Carefree Path Of Dreams

Chapter 428

Chapter 428
Chapter 428: Amun
Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"At the end of the day . . . the people of this world are too weak… . . Or could it be that Extreme Darkness and I are too strong?"

Fang Yuan gazed at the continuous stream of the river and paid no attention to those excited, emotional, fearful and stunned tourists . Filled with curiosity, he thought to himself, "Using the genes of Extreme Darkness to create a weapon in the shape of a human . . . The higher-ups of the Golden Eagle Federation are indeed creative! However, if Elder Extreme Darkness were to find out about them cloning her into a weapon, would she destroy this realm or destroy this realm?"

Even though they only had little of her tissues, the cloned body would still resemble her to a certain extent .

If it was Fang Yuan who realised that someone were to clone something from his tissues, he would kill all of them regardless of who they were .

"After the 3 birdmen left, the enemy"s target is now this cruise s.h.i.+p . It will only get more and more dangerous!"

Fang Yuan came to a conclusion . "Let"s get to sh.o.r.e before splitting up . Lucy, bring Angel to a hiding spot!"

He had his final ability to spiritualise and could even survive an atomic bomb . However, the people around him would have died in vain .

"Mister Lei . . . What about you?"

Lucy asked, worried about him .

"I will have to head to the laboratory at the reservoir, of course!"

Fang Yuan scoffed .

He was not interested in the conflict between the Federation and the Black Man Society . However, the laboratory was built next to a node . What if the people were to create trouble out of nothing and destroy the acc.u.mulation of spiritual energy there?

"Alright, let"s go!"

He was a person of action . Now that Fang Yuan had decided what to do, he quickly brought along the 3 other people and left the cruise s.h.i.+p to arrive at sh.o.r.e .

"It will be dangerous to stay near me, for I will attract all the bombs . Paul, follow me to the reservoir!"

Fang Yuan instructed them .

Furthermore, he had placed a secret mark on Lucy and Angel .

Although he could sort of trust Lucy"s loyalty, he was still cautious and had to be sure .

Just as they left, a sharp whizzing sound was heard and bombs with fire trails behind them flew towards the cruise, accurately hitting it .


After the explosion, there were second and third waves of bombs striking the cruise s.h.i.+p and its surroundings, as though they were afraid that they were unable to kill Fang Yuan .

"They are still too slow!"

Sensing the vibration and flames behind him, Fang Yuan paid no attention to it and continued forward .

"Considering such an attack, with my speed and the ability to spiritualise, I can escape from the epicentre of the explosion in an instant . . . Elder Extreme Darkness must have died because she was over-confident and wanted to test her physical body . . . "

"How could they do this . . . "

Witnessing the explosion, Lucy and Paul were both dumbfounded . "That is a luxurious cruise s.h.i.+p of the Federation . There are still a few hundred pa.s.sengers on it!"

"Hehe . . . It seems that even the White Pigeon Society will change in desperate times under the influence of potential gains!"

Fang Yuan was not surprised at all by the attack . Bringing Paul with him, he flew into the sky and disappeared in a black dot .

. . .

The Flor Reservoir .

Beneath the concrete bottom of the reservoir, in an underground location of unknown depth .

An extremely packed and modernised laboratory appeared .

Around the packed laboratory, there were many cages . Captured in these cages were various mutants and half of the cages were already empty .

"Professor, how"s it?"

The higher-up of Black Man Society and a few generals of the Federation were in the control station as they looked at the professor in front of them .

This professor had a weird appearance . His brain was 2 times larger than the average human and resembled a large basketball . He did not have any hair and there were many red veins around his skull, making it seemed as though his brain was exposed .

He was the most talented scientist in the Federation and was a mutant with exceptional brain power . His codename was X and it was rumoured that his brain had already developed over 50%, surpa.s.sing all other brain-developed mutants in the Middle and East Continent . He was a fiercely-guarded secret of the Federation .

"It"s not too bad . . . After a long selection process, we finally found a suitable body! This is all thanks to you guys for bringing back Barton"s flesh and tissue . . . Although we can clone her in other bodies, we have found out that it is best to clone her in her own body! We can accelerate its growth as though this was its special ability . . . This might make it a unique soul on its own!"

The professor raised his . In the screen before them, there was a circular tank .

