Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 555

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 11:16

Location- Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Tower, Penthouse Office

"Sister, I acquired the Brown family"s pharmaceutical industry." Jaya declared as she walked into her sister"s office.

The plan of calling out the Brown family for illicit experimenting with humans during the tournament worked like a charm. The Brown family was nearing bankruptcy as their family-owned pharmaceutical industry stock price fell to a record low. Therefore when Fine Gold came to buy their pharmaceutical industry for a reasonable price, they jumped to it even though it was Fine Gold that led to their demise.

"Good," Diana looked at the doc.u.ments shared to her grimoire by her little sister and nodded in appreciation. However, she knew that this deal was bound to happen as the Brown family had branched out to various sectors like food and beverages, knowing that their pharmaceutical industry was bound to fail sooner or later. Still, they lacked the capital to complete the switch.

Knowing this, Diana had tried to approach the Brown family with the interest of buying their industry, but they demanded a sky-high price. Diana was not willing to pay such a large amount when she had the means to buy the Brown Pharmaceuticals for pennies.

"Good? That"s it?" Jaya was not satisfied with the amount of appreciation shown by her sister towards her work.

"Haha," Cindy could not help but snicker, seeing Jaya unsatisfied towards her sister.

"You witch, something funny? Do share so that we can laugh together." Jaya targeted Cindy for her scornful laugh.

"Oh, honey, that"s not possible. As I am laughing at you." Cindy explained to Jaya that they could not laugh together because she was laughing at her.

"You b.i.t.c.h." Jaya almost jumped at Cindy, but her actions paused, hearing her Sister"s stern voice.

"Jaya, behave," Diana warned Jaya to keep it civil and use her words, not fists. As she knew if it came down to using fists, Jaya was not a match for Cindy. In a way, Diana was looking out for her little sister.

"Sister, she started it." Pointing at Cindy, Jaya complained.

"Now I don"t even have the right to laugh at a stupid person? Boss, when did you make a company policy? I did not receive any memo." Cindy openly insulted Jaya right in front of Diana as she knew Diana would not interfere.

"What"s stupid about seeking more acknowledgment for a job well done?" Jaya knew her sister would not help her as Diana believed Jaya should fight her own battles.

"A job well done? What job? The company already handled everything. All you did was slander the Brown family during the tournament and get some signatures. Aren"t you ashamed to take credit for others" work?" Cindy was a very busy person as the personal secretary of the Fine Gold"s Chair Woman. She did not have time to mess with a spoiled rich kid like Jaya if not for her boss"s order to do so.

"You… I did no such thing! I just wanted…." Jaya"s words stammered as she realized she was doing precisely what Cindy blamed her for doing.

"You just wanted to, what? Take credit for others" work? That"s what this looks like. I guess this is not new to you since you have been doing this from the moment you joined Fine Gold." Cindy did not give Jaya time to get her thoughts together. She just hammered Jaya with sharp words waiting to see Jaya break.

"I… I… " Jaya was lost in self-reflection, reflecting on her past actions trying to figure out if Cindy"s words were true? Was she really a credit hog?

But looking back at it hasn"t been that long since she joined Fine Gold management, and her first-ever big project was the Jk oil and grains corporation Ltd. Which she failed to acquire despite her sister having bribed all the upper management staff of the Jk oil and grains Ltd.

Her next project was to acquire the three allied guilds, namely Sun Boar Guild, Tyrant Guild, Raven Guild. But she failed to acquire them because of the three guilds merger and their mysterious shadow backer.

And then he,r next task was to get on the good side of Dalton Wyatt and acquire Brown Pharmaceuticals. She failed to leave a good impression on Dalton but still managed to acquire the Brown Pharmaceuticals.

Come to think of it, in all these projects a.s.signed to her, there were two things in common,

1. Her sister handled the complex parts of all these projects while allowing her to do the easy part and take credit. In the process of doing so, her confidence has grown, but they had an adverse effect on her personality. She craved credit when she did nothing to credit her for.

2. Whenever Wyatt was involved, she failed devastatingly. It was as if he was her fatal weakness. Against him, she was bound to fail despite the external help she had from her sister.

"What happened, little girl? Are you going to cry and tell on me to your big sister? Well, go ahead. She is right here." Cindy did not hold back as she did have a little resentment towards Jaya for not appreciating her for cleaning her mess all these years.

"..." Diana loved Jaya more than herself. For Jaya, she was willing to fight the Circle and even give up the Fine Gold. But recently, she understood that the way she raised Jaya was not good enough, and if things continued this way, Jaya would grow up to an incompetent adult. But she could bring herself to be harsh on Jaya, she loved to play with Jaya to satisfy some of her s.a.d.i.s.tic urges, but that"s it beyond that she could not see Jaya troubled or sad. Therefore, she had Cindy handle this matter. After all, what is Secretary for?

"Shut up, b.i.t.c.h. Believe it or not, when I inherit Fine Gold, you are going to be the first change I will make?"
