Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 389: Beast Mecha

Chapter 389: Beast Mecha

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 09:16

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Gra.s.sland

“So, did the tier2 exoskeleton armor meet your expectations? Remember, you can use the power of the broken rune while in the second tier too. That is how the Gale Eagle can fly so swiftly despite its weight.” I asked Anna and Luna while pointing at Cortney, who was exploring the skies of the SS-rank dungeon in her Gale Eagle exoskeleton armor.

“Before I answer that, can you tell me how much physical enhancement an exoskeleton can provide its host?” Luna asked. Her question is justified because Cortney and her mother only displayed firepower and defense of the exoskeleton as I stopped them from engaging in close combat.

“The exoskeleton will enhance the physical prowess of its host by 27 times the original physical power. And you can stake it with different kinds of pa.s.sive and active enhancement cards.” I calculated the data on the spot using Hive AI and answered Luna.

“I am impressed. The exoskeleton has exceeded my exception in both ranged and close combat capabilities. I can not wait to see what the beast mechas you promised about have in store for us.” Luna finally nodded acknowledging the capabilities and prowess of the exoskeleton armor.

“Anna, what about you?” Anna has been quiet for a while now. I could not help but ask for her opinion.

“Uh… The exoskeleton is excellent, and you were right. The exoskeleton is a perfect weapon for ma.s.s slaughter.

I just imagined my southern watch soldiers equipped in one of those exoskeletons of yours. Even if we faced an Army 100 times the size of our southern watch, we would still come out victorious. That’s how deadly those cards of yours are.

The critical point of this card is that it is an Item card. An item card that meets all the needs of the card apprentice. This single item card has weaponry, armory, and physical reinforcement. Equipping this item card is equal to equipping 3 or 4 item cards.

With this card, I do not need a weapon item card, armor item card, Boots item card, or enhancement potion item card. Equip this one-item card, and you are good to go for combat with three or more empty item slots in your grimoire.

The craziest thing is all this firepower the exoskeleton carries, if you arrange the active and pa.s.sive skill card slots to enhance the exoskeleton then this card’s power will increase by several folds. Just imagining it, I feel my gooseb.u.mps rising.” Anna was right; if one were to arrange their skill cards to enhance the capabilities of the mecha card, then the mecha card’s power would explode by several folds.

*gasp* hearing Anna’s thought of equipping each and every member of the southern watch with an exoskeleton; everyone present gasped in dread.

“Haha, you haven’t seen the half of it. Let’s continue to the third tier, shall we?” I signaled Clown mask and Cortney to activate the third-tier Beast mecha.

“Gale Eagle Rider Ring Activate Tier3, Gale Eagle Beast Mecha”

“Terrain Back Tortoise Rider Ring Activate Tier3, Terrain back Tortoise Beast Mecha.”

Taking a distance from us, Cortney and her mother activated the third-tier of the Beast ring simultaneously. Under a brilliant, blinding light, Cortney and her mother vanished and were replaced by 20-meters tall giant Green eagle and Yellow Tortoise mechas.


The giant Gale Eagle and Terrain Back Tortoise Mechas roared, announcing their presence.

“Impressive craftsmanship, these metal giants appear similar to their original self. If I had not seen the Gale Eagle and Terrain Back Tortoise before, I would not be able to tell the difference. Except for their height, obviously.” Anna praised the attention to detail on the appearance of the beast mechas.

“Thank you. I like to be thorough.” I did not act humble and accepted Anna’s praise.

“This is f.o.o.king awesome.” Cortney’s excited yell reverberated in the dungeon. She seems to have found the volume and voice option of the beast mecha.

“Energy cannon” without waiting for my command Cortney fired an energy beam in the sky from the beak of her Gale eagle as it hovered in the air.

“Holy s.h.i.t,” looking at the fat beam of energy fired by the giant Gale Eagle mecha, Anna could not help but curse.

“I have to say, Wyatt, your attainments in the golem and puppetry have exceeded the graduate syllabus of all the 10 top universities. I have never seen such giant puppets with that much power and move with extreme agility and swiftness.” Luna could not hide her awe as she watched the 20-meter full-metal body gale Eagle soar in the sky just like an average bird. The mechanics behind the build of the puppet impressed Luna more than she would like to. As a researcher, theories and discoveries were more of Luna’s fort, and invention and construction never impressed her until today.

“Correction, that is not a puppet. It is a mecha, M-E-C-H-A.” Hearing Luna call my majestic mecha a giant metal puppet, I was annoyed and corrected her before it became a habit.

“Not a giant metal puppet, but a Mecha. Got it .” Following my reminder, Luna corrected herself, but her gaze never left the hovering Gale Eagle.

“Giant metal puppet or Giant metal golem or mecha, What’s the difference?” Lorenzo did not give up on the opportunity to pull my leg.

“Stubborn old fossil, seeing how you are one step in the coffin, I will forgive you.” I did not bother to bicker with Lorenzo. Turning to Anna, I asked, ” Is this enough for a demonstration for the third tier, or do you want them to go all out?”

“Wait, are there more tiers left?” Anna asked in surprise.

“Yes, one more tier is left, and that is the best of all the tiers. So should we continue or switch to the next tier?” Anna was my client, and keeping her satisfied was my job. So I left the decision-making to her.

“This is an SS-rank captured dungeon. There is no point in holding back. Ask them to do their best.” Anna seemed to want to see more capabilities of the beast mechas. So I asked the mother and daughter pair to put on a show, even if it meant emptying their a.r.s.enal.