In the tank, there was the silhouette of a small girl . She was a yellow Chinese with black hair . Her eyes were completely shut and she felt like the perfect creation .

"I shall call her "The Angel"! She is like my angel!"

The professor"s eyes glistened . "Although her appearance is human, she is totally different from us . She has unlimited potential . . . "

"We don"t need potential now . What we need is the combat power of a 4th Tier mutant!"

A white man in a general uniform spouted unhappily .

"Of course . . . only by using her own body will she be able to exploit the full potential of the third occurrence . . . D*mn it . . . The theory of the increasing spiritual energy and the traces of the comet . . . I don"t believe that Professor Fang Yuan of the Middle Continent can outsmart me! If not for the fact that I have devoted most of my time to the Demon Weapon, I would have been the one to propose the theory!"

The big-brained professor was dismayed as he cursed to himself before giving out orders .

"Kacha! Kacha!"

Outside the laboratory, a huge mechanical arm started to move and grabbed a particular cage . The mutant who was cuffed by the Demon Restraining Cuffs in the cage started to wail, cry and plead . Regardless, the outcome was inevitable as he was being tossed into a pool in the middle of the laboratory . Within seconds, he dissolved and disappeared .

The whirring of machinery was heard and the small girl within the water tank was visibly growing in size, as though she had absorbed a certain energy from the mutant .

"I can feel the power of her soul . Although she is still in hibernation, I can feel that she is like a powerful dragon!"

The society leader of the Black Man Society, Sauron was a middle-aged bald man . He closed his eyes and revealed an intoxicated look . "She is the future of the mutants!"

"She is the property of the country!"

A disgruntled general corrected him on the spot .

"How is the progress of the programme to control her?"

"Don"t worry . The chip to forcefully take control of her is already inserted into her brain . Furthermore, we have 10 other backups!"

The professor cackled . "This is a weapon which is entirely under our control . There will be no risks of losing control!"

"I don"t think so!"

Charlie and Lorita calmly walked down from upstairs . "This Demon Weapon is too dangerous . We need to plan for its usage properly . . . "

"Haha . . . Charlie!"

It was as though Sauron had met an old friend as he affectionately opened his arms . "This is why we need your power! Even if our final weapon falls out of our control, by combining the powers of the Black Man Society and the White Pigeon Society, we can still keep things under control, can"t we?"

"I am here because of this . However, I have a piece of unfortunate news . . . "

A look of sorrow filled Charlie"s face . "The third-in-command within our society, Amun, is not agreeable to what I am doing and has already left the society! At this point, I believe that he is trying his best to infiltrate this place and inform Lei about it!"

"I feel that Lei is the perfect candidate to be the Demon Weapon"s first opponent!"

The big-brained professor interrupted them . "I stand firm on my view . Before the environment changes, no one will be able to breakthrough to the 4th Tier! No one!"


Just as he spoke, the entire metal shelf shook .

"Someone had intruded the laboratory!"

A general of the Federation shouted a command . "Activate the strongest defence! Professor, how long will it take to completely accelerate the growth of the body for it to mature?"

"We are already at the final testing period and we can awaken it anytime, as long as we are willing to transfer it all the energy it needs without any reservations . . . "

The professor answered .

"Those mutants are already useless . Destroy them and nourish the Demon Weapon!"

"That will be no problem!"

As soon as he replied, everyone in the cages was desolated and felt hopeless .


With a wolf"s howl, a metal gate was forcefully opened and a huge black wolf appeared .

It was as tall as a few humans and had a horn on its forehead . The fur on its body was smooth and hardy at the same time and there seemed to be a force field around it . Bullets or projectiles were deflected away as soon as they came close to the wolf .

"This is not Lei . . . It"s Amun!"

Lorita raised her finger and smiled sarcastically . "Such a naughty boy . Society leader, you need to remain here to protect this place from any accidents . I shall go out and play with it!"

A huge shadow started to spread from behind her . The shadow carried her towards the wolf .

"Lorita . . . Don"t stop me!"

The huge black wolf started to speak human language . "We need to stop this wrongdoing!"

"I don"t care about all those . . . "

Lorita bit her lip and smiled . "I only want you to . . . play with me!"

"Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+"

Many shadows stretched out from behind her like hands, surrounding the huge wolf .

"Don"t force me!"

The one-horned wolf howled, opened its mouth and bit down .


