Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1757 Shameless

Chapter 1757 Shameless

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 15:41

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters compound

Receiving Wyatt"s distress text asking for rescue, Jill did not think twice about using her teleportation card to rush to the coordinates attached to Wyatt"s text after replying to his text that she was on her way to rescue him. Amazing how the once proud Jill Norley hurried over to Wyatt"s rescue when he whistled despite being heartbroken over her feelings for Wyatt not being mutual but one-sided. Love makes people do crazy things.

Jill"s figure manifested itself a few feet away from Wyatt. She had come prepared to face the worst situation but was surprised to find her enraged dad and Wyatt being separated by a large white snake. Astonished by what she saw, she exclaimed, "Dad, what are?you doing here?"

"Jill. What are you doing here?" DemiG.o.d Norley was surprised to find his daughter arrive while he was seeking justice for her.

"Hiss…" Little Beam who finally caught up with startled DemiG.o.d Norley urged to continue playing with her.

"Sigh," Wyatt sighed in relief seeing Jill was here. He could finally relax as he believed with Jill here DemiG.o.d Norley would not be unreasonable anymore.

Getting a breather, Wyatt immediately used his soul pupils to check if Jill was pregnant. Though he believed she would not be pregnant, he doubted someone of DemiG.o.d Norley"s prowess would make false claims. So had to be sure and he was right, Jill was not pregnant. He had no idea what gave DemiG.o.d Norley the impression that Jill was pregnant but he was mistaken. However, Wyatt had made another shocking discovery by comparing the soul pathways of DemiG.o.d Norley and Jill that DemiG.o.d Norley was Jill"s biological father.

Wyatt wondered if Jill had any suspicion about her being DemiG.o.d Norley"s biological daughter and not his adoptive daughter. Since DemiG.o.d Norley"s experimentation led to her birth, there was little doubt in Wyatt"s mind that DemiG.o.d Norley did not know Jill was his biological daughter. Wyatt guessed that this was all part of DemiG.o.d Norley"s plan to protect Jill.

Considering the kind of company DemiG.o.d Norley kept, Wyatt was not surprised why DemiG.o.d Norley chose to keep Jill and the rest of the world in the dark about this. It was so that his friends and enemies did not view Jill as his weakness but as another one of his crazy experiments.

"Wyatt called me over, what about you? What are you doing here?" Jill answered to her father and then asked what he was doing here. However, from the looks of it, she had a feeling that she would not like his answer.

"Wyatt called you over, huh?" DemiG.o.d Norley glared at Wyatt. Only to find that Wyatt was staring right back at him. DemiG.o.d Norley was taken aback by this. Moments ago the boy had not dared to meet his eyes but now that his daughter was here he dared to have a stare-down with him.

"Jill, please tell your father that you are not pregnant with my child," Wyatt said continuing to glare at DemiG.o.d Norley. He wanted to see the great founder of the current government sweat like he was in a sauna for what he had put him through.

"Wait, why would you ask me that?" Jill was flabbergasted by Wyatt"s words but seeing him intensely glare at her father, she looked at Dad and asked, "Dad, what"s going on here?"

"Nothing darling, I am just asking this sc.u.m of the earth to take responsibility for what he did," DemiG.o.d Norley replied locking eyes with Wyatt. He was not going to back down, his daughter might hate him for this but this was what was best for his grandchild.

Thinking of his grandchild, DemiG.o.d Norley used his divine sense to check on his grandchild"s health, and to his dismay he found that Jill was not pregnant. Instead of calmly thinking the situation through, he panicked a.s.suming the worst, and exclaimed, "What happened to my grandchild? Did this heartless sc.u.m ask you to abort it? No wonder you were crying."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Jill was taken aback listening to her father"s questions.

"Old man, is your age finally catching up to you?" Wyatt indirectly called the demiG.o.d Norley senile.

Wyatt noticed that DemiG.o.d Norley seemed to be at a point in his life where he put his family first. As someone who spent his entire early life putting his career and hobbies first, it was not surprising that DemiG.o.d Norley would crave a variety, something that gave him emotional support and gratification. Like the warmth of a family, more like a reason to wake up to the next sunrise. This was not surprising as even card demiG.o.ds were humans. However, it would be too late for a human in DemiG.o.d Norley"s position to start new fortunately DemiG.o.d Norley was a card demiG.o.d closest to achieving transcendence he had all the time in the world for a new start and new pursuit.

This was all fine and well but Wyatt believed it was not a reason for demiG.o.d Norley to act stupid. For someone who had upgraded his divine perception to divine insight, he was acting ignorant. How could he not see that Jill"s womb was a brand-new oven that had yet to bake anything in it?

Unless DemiG.o.d Norley was conspiring something else and he was h.e.l.l-bent on using any shameless means to get his way. Realizing that DemiG.o.d Norley did not want to kill him, he wanted to do something far worse to him, marry him to his only daughter, Jill Norley, Wyatt felt chills all over his body.

"Boy, is this how you talk to your elders, especially your would-be father-in-law?" DemiG.o.d Norley"s divine insight noticed the change in Wyatt"s body"s muscle expression and determined that Wyatt had caught on to him and decided to hurry up.

"..." Wyatt and Jill speechlessly stared at DemiG.o.d Norley, they both were stumped.