Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 526

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 09:39

Location- Sky Blossom City, SS-rank Field Card - Gladiator"s Pit.

"Stop calling that old hag elderly lady. She is trying to kill us. For G.o.d"s sake, can you stop being so polite and miss goody two shoes? It"s getting on my nerves." Every second with Ann reminds Anna how much she struggled to get her mother"s approval. Ever since her grandpa chose her as the next heir of the HeatSend Royal household, her mother no longer treated her as she used to. She started to have very high unrealistic expectations of her. Her mother had an image for the next-generation leader of the Heatsend Royal family, and Anna never came close to that image.

"You are just jealous that mom loves me and not you." Ann was an alter ego, which Anna formed in the Image her mom had for the next leader of the Heatsend royal family.

"Shut up! No matter what, I am her real daughter, and you aren"t." Anna yelled furiously.

"Correction, I am part of you. If you are her daughter, then I, too, am her daughter. Hearing you say such words, I understand why mom is worried for you." Ann did not cower to Anna"s rage.

"That"s it. Come out. I am going to fight you. I regret the day I had the idea of using you as a card ingredient for my origin card creation." Anna was unable to take being looked down on by her alter ego no less.

"Okay, okay… I am sorry I will not taunt you anymore. Let"s discuss the matter at hand." Ann apologies to Anna as this was the only way Anna would calm down and would be open to her suggestions.

"Fine, what is the other loophole to the yin harmony curse you talked about? Explain that. Let"s see if we can use it to our advantage." Knowing that killing Yin Widow in a single punch could come back to bite her, Anna decided to hear the second loophole discovered by Ann.

"While you landed your Giga punch on Yin Widow, I noticed two things.

The Yin Harmony Curse did not activate immediately. First, it healed Yin Widow"s wounds, and then it returned the exact amount of damage to you. This showed the first loophole you pointed out. That is, If we kill Yin Widow in One-Shot, then we do not have to worry about the Yin harmony curse as it will get dispelled with the death of Yin Widow.

Another thing that I noticed is that earlier, Yin Harmony Curse did not heal all the damage taken by Yin Widow. It only healed the damage you did, not the other damages sustained due to other variables or indirectly. For example, the damage taken when the Yin Widow slammed into the stadium wall. The impact of her collision with the wall has broken a few of her ribs which did not heal with wounds directly created by your attack." Ann explained her observation from Anna"s confrontation with Yin Widow.

"Are you telling me that the Yin Harmony Curse only transfers the damage directly caused by me but not the indirect damage?" Anna grasped the crux of Ann"s explanation.

"Yes. We can try to get rid of her with indirect attacks. I know it sounds far-fetched, but It is a lot safer than trying to one-shot Yin Widow." Ann was surprised by Anna understanding what she was trying to explain and wanted to compliment Anna, but she stopped herself from doing so because she knew her compliment might sound like a taunt to Anna.

"How is that safer? That old hag is a demiG.o.d. She has already healed up her broken ribs. Forget about indirect attacks. They can barely land a scratch on her even if they did; she will heal them right away." Anna was against Ann"s proposal as she knew that demiG.o.ds were very resilient, and shallow wounds caused by their indirect attacks would not pose any threat to her.

"You are right, but it"s either that or gambling it all in one shot," Ann said they had to choose between the two.

"I have another better idea? I think this will work. How about it, Ann? Are you willing to give it a try?" Anna asked Ann enthusiastically, finding an alternative solution to the Yin Harmony curse.

"Explain it to me first, then I will decide if we should put your idea in motion." Ann was skeptical of Anna"s idea and decided to hear it out before deciding.

"My plan is still the same. We one-shot that old hag"s a.s.s using physical attacks. If she dies and stays dead, then well and good, but if she were to revive using a resurrection card, then we can use the Meat Shield skill to deal with damage given by Yin Harmony Curse. And then we can once again kill her in a single punch again putting down the b.i.t.c.h once and for all ." Anna was smart enough, but this wasn"t enough to match her mother"s expectations and, therefore, always ends up being called a dumba.s.s by her mother.

"No way! I am not using the meat shield skill to save your sorry a.s.s. It hurts like h.e.l.l. No, I am not partic.i.p.ating in this." Ann had already thought of using the Meat shield skill to counter the Yin Harmony Curse. But she did not tell Anna because she did not want to go through the pain of being killed once again.

"What? Come on, do not tell me you will chicken out at the last second. Don"t you remember the agreement we had earlier? You will help me, and I will give you three months of freedom. Don"t tell me you are going to go back on your promise? Mom will be so disappointed in you when she hears that her ideal daughter went back on her word. Mom will be so unhappy.." Anna knew that as long as she dragged her mother"s name and her happiness, she could make Ann do anything she wanted her to.