Something shocking happened!

Even something as illusionary as a shadow could break from a wolf"s bite .

"Charlie, your subordinate is very powerful!"

Sauron stood on an elevated platform and watched the fight between Lorita and the wolf as his eyes glistened .

"Amun is a peace-loving person . His special ability is one of the strongest among those who can transform . I suspect that he has directly transformed to a legendary fabled beast . . . No, it should be the other way round where the fabled beasts are all transformations of mutants . . . "

After a long silence, Charlie continued with a tone filled with sorrow . "He always had a good temper and I have never seen him raged like this before . It seems like he is now hating me to the core . . . "

"This is because he doesn"t know anything!"

Sauron gazed at the screen, observing the growing Demon Weapon . His eyes were filled with a burning pa.s.sion . "We are the future of the mutants, and we will forever be on the correct path!"

Chapter 428 AmunTranslator Sparrow Translations Editor Sparrow Translations At the end of the day . . . the people of this world are too weak . . Or could it be that Extreme Darkness and I are too strong Fang Yuan gazed at the continuous stream of the river and paid no attention to those excited, emotional, fearful and stunned tourists . Filled with curiosity, he thought to himself, Using the genes of Extreme Darkness to create a weapon in the shape of a human . . . The higher ups of the Golden Eagle Federation are indeed creative However, if Elder Extreme Darkness were to find out about them cloning her into a weapon, would she destroy this realm or destroy this realm Even though they only had little of her tissues, the cloned body would still resemble her to a certain extent . If it was Fang Yuan who realised that someone were to clone something from his tissues, he would kill all of them regardless of who they were . After the 3 birdmen left, the enemy s target is now this cruise s.h.i.+p . It will only get more and more dangerous Fang Yuan came to a conclusion . Let s get to sh.o.r.e before splitting up . Lucy, bring Angel to a hiding spot He had his final ability to spiritualise and could even survive an atomic bomb . However, the people around him would have died in vain . Mister Lei . . . What about you Lucy asked, worried about him . I will have to head to the laboratory at the reservoir, of course Fang Yuan scoffed . He was not interested in the conflict between the Federation and the Black Man Society . However, the laboratory was built next to a node . What if the people were to create trouble out of nothing and destroy the acc.u.mulation of spiritual energy there Alright, let s go He was a person of action . Now that Fang Yuan had decided what to do, he quickly brought along the 3 other people and left the cruise s.h.i.+p to arrive at sh.o.r.e . It will be dangerous to stay near me, for I will attract all the bombs . Paul, follow me to the reservoir Fang Yuan instructed them . Furthermore, he had placed a secret mark on Lucy and Angel . Although he could sort of trust Lucy s loyalty, he was still cautious and had to be sure . Just as they left, a sharp whizzing sound was heard and bombs with fire trails behind them flew towards the cruise, accurately hitting it . Rumble After the explosion, there were second and third waves of bombs striking the cruise s.h.i.+p and its surroundings, as though they were afraid that they were unable to kill Fang Yuan . They are still too slow Sensing the vibration and flames behind him, Fang Yuan paid no attention to it and continued forward . Considering such an attack, with my speed and the ability to spiritualise, I can escape from the epicentre of the explosion in an instant . . . Elder Extreme Darkness must have died because she was over confident and wanted to test her physical body . . . How could they do this . . . Witnessing the explosion, Lucy and Paul were both dumbfounded . That is a luxurious cruise s.h.i.+p of the Federation . There are still a few hundred pa.s.sengers on it Hehe . . . It seems that even the White Pigeon Society will change in desperate times under the influence of potential gains Fang Yuan was not surprised at all by the attack . Bringing Paul with him, he flew into the sky and disappeared in a black dot . . . . The Flor Reservoir . Beneath the concrete bottom of the reservoir, in an underground location of unknown depth . An extremely packed and modernised laboratory appeared . Around the packed laboratory, there were many cages . Captured in these cages were various mutants and half of the cages were already empty . Professor, how s it The higher up of Black Man Society and a few generals of the Federation were in the control station as they looked at the professor in front of them . This professor had a weird appearance . His brain was 2 times larger than the average human and resembled a large basketball . He did not have any hair and there were many red veins around his skull, making it seemed as though his brain was exposed . He was the most talented scientist in the Federation and was a mutant with exceptional brain power . His codename was X and it was rumoured that his brain had already developed over 50 , surpa.s.sing all other