Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 802 Brother-in- law"s Grace

Chapter 802 Brother-in- law"s Grace

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 16:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, GUild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

"..." Aba has never seen Agatha so interested in something so she did not disturb her with her antics.

"..." Jackie was thankful to these ladies from the Wolf fang mercenary had rescued her baby daddy but seeing how he drooled over them she started to feel like maybe they shouldn"t have rescued him and left him to die. She could not help but notice that Ronnie has become were self-absorbed, ever since he got his origin card

"Your majesty, if my origin card was half as good as you say, I will be lucky," Ronnie replied humbly to Agatha. He has attended the Prestige Academy of culinary arts and knew how good his card was he didn"t require others to tell him about its potential. He had already experienced it, by seeing how the Butcher Bob was willing to make him a country hick his son-in-law.

"You are indeed lucky to have such a resourceful origin card." Agatha was a little envious of Ronnies origin card, she thought if she had ten thousand arms, she could serve her master ten thousand times better.

"..." Ronnie was really proud of his origin card seeing how even a semi-demiG.o.d was envious of it. He didn"t even know that there was a realm called card semi-demiG.o.d before today. He used to be ashamed of his fate ingredient but now he was proud of it.

"Your majesty, we are indeed lucky to have a brother-in-law like Wyatt. This card is his grace. Wyatt created this origin card for free as a gift for our unborn baby. Seeing that my husband was good for nothing and would not be able to provide for our baby or die raiding a dungeon, he created an origin card that would help Ronnie earn money without having to enter the dungeon." Jackie sang the praise of her brother-in-law and looking at her husband she said, "If not for his greed we wouldn"t have faced this disaster."

"What do you mean? I did every for our bady what can"t you understand about that." Ronnie spoke in dissatisfaction.

"All you had to do was follow Wyatt"s instruction and complete the crash course in three months without gathering much attention instead you became greedy and almost got yourself killed." Jackie did not want to reveal that the man she trusted life to had betrayed her brother-in-law"s trust so she swallowed most of the words she wanted to yell at Ronnie. And then yelled, "Don"t you dare drag our unborn baby into this. You did it for you, to satisfy your greed. How dare you throw the blame on our unborn child?"

Jackie was kind of disgusted by Ronnie at present. Earlier she too agreed with Ronnie"s mindset but after talking with her in-laws, and thinking of coming to beg her brother-in-law to save her husband she spent an entire night thinking about the entire incident and realized that what Ronnie did was a betrayal of trust and good grace, now that she understood it she couldn"t help but feel disgusted toward Ronnie and cannot believe that she was foolish enough to run away from her home trusting this man.

"..." Hearing Jackie"s words, Ronnie thought his wife sounded more like his mother and father. He clearly saw the disgust for him in the eyes of the love of his life. Shattering all his pride for his origin card, "You… Jackie, I understand my faults please trust me, I will not repeat them again."

"Is this what they called couples spat? And why is she praising that greedy b.a.s.t.a.r.d Wyatt instead of her husband? Now Wyatt is my friend so is it wrong to call him names?", Aba couldn"t help but wonder.

Unlike Aba, Agatha was not interested in the couple"s fight, what caught her attention was that Jackie"s brother-in-law had created Ronnie"s origin card. Agatha could not help but marvel at the young card creationist"s abilities, she had read the card info of the enchanted blood slime spirit card and she was impressed. Now she could not help wonder if the young card creationist could create cards like Ronnies origin card, 10,000 armed Butcher. If yes then Ronnies origin card would become obsolete and he no longer seemed worth investing, instead she can have the card creationist create a few similar cards for a price and hire some trustworthy card apprentice to start her own independent business. It sounded a lot better than investing in Ronnie. But of chance, if he couldn"t create similar cards to Ronnies origin card, so she didn"t want to lose Ronnie either and decided to recruit him. It wouldn"t hurt to have him around. If the card creationist can recreate Ronnies origin card as a normal card then she can keep Ronnie as a regular employee, if not she can treat him as an investment. Either way, she would not be making any losses. So she went ahead with her plan to recruit Ronnie.

"Mr. Ronnie, I will be straight with you I am planning to pursue a business venture in monster meat processing, and I would like you to join my organization, of course, you will not be treated badly and compensated appropriately for your hard work." Agatha put forward a proposal to Ronnie it did not have any specific promises and terms. It had a very loose interpretation of what Ronnie would stand to gain by joining her organization.

"Your Majesty, I am sorry but we will have to decline your offer. My husband is already working for his cousin so he cannot join your organization." Jackie did not wait for Ronnie to make his own decision and immediately answered for him fearing that her greedy and opportunistic husband would agree to Agatha"s proposal forgetting the grace they owe to his cousin.

"..." Agatha already expected this kind of answer from Jackie, but Ronnie was different she could see ambition in his eyes and knew he would not hesitate to take the olive branch she has extended to him.
