Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 552

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 11:04

Location- Sky Blossom City, a.s.sociation Guild mall, Warehouse no.234

Busy capturing demiG.o.d"s wandering soul, I did not notice the havoc my C-rank Super Brain Card had caused in the entire sun blossom grimoire network community. In just a span of a few hours, the whole grimoire network community was buzzing with the most controversial topic of the day, the true face of The Circle.

The numerous articles posted by Super Brain seemed to have reached its targeted audience. And from there on, these articles spread from the grimoire network to media outlets reaching a wider audience. Making the Circle and its atrocities in Sky Blossom City the topic of the day. Even the middle-aged moms, aunts, and grandparents were aware of the breaking news. n.o.body seemed to care about the authenticity of the articles and the photocopies attached to them. They were just p.i.s.sed and pointing fingers at the Circle.

On the Circle"s side, there was no response yet. They were scrambling as they knew that all of the articles and the photocopies attached to them were genuine. Especially the member"s of the circle whose names were mentioned in the articles. They did not know what to do. They thought they had left their past with Sky Blossom City, and never in a million years would they have guessd that their sins would catch up to them.

A grimoire network is a place where even a minor thing that one would not care about in their busy life would blow up into something nuclear. It is a place where even the coward-est of the bunch grows a pair and starts acting out. Not to mention in the recent decade grimoire network has become the outlet for ordinary people to let out their frustration and anger. And not to forget the network trolls who get high by ruining others" day. These factors add up and contribute to blowing something that is not even worth our notice or contributes nothing to our day-to-day life.

Right now, the Circle has become the target of public outrage and anger. Yes, some defended the Circle and their head, but these voices were too little in number to even be considered as a minority. Just a few hours ago, the Circle was kept at the pedestal and praised as a model example for an orthodox organization, and now, a few hours later, they were compared to the lowest of the lowest sc.u.m walking the planet.

Some media outlets even went as far as to claim that the heroic act done by the current head of the circle was all staged. Yeah, right now, n.o.body wants to be related or seen with the Circle. All those authorities and bureaucrats bribed by the Circle could not do a thing as the grimoire network and big media companies were above their pay grade and power.

The local media outlets tried to defend the Circle by portraying them as victims of a targeted witch hunt by the enemies of Sun Blossom city who did not want to see the Circle make Sun Blossom city great again. In this day and age, who watches local media? In the end, they failed to make even the slightest splash in the already turbulent water.

My plan of countering the Circle"s false propaganda with the help of Super Brian was a great success. Still, all the credit for this success didn"t just go to the Super Brain card but the local grimoire network warriors of Sun Blossom City. If not for them timely supporting the super-brain, the articles, and evidence photocopy posted by Superbrain would not have gained such trust and reaction from the public.

The local grimoire network warriors of Sun Blossom City had already seen through the Circle false propaganda across the grimoire network. After all, the Sky Blossom City was their neighbor, where the Circle was infamous for its atrocities. They tried to voice their opinion in the grimoire network and alert the public about the true face of the Circle. And that it was not here to make Sun Blossom city great again but leech off of it and suck it dry.

But all the actions that they took to spread awareness about the Circle and what its presence meant for the city were buried under the collective ma.s.s false propaganda done by the Circle"s army of hired network trolls. Seeing that the grimoire network was already a lost cause, some even took it to the streets, organized rallies and protests, but the authorities bribed by the circle like the loyal bogs of their masters, took care of these troublemakers.

These netizens surfaced again when they saw that some actually overshadowed the Circle"s false propaganda with genuine articles and evidence exposing the Circle for what they are. Seeing that the network troll army of the Circle has met its match, the netizens came to support. And their reputation amongst the public of the sun blossom city gave the stamp of authenticity needed by the articles posted by Super Brain to take off.

Since there hasn"t been any big reaction from the Circle"s side, I was trying to guess their next move, but a call interpreted my thoughts.

[Diana Kieth calling…(Ans/Reject)]


"What is it?" I asked.

"Was it you?" A frantic Diana"s voice sounded from the other side.

"Details, woman!" How was I supposed to know what Diana was asking about without enough details?

"The article"s exposing the Circles crime, are you the one behind it?" Diana repeated herself, adding the key details.

"What about it? And why do you ask?" I know Diana had reasons to hate the Circle as much as I did and would not get into bed with them in a million years, but it doesn"t hurt to be cautious.

"Why? Why?... Do you really have to ask?" Diana answered my question with a question. I knew this woman was trouble since the day I met her.

"Okay, if you have nothing worth my time, then I am hanging up the call." Dealing with this breed of women was tricky, but as long as you subdue them, they will purr like a wet p.u.s.s.y.

"Wait, don"t hang up. I am willing to hand over the 51% shares of Fine Gold to you but on one condition.. You have to promise that you will never partner with the Circle."
