Card Disciple

Chapter 23

Seeing Aragorn"s movement, Zuo Tingyi calmly said, "Looks like you want to give it a go."

"Heh, I"ve long heard of Brother Zuo"s great reputation. But this younger brother really doesn"t want to visit the disciplinary committee. I can only offend you this time," Aragorn said with a perfunctory smile.

Zuo Tingyi didn"t say anything else, but just took a step back. A trace of cold austere intent flashed by, but then his face became calm and expressionless once more.

Hong Tao also had his own troubles. By Aragorn"s side was a pretty strong guy who was in no way weaker than him. After that exchange, Hong Tao knew he had met an expert. Card Refiners all had to practice their perception - the more powerful the Card Refiner, the better their perception. This resulted in them being very sensitive to other Card Refiners. For example, the Card Refiners from "Ascetic Temple" were said to be particularly amazing in this regard, able to gauge their opponent"s strength with a single look.

Whether this saying was true was hard to tell though as among the Six Great Schools, those from the "Ascetic Temple" numbered the least. But the Card Refiner beside Aragorn brought Hong Tao a strong sense of danger. Though their exchange was brief, it was enough for him to make this judgment.

Thus in this situation, he couldn"t afford to take care of others. He wasn"t concerned about Zuo Tingyi; after all he doubted there was anyone at school that would dare harm him. Though Aragorn seemed arrogant, Hong Tao believed he knew his limits. Thus Aragorn wouldn"t make a move on Zuo Tingyi. Who he was worried for would be the two other students in the cla.s.sroom and Man Siying.

Although the strong Card Refiner was occupied with Hong Tao, Aragorn"s group of delinquents still had the advantage in numbers. A look at these two unfamiliar students" physique showed their combat ability probably wasn"t that great.

Chen Mu stepped forward; with one hand he put Man Siying behind him while with the other he picked up a wooden stool.

Lei Zi took the hint and without a change of expression also picked up a chair.

The world of homeless kids was cruel. It was simply impossible that they would have survived till today if they"ve never been in a fight before. Whether it was one-on-ones or gang fights - the two of them were already immune to such scenes. Street ruffians or rogues were their old opponents; the two of them were highly experienced in these matters.

As the two of them grabbed their chairs, an aggressive atmosphere burst forth.

Lei Zi grit his teeth as his expression turned hideous. And although Chen Mu"s expression didn"t change, his eyes gave off a cold glint.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn"t need to signal each other.

The first to strike wins!

There was no such thing as monologues and banter during street fights. Chen Mu raised the stool in his hand and suddenly struck out.

Bang! The chair smacked directly onto someone"s head.

The wooden stool fragmented into wood chunks, leaving only a leg in Chen Mu"s hand. The battered person didn"t expect that the other side wouldn"t even give him a chance to say a few words and directly bushwhacked him. Defenseless, he could only suffer a strong sucker punch.

As blood fountained out of his head, the poor fellow gave a pathetic scream, rolled his eyes back and fainted away.

Before everyone had yet to react, not to be outdone, Lei Zi gave a grunt and also raised his chair.

Pah! Another m.u.f.fled thump and scream sounded out. Another fop was smacked down; he clutched a face painted red and rolled on the ground.

Aside from Chen Mu and Lei Zi, everyone else sucked in a breath of cold air.

Even Zuo Tingyi gave a small gulp. In the past, conflicts among them were always a compet.i.tion of family background and financial resources. Fights were handled by their underlings. When had they ever seen such a violent and b.l.o.o.d.y scene?

Aragorn"s group of dandies couldn"t help but take a step back.

At the same time, Man Siying was horrified at what happened and her female shriek from behind Chen Mu almost punctured everyone"s eardrums.

In contrast, Chen Mu and Lei Zi acted as if nothing major had happened. They threw away the chair legs in their hands and grabbed new chairs.

Lei Zi felt disdain in his heart. This group of people looked tough with their numbers, who knew that they were a bunch of chickens? If only he knew that among them was a Card Refiner that could take care of him with a few hand waves, he would definitely grab Chen Mu and run far away.

The two of them had won the initiative and their expressions became more calm and steady, as if what had transpired was completely normal for them. This caused Aragorn"s group to feel these two"s ruthlessness and became fearful.

"What? No one else?" Lei Zi raised his brow and raised the chair in his right hand, smashing down on a table. Boom! This jolted the group and gave them another scare.

These two are crazy! As everyone thought back to that previous fierce and ruthless attack, they all felt sympathy for the poor fellow rolling on the ground. As they looked at his face covered in blood, they felt their own faces itching. Touching their faces, they realized they were covered in sweat.

Chen Mu didn"t say anything and stepped forward another step.

Woosh. Aragorn"s group stepped back as one. The only one that didn"t move back was the Card Refiner. At this time, he didn"t pay much attention to Chen Mu and Lei Zi as all his focus on Hong Tao. In his eyes, these two were simply street-level hooligans. The real dangerous one was Hong Tao.

Hong Tao was the one that needed to be paid attention to!

The Card Refiner now felt some regret. Because he couldn"t see through Hong Tao"s true strength, he didn"t put forth his full effort during the last exchange with Hong Tao causing them to fall into this inferior situation. Originally, he thought that as Hong Tao was the other side"s main strength, as long as he contained him, their side would have the dominant position due to their numbers advantage.

However, he never expected that their large group of people wasn"t able to deal with two small fries!

Really a bunch of useless p.u.s.s.ies!

Now, he couldn"t do anything. Like Hong Tao, he couldn"t make a move lightly. If the two of them fought in this small enclosed s.p.a.ce, he would not be able to control their energy shockwaves. Though Hong Tao and he would be fine, his young master Aragorn wouldn"t be.

Thus, all his attention was focused on Hong Tao, unable to deal with anyone else.

Furthermore, Chen Mu and co"s ruthless attacks took him by surprise. He had been young master"s bodyguard for quite awhile now and understood Dong Wei Inst.i.tute"s students quite well. Normally, the students would be afraid of both hurting their opponents and hurting themselves. He had always scoffed at this sort of mindset; as someone who"s experienced real battle, he knew that such timid behavior would only be useless when encountering real danger.

This was the first time he"s met such fierce students at Dong Wei Inst.i.tute. What really moved him however were the atmosphere and look in those two"s eyes. They"ve definitely experienced real battle before.

Chen Mu had started dismantling the wooden chair in his hands. During the previous attack, he felt that this wooden stool was kind of unwieldy to use.