Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 935: Gangster With Grand Dream

Chapter 935: Gangster With Grand Dream

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 21:22

Location- Sun Blossom City, City Gate No:3, Unknown alley

Matthew Pelt"s actions defined him as a ruthless ent.i.tled second-generation sn.o.b but his self-introduction was similar to what a middle schooler would make which did not match what his actions spoke of him, prompting the boy to wonder if the young man had multiple personalities in him.

"What? I am fine. Are you sure you are fine? Just hand over the card," Matthew was embarra.s.sed as his self-introduction did not have the desired effect he was hoping for.

Matthew"s actions and self-introduction did not match because that was not him, the real him that is. All his actions up till now were the result of him wanting to appear gangsta and cooler. Until his self-introduction, he did appear gangsta but after it, he looked like a naive middle schooler who was in over his head.

Matthew was not to be blamed, he was just a misguided teen. Apparently, the gangster whom he adored once told him that a gangster with a dream was to die for. Since that day he has been doing everything to appear as a gangsta with a grand dream. But in reality, he was just an ent.i.tled rich second-generation bully who had no qualms about abusing his family"s power.

As for the dream part, Matthew took the gangster"s words to heart and went big. What could be grander than aiming to be admitted to one of the top ten universities?

"Look, Matt, I am-" before the boy could finish his sentence he was interrupted by the young man, "Don"t call me Matt, we don"t know each other like that."

"Okay, then Mathew, what I am trying to say earlier was if my original body was here, today would be the luckiest day in your life but unfortunately for you that is not the case. I am sorry to have to say this but I will have to kill you and your retainer," the boy apologized to the young man as he had to kill him because he could not access one of his abilities to enslave him.

"f.u.c.k, you sure are insane," Matthew yelled as he felt the possibility of him dying under the hands of the boy was impossible in any scenario.

The boy seemed to not care for Matthew"s words as suddenly a red aura started to ooze out of his body and cover every inch of it. Seeing this Matthew was alerted, as a member of the top family of a second-rate Azure blossom city he fully knew about the rule energies and what it looked like when one were to use one. Therefore seeing the red energy cover every inch of the boy"s body he could not help but mouth the following words in dismay, "Holys.h.i.t."

The same was true for Joe, as the butler of the Pelt family which dominated the second-rate Azure blossom city for decades, he knew about Rule power and how devastating their power can be. He knew at this moment that neither he or his young master were going to make it alive out of this predicament.

Right now there was only one thought in Joe mind was that the Pelt family would not be foolish enough to try and seek revenge for them.

The Pelt family did mistreat Joe and his family as their possession but in the end, his and his family"s well-being lies with the well-being of the Pelt family. Therefore despite all the grievance in his heart for his masters he genuinely wished well for the Pelt family.

The reason why Joe did not want the Pelt family to seek revenge for the death of his young master was that he believed even with the combined strength of the Azure family, they would not be able to harm the boy. This was because he knew that no teenager would be able to forge an ego gem and master rule power unless he had a powerful force backing him.

For a force to be able to help their young ones cultivate ego gems in their teenage years that force had to be very powerful. So powerful that they could eradicate a small family like the Pelt family of a second-rate Azure blossom city on a whim of a teenager. Hence he believed that all the grudge they developed with the boy would end with his and his young master"s death and not spread to their family.

Having thought of this Joe was prepared to die so that the Pelt family is not implicated because of the sins of his young master.

Right at this very moment, feeling the power hidden in the red energy covering the boy"s body Matthew knew he had messed with the wrong person and this was not a fight he would be able to walk out alive. He regretted tracking Joe down and saving him from facing the wrath of the boy. In face of imminent death, his survival instincts kicked in, and he immediately mumbled, "Hey, look man- I mean Master Wyatt, I am sorry. I should not have coveted your summon armament card. Please forgive me."

Matthew remembered the name of the boy and respectfully addressed him to beg for forgiveness but got no response in return. So he panicked and wrecked his brain to come up with better excuses to get out of this one.

"..." Hearing Matthew beg for his life the boy paused for a second. It seemed he had very little experience in killing humans. They say it gets easier after the first time but they were wrong. It never gets easier to take a life of the same kind. Maybe it would have been easier for the boy to kill the culprits and be done with it if they were not apologizing and begging for their life.

"Master Wyatt, you and I do not have any grievances. This does not have to be this way. You don"t have to kill me over a little mistake. I was wrong. Please, forgive me," Matthew continued to apologize and beg for his life. He seemed to have no notion of fighting against the boy after he witnessed that the boy had mastered a rule powerful enough to cover his entire body with it.

Matthew knew no matter what card he used it would be useless in front of the might of the rule power. As the rule power can only be contended using rule power, there was no way around it. Hence, Matthew had given up all hopes of struggling in face of the rule power and chose to accept his mistake and surrender in hopes of forgiveness.

"Joe- he was the one who tortured you. Kill him if you want to. All I did was covet your card, I know I was wrong. This won"t happen again. Please, I am begging you don"t kill me. I don"t want to die. I want to live. Please, please, I haven"t lived enough, don"t kill me, I don"t want to die," when it came down to it Matthew had no qualms about throwing his trusted retainer under the bus to save his a.s.s. When throwing all the blame on Joe did not work Matthew broke down into tears and started whimpering while chanting that he did not want to die.

"..." Hearing the young master for whom he worked day and night without rest throw him down the bus without a second thought, Joe was not surprised. He knew this day would come the very day he started working for Matthew.

Interestingly, Joe hoped that the boy would only hold a grudge against him and not Matthew. So that the boy"s grudge would be complete by killing him and he would let Matthew go. Joe knew this was very unlikely because no murderer would leave behind a witness and not to mention all this started with Matthew who coveted the boy"s card. So Joe could not think of any scenario where the boy would let Matthew walk out of here alive.

Yet, he still hoped that the boy would let Matthew walk and resolve his grudge by killing him because if Matthew were to die along with him there was a chance that Matthew"s grieving parents would make things difficult for his grieving family in the Pelt family. For the sake of his family, Joe had no other option but to beg the boy to kill him and let Matthew live. Whether it works or not, only G.o.d knows. But at his death bed, Joe would not shy away to try everything in his power to help his family.

"Master Wyatt, my young master does not have any fault for what happened to you. He had a.s.signed me to procure the card. But, I was too greedy, and to save some money and pocket it, I decided to use the Pelt family name to intimidate you. When things didn"t work out I planned to ambush you and s.n.a.t.c.h the summon armament card from you. I am the one to blame for this, please let my young master go, he did nothing wrong."
