Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 828 Clear Water Oyster Monster

Chapter 828 Clear Water Oyster Monster

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 00:19

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

After adding the soul pathways of the boulder back turtle monster"s ability to the modified fate ingredient"s soul pathway, I grabbed the th.o.r.n.y sh.e.l.led snail monster"s core and sh.e.l.l. This sh.e.l.l monster"s cleansing mechanism was the same as the boulder back turtle monster but there was one change, instead of the acc.u.mulated sticky chemical fluid deposit hardening into a boulder it hardened into thorns, forming a th.o.r.n.y sh.e.l.l that the snail monster is named after. The th.o.r.n.y sh.e.l.l was not just used for defense but also exists to be used for attack purposes. The snail monster can shoot these thorns covering its sh.e.l.l whenever it feels threatened.

Though I do plan to use this ability of the snail monster to give Asong"s origin card more features and options to choose from, this wasn"t the main reason I chose it as the ingredient for the creation of Asong"s origin card. The ability of the snail monster that I took fancy to was its unique mucus secretion, which not only aids the sticky chemical fluid with the cleansing of the monster"s sh.e.l.l and body but also gets used by the snail monster for mobility but the card creationists use it to create skincare cards that can rejuvenate the cells of the human skin cells, helping them keep the youthful look. This ingredient I had specifically chosen to help Asong regain her youthful appearance. I have other more permanent solutions but this ability here not only helps human skin maintain its youthful appearance but also makes it glow like newborn baby skin. With this feature in Asong"s origin card, she would never have to worry about zits or wrinkles. I know that this ability will become redundant with the increase in Asong"s realm but I was hoping that it will get enhanced by the baptism and help Asong to prolong her life by rejuvenating her cells allowing them to overcome the natural lifespan limit of Asong"s realm.

I am going to add this unique mucus of the th.o.r.n.y-sh.e.l.led snail monster to take care of Asong"s momentary problem and to give her a chance to overcome the natural lifespan limit set by the card apprentice"s realm. The ability to overcome the natural lifespan limit set by one"s realm is something every card apprentice longs for at the end of their life.

I wasn"t doing this based on a hunch but the researchers of the top 10 universities believe that the answer to breaking past the natural lifespan limit set by the realm was with the unique mucus secreted by the th.o.r.n.y sh.e.l.led snail monster. They have been doing research on this for a year now, though they had not reached a definite answer yet but they had enough reason to believe in this research and invest a b.u.t.t load of resources and funds for this research. But it"s not like every research funded by the top 10 universities has yielded results. So therefore I wasn"t sure if baptism would awaken the mucus"s ability to help Asong break past the lifespan limit set by her realm. The only reason I was giving Asong"s origin card this opportunity was that her fate ingredient is very compatible with the snail monster"s ability.

After transferring the soul pathway of the th.o.r.n.y sh.e.l.led snail monster into the origin core I isolated the soul pathways belonging to these two abilities of the snail monster and fused them to the soul pathways of the modified soul pathways of Asong"s fate ingredient making sure that it will not affect the other abilities of the modified fate ingredient.

Next, I grab hold of the E-rank Clear Water Oyster monster core and sh.e.l.l, then I transfer the soul pathways of these two ingredients into the origin core.

I introduced the Clearwater oyster to the creation of Asong"s origin card because of its various axillary abilities. But the abilities I am after were its ability to purify soul energy and the other ability that allowed it to display near immortality.

The Clearwater oyster has a hard luminous bivalved sh.e.l.l, the bioluminescence displayed by the sh.e.l.l of the Clearwater oyster was not without purpose. Its purpose was to attract prey. When the prey neared it, the bivalved sh.e.l.l would suddenly open releasing a paralytic gas and numerous tentacles would crawl out of the sh.e.l.l to bind the immobilized prey, drag the prey into its sh.e.l.l, and then the Clearwater oyster monster"s bivalved sh.e.l.l would enclose with the prey within it.

This way the Clearwater oyster monster"s prey was trapped inside the sh.e.l.l which was filled with paralytic gas which continued to keep the monster"s prey immobilized while its digestive juices try to digest the prey.

I wasn"t interested in the way the Clearwater oyster monster hunted its prey but how it was able to display near immorality. The secret remained in its sh.e.l.l.

When the Card apprentices first found this monster in a dungeon they were unable to break through its sh.e.l.l so they decided to kill the monster by entering into its sh.e.l.l. For this plan to work they made many preparations keeping in mind to equip themselves with the cards that would counter the monster"s paralytic gas and strong digestive juices. But unfortunately, the Card apprentices weren"t able to kill the monster. And this was when the card apprentices realized that this monster had an ability that closely resembled immortality.

The card apprentice failed to kill the monster from inside despite all the preparation because no matter how many times they hacked and burned the innards of the monster it would grow back, especially the tentacles hiding in the monster"s sh.e.l.l. Some smart card apprentices tried to find the core of the monster believing that once they could destroy the monster core the monster would die automatically but that wasn"t the case because they found numerous monster cores within the sh.e.l.l of the monster by the time they were able to destroy all the monster cores the monster would recreate another set of cores making it impossible for the card apprentice to destroy the monster"s core to kill it, they had to find another way.
