Carefree Path Of Dreams

Chapter 1151: Vampires

Chapter 1151: Vampires

“I"m… finally back!”

Clayon could not help but sigh as he returned to the Investigation Agency branch in Kimbert City.

“What an unpleasant memory… I originally thought that wiping out that ghoul lair was one of my merits, but I didn"t think that it would be one of my greatest mistakes!”

Clayon sighed and directed a large number of men in black to settle in.

“In that case, shall we take care of that first, Sir?”

Nietzsche looked at Simon, but he was wondering about how to disclose the information on the Dark Ritual to them.

Perhaps I can use Robert"s haunted villa as an opportunity? Boss Andy has taken away Dream anyway, so there shouldn"t be much danger… Wait a minute, he took that painting without paying a single copper but is selling it at ten gold punks. What a profiteer…

“At present, the largest extraordinary case in Kimbert City is Hannibal! Robert"s mansion is lower priority. Just keep it sealed…”

Clayon pondered over his plan. “The police have issued the arrest warrant for Hannibal. Publicly, he"s a criminal with powerful destructive capabilities. However, he"s very cunning, so I think it"s necessary to conduct a search within the sewer system…”

As a symbol of a modern city, the huge and complete sewer system could not only free the city from the troubles of sewage and flood, but it could also sometimes become a hotbed of dangerous organisms.


Nietzsche and Simon exchanged glances, feeling bitterness in their hearts.

The main search force would undoubtedly be the two of them. They were the only Extraordinaries here.

“Report!” Just then, a female member in black uniform walked in with a serious expression. “Boss, the police have just transferred a case to us!”

“Ugh…” Clayon grabbed his hat. “Nietzsche, Simon, come with me. There"s a new mission…”

After getting into the car, Simon asked with a low voice, “A new case?”

“Yes, if it isn"t the ghouls changing their diet…” Clayon sighed and handed the case file over to them.

Nietzsche leaned in for a look. A female corpse with a b.l.o.o.d.y wound on her neck was in the black and white photographs next to the file.

“Nicole Rolisa! Textile worker, cause of death: ma.s.sive blood loss?” Simon slowly read the information. “Suspected of being attacked by a beast? When did the ghouls stop eating meat and only drink blood?”

“Therefore, this means the appearance of other evil creatures. According to the information gathered, they must be vampires!” Clayon said with a low voice. “Prepare silver bullets!”

“Vampires?” Nietzsche repeated. “What abilities do they have?”

“First of all, don"t be misled by novels. Real vampires aren"t personable, but a bunch of real monsters. They are like a crossbreed between bats and humans. They have ugly, hairless features and fear neither the sun, garlic, nor crosses. Special silver bullets can cause great damage to them, but these bullets must have magic enchantments…” Simon proficiently reported a series of information. Obviously, his training had not been in vain.

“All in all, they are as troublesome as ghouls. Of course, we can"t afford to be careless anymore…” Clayon took a deep breath. “Something feels amiss. There are very few such cases in the cities under my jurisdiction, but they"re now happening one after another in Kimbert City…”

The speaker had no intention, yet the first thing that Nietzsche and Simon thought of was Boss Andy and his store.

It seemed like the waters in this city were indeed deep and muddy, and they could drown someone at a moment"s notice.

The news that awaited them when they arrived at the police station surprised them yet again.

“A new case?”

“Truly a pity… Such a nice girl and at the best age of her life…”

The police had blocked off the entire crime scene by the time they arrived. Clayon showed his credentials and walked in with Nietzsche and Simon.

“Lilian Marco, a third-rate model… No connection with the victims of the previous cases, but their wounds are very similar…”

Clayon squatted down in front of the body. He looked at Nietzsche and Simon. “Do you have any means of tracking it?”

“No…” Nietzsche only knew the Great Sun Meditation Technique. He could burn it, but to trace the murderer, well, he would have to go back and read the Book of Sen Luo.

However, Simon squatted down smugly and observed the wound on the woman"s neck.

“This is fresh, and the time of death was rather recent. Perhaps I can use some summoning methods to guide us toward the murderer…”

“Very good. Do it immediately!” Clayon decided right on the spot. “These monsters are even crazier than the ghouls. They"ve caused four or five cases within a few short hours, as though their hunger can never be satisfied…”

“Got it…” Simon immediately knelt and began taking out some bottles to mix potions.

