that. Now pay up." Not that I didn"t enjoy the duo"s praises but I was keener on getting paid than hearing them sing my praise.

"Could you be humbler?" Aba said sarcastically.

"You know Wyatt you can catch more flies with honey," Agatha advised. Reminding me that I should be more respectful of my customers.

"Who said I want to catch flies?" I didn"t like where this conversation was headed, I don"t know what the duo were thinking, especially the shorty. She better pay up, she would regret making an enemy of me.

"I will not tease you anymore. Since this is a custom A-rank card I am willing to pay 1000 Median Soul jades." Aba announced with a look that yelled out loud, "Look, aren"t I generous."

"Nope, 1500 Median soul jades." I negotiate with Aba as the price she stated was not to up to my calculation. 1000 Median Soul jades was not a lot for a custom A-rank card not to mention this was an A-rank summons card. Especially if the custom A-rank summons card was made using two ultimate tier blood rule runes. Even broken runes cost more than this. Therefore I demanded Aba 1500 Median Soul Jades.

"1500 Median Soul Jades? Have you gone crazy? Walk me through your calculation." Aba was expecting to be praised for being generous but didn"t expect the boy to be not satisfied by the price she generously stated.

"I used two ultimate tier blood rule runes to create this card, those two together are worth more than the price you offered." I know that not all customers were as generous and prodigal as Kane Kaga, my no.1 fan. But I expected to be paid by the market standards.

"What, you expect me to believe that you used two ultimate tier runes to create this card?" Aba yelled feeling that the boy was really trying to cheat her of her father"s money.

"If you don"t trust my words. You can as your retainer. She can tell if the card has made use of runes or not." I advised Aba to have her retainer verify the card for the presence of rule power.

"Princess, I do feel three different blood rule meanings from this card." Agatha did not wait for Aba to order her, she scrutinized the card with her mental strength and found the presence of three different meanings in the card, she couldn"t find the mastery of these rule meanings unless she turned the card into core form but she chose to convey her initial findings to her master.

"Are you sure?" Aba asked Agatha. Not that she doubted Agatha"s finding but the boy, how could he have three meanings of the blood rule? Won"t that make him a prodigy? For a card soldier to comprehend three blood rule meanings meant that he had comprehended two blood rule meanings to ultimate mastery.

"Yes, princess. Would prefer it if I did a deeper a.n.a.lysis?" Agatha offered.

"No, need. I trust your senses," said Aba as she gave me a deep glance.

"..." I don"t know what was going on in the duo"s head now, I didn"t care. All I cared about was getting paid for my work.

"Here, 1499 Median Soul jades. I will be keeping one median soul jade as the payment for the mission completion." Aba handed me 1499 Median Soul jades with a victory smile.

"..." I did not take the 1499 Median Soul jades from Aba and instead stared hard at Aba which conveyed, "Give me the total 1500 Median Soul jades or become my enemy."

Feeling that making an enemy over a Median Soul jade was not worth it Aba coughed and said, "I will add another median soul jade as my appreciation for your hard work. Here take these 1500 Median Soul jades."

"Good" Seeing that Aba had come to her senses and didn"t pull her stunt on me, I gave her a radiant smile and accepted the 1500 Median Soul jades.
