Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 808 The Truth

Chapter 808 The Truth

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 17:59

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

Hearing me call Asong a liar to her face everyone in the warehouse held their breath. But Asong herself did not seem to be offended instead she held her peaceful smile and gracefully said, "Master Wyatt, if you can"t provide a good explanation your words will have serious consequences."

As Asong said those words I could hear a slight odd vibration in the surrounding soul pathways, alerted, I checked the surroundings using my soul pupils. Following the vibration of the soul pathways a few miles up in the sky, I found a total of ten card apprentices" soul pathways hovering. To my surprise, these soul pathways were of card semi-demiG.o.ds. Then I turned to look at Asong who just pa.s.sive-aggressively threatened me.

"Asong, ask your men to watch it." Anna reminded Asong, while indirectly warning her semi-demiG.o.d bodyguards. Anna knew the existence of Asongs bodyguards the moment Asong teleported to the warehouse.

"Anna, it is okay. I can take care of this." I signaled Anna to let me handle this. Hearing me, Anna looked at me with reluctance in her eyes. Clearly, she did not know how her capable but weak lover planned to handle this situation.

"Anna, don"t baby him. Let the boy talk. I want to see if he is just an ignorant smart mouth or really knows his stuff." Asong said while keeping a mild smile and maintaining her gracefulness. Yet her eyes shot a gaze sharper than a knife at me.

Ignoring Asong"s sharp gaze, I said, "Madam Asong, you are not suppressing your realm but you cannot go further in your active soul control. If you force it by using soul jades, your health keeps deteriorating. You already know this therefore you came up with a lie to avoid practicing active soul control. Or should I say you keep using your origin card as a shield to avoid declaring your condition to your family and close ones? You can try denying my words but this is the truth."

"Impressive, I did not know that Aura sight allowed the card apprentice to diagnose another card apprentice," said Asong showing that she too had done her background search on me. Considering that she carried around ten semi-demiG.o.d bodyguards along with her, it was not surprising that they did a background check on me, after learning who Asong was going to meet. It would be surprising if they didn"t.

"Should I be impressed too?" I asked Asong with a blank expression.

"Compared to what you just showed, I guess whatever I do wouldn"t seem that impressive," said Asong shaking her head elegantly.

"Now that you got your explanation please leave my property. I don"t entertain people that threaten me even if it was pa.s.sive-aggressively." I really hated it when people tried to test me, I can understand it if they were doing so out of concern for whether their card creation was in good hands or not but Asong didn"t have such intentions, she clearly did not plan to have her origin card made as she wanted to keep using it as an excuse to stop forcefully practicing her active soul control using soul jades. After all, it was affecting her health negatively. I don"t know why she felt the need to lie about this and I no longer cared.

"What about a client? Since you already exposed my charade I might as well get my origin card created, just promise me it will not be a shield." Asong asked with a mischievous smile, this smile seemed more genuine than the gentle smile of hers that she has been using to mask her pa.s.sive-aggressive reactions.

"Clients are always welcome. And a shield would not suit a graceful client such as yourself." I did ask Asong to vacate my property but that was when she was a… well, a n.o.body, but now she was my cash cow— I mean client. So, she was welcomed with open arms.

"Decisive, I like it. Anna, you found yourself a good one. " Asong complimented.

"Asong, is what he said true?" Anna asked Asong in concern.

"Yes and I don"t want to talk about it. let"s not worry about that. I want to enjoy my origin card creation since I don"t know if I have the time to enjoy my second origin card reaction." There was a reason Asong looked like in her mid-fifties even though Anna her cla.s.smate looked in her twenties. That was because she was a late bloomer. The aging of the card apprentices" body gets slower as they contract a grimoire. And the rate of decrease in aging depended on the realm of the card apprentice. So, even though Anna was more than a hundred years old she had the appearance of someone in her twenties while Asong who contracted her grimoire in her fifties had the appearance of someone in her fifties, considering that she was a card soldier she didn"t have lot of life to live. Therefore her mother forced her to use soul jades to break through to the higher realm, but Asong who knew that forcefully cultivating active soul control will only shorten her life came up with a lie to postpone all her troubles.

"Fine, but if you need someone to talk to I am here." Anna understood Asong so she did not force her worry on Asong.

"Auntie, are you dying?" Aba asked Asong with teary eyes. Though Aba was ignorant she knew it was already a miracle for a card soldier to live past 110 years old.

"Aba, honey, didn"t I just say that I don"t want to talk about it?" Asong asked with her signature gentle smile.

"B-but—" Aba was about to break into tears but was interpreted by Asong"s sharp words, "Aba if you cry I will get angry."

"Wuwu" hearing Asong, Aba broke into tears and ran toward the kitchen where Agatha was busy cooking a bountiful meal unaware of what was happening outside.