There was no telling what Clayon had told the policemen in charge of this case, but they had all disappeared from sight.

“In the name of darkness, I order you… vengeful spirit, agglomerate! Guide us to the murder who killed you using the resentment of your blood!” Simon muttered as he poured the potion on the corpse"s wound.

The wound that had turned white because of excessive blood loss actually started to heal and scab.

Not only that, but Nietzsche could feel something bad attaching to the corpse.

“This… doesn"t seem to be the soul of the dead?” he finally blurted out.

“Of course… Do you think everyone who dies will turn into a soul? Wouldn"t there be too many souls wandering around the world in that case?” Simon smiled mockingly. “I called on the spirits from nearby. They must have seen what happened just now and are most likely affected by the resentment of the dead…”

“Ah…” A long exhalation sounded just as Simon finished his explanation, and the female corpse on the floor suddenly opened her eyes.

“Now… you can tell me the murderer"s features…”

“It was a son of the night with the body of a bat, the soul of a human, a long tongue…” the female corpse said calmly.

“Sure enough, it"s a vampire. Can you trace it?” Clayon wiped his cold sweat. “I"ll immediately call for reinforcements!”

“No problem. But I need to refine this corpse to become my servant first!” Simon said reservedly.

“I grant you the authority to do things with ease!”

Simon became excited with Clayon"s words. He drew all sorts of runes on the female body and poured quite a number of potions into her.

After finis.h.i.+ng everything, Simon chanted an incantation with a hot glint in his eyes. “Stand up, my servant of darkness!”

Crack! Crack!

The female corpse stood up, her movements stiff at first but soon returned to normal. Her eyes, however, held no emotions.

“Is this a level-higher Flesh Puppet than the Resurrected Corpses?” Nietzsche gritted his teeth secretly.

“Vengeful spirit, bring us to the one who killed you…” Under Simon"s incantation, the female corpse went over to the cover of a manhole and opened it to enter the sewers.

“Go!” Although Clayon might look like a bag of bones, his strength had not declined much, and he was still rather agile.

Simon and Nietzsche were both Extraordinaries. Their physiques were not their main attributes, but they had undoubtedly improved.

The three of them followed the female corpse and flew through the underground sewers.

The light was dim, the air was foul smelling, and moss covered everything, making it extremely slimy. It was easy to lose your footing if you were not careful.

“They"ve evidently used the sewers…” Clayon sighed in front of an iron fence. “How long has it been since the city hall cleaned it…”

There were naturally many restrictions in the sewers for places that a human body could pa.s.s through. For example, an iron fence set up at predetermined locations. It was also where the most waste gathered, making it easy to create blockages, and it was necessary to send cleaners to clear them up periodically.

However, a huge hole had appeared on the iron fence, and the waste had piled up in the surroundings, causing the stench to be unbearable. There was no telling how long had it been since someone had cleaned it.

“I hate this place…”

Even the unusually cold Simon had his scalp go numb when he saw the sewage, various waste, and all kinds of dead bodies floating in it.


That female corpse jumped directly into the water and went through the iron fence.

“Follow her…” Clayon squeezed his nose and jumped down. He started convulsing and vomiting immediately.

“Oh Black Iron G.o.d…”

Nietzsche and Simon had no choice but to jump down and follow them. They too vomited all over.

They could not help but want to throw their entire bodies into a was.h.i.+ng machine after they pa.s.sed through the iron fence and climbed up to sh.o.r.e.

Keke! Suddenly, a sound came from in front of them.

The female corpse let out a sharp shriek and immediately pounced at it.

“Pay attention… The targets have appeared!”

Clayon grabbed his gun.

Bang Bang!

In the dark, several sounds of fighting came, causing Simon"s face to fall. “The servant of darkness I created is entangled with them. Be careful. There are a lot of them…”


Halfway through his words, several snake-like things launched a surprise attack through the darkness.


Clayon opened fire, but the next moment, his gun was knocked out of his hand, and a long purple-black snake tied his hand.

“What is this… d.a.m.ned thing?!”

Nietzsche"s hands protected his own neck as he struggled hard. He could feel that the purple-black snake was full of slimy mucus that was extremely slippery.


A flashlight rolled onto the ground, and the intermittent light s.h.i.+ned on the figures of several monsters.

They were similar to a combination of humans and bats. Their bodies were bare, without a trace of clothing nor hair, and those long purple-black snakes were actually their tongues!