brain developed mutants in the Middle and East Continent . He was a fiercely guarded secret of the Federation . It s not too bad . . . After a long selection process, we finally found a suitable body This is all thanks to you guys for bringing back Barton s flesh and tissue . . . Although we can clone her in other bodies, we have found out that it is best to clone her in her own body We can accelerate its growth as though this was its special ability . . . This might make it a unique soul on its own The professor raised his . In the screen before them, there was a circular tank . In the tank, there was the silhouette of a small girl . She was a yellow Chinese with black hair . Her eyes were completely shut and she felt like the perfect creation . I shall call her The Angel She is like my angel The professor s eyes glistened . Although her appearance is human, she is totally different from us . She has unlimited potential . . . We don t need potential now . What we need is the combat power of a 4th Tier mutant A white man in a general uniform spouted unhappily . Of course . . . only by using her own body will she be able to exploit the full potential of the third occurrence . . . D mn it . . . The theory of the increasing spiritual energy and the traces of the comet . . . I don t believe that Professor Fang Yuan of the Middle Continent can outsmart me If not for the fact that I have devoted most of my time to the Demon Weapon, I would have been the one to propose the theory The big brained professor was dismayed as he cursed to himself before giving out orders . Kacha Kacha Outside the laboratory, a huge mechanical arm started to move and grabbed a particular cage . The mutant who was cuffed by the Demon Restraining Cuffs in the cage started to wail, cry and plead . Regardless, the outcome was inevitable as he was being tossed into a pool in the middle of the laboratory . Within seconds, he dissolved and disappeared . The whirring of machinery was heard and the small girl within the water tank was visibly growing in size, as though she had absorbed a certain energy from the mutant . I can feel the power of her soul . Although she is still in hibernation, I can feel that she is like a powerful dragon The society leader of the Black Man Society, Sauron was a middle aged bald man . He closed his eyes and revealed an intoxicated look . She is the future of the mutants She is the property of the country A disgruntled general corrected him on the spot . How is the progress of the programme to control her Don t worry . The chip to forcefully take control of her is already inserted into her brain . Furthermore, we have 10 other backups The professor cackled . This is a weapon which is entirely under our control . There will be no risks of losing control I don t think so Charlie and Lorita calmly walked down from upstairs . This Demon Weapon is too dangerous . We need to plan for its usage properly . . . Haha . . . Charlie It was as though Sauron had met an old friend as he affectionately opened his arms . This is why we need your power Even if our final weapon falls out of our control, by combining the powers of the Black Man Society and the White Pigeon Society, we can still keep things under control, can t we I am here because of this . However, I have a piece of unfortunate news . . . A look of sorrow filled Charlie s face . The third in command within our society, Amun, is not agreeable to what I am doing and has already left the society At this point, I believe that he is trying his best to infiltrate this place and inform Lei about it I feel that Lei is the perfect candidate to be the Demon Weapon s first opponent The big brained professor interrupted them . I stand firm on my view . Before the environment changes, no one will be able to breakthrough to the 4th Tier No one Rumble Just as he spoke, the entire metal shelf shook . Someone had intruded the laboratory A general of the Federation shouted a command . Activate the strongest defence Professor, how long will it take to completely accelerate the growth of the body for it to mature We are already at the final testing period and we can awaken it anytime, as long as we are willing to transfer it all the energy it needs without any reservations . . . The professor answered . Those mutants are already useless . Destroy them and nourish the Demon Weapon That will be no problem As soon as he replied, everyone in the cages was desolated and felt hopeless . Ahwoooooo With a wolf s howl, a metal gate was forcefully opened and a huge black wolf appeared . It was as tall as a few humans and had a horn on its forehead . The fur on its body was smooth and hardy at the same time and there seemed to be a force field around it . Bullets or projectiles were deflected away as soon as they came close to the wolf . This is not Lei . . . It s Amun Lorita raised her finger and smiled sarcastically . Such a naughty boy . Society leader, you need to remain here to protect this place from any accidents . I shall go out and play with it A huge shadow started to spread from behind her . The shadow carried her towards the wolf . Lorita . . . Don t stop me The huge black wolf started to speak human language . We need to stop this wrongdoing I don t care about all those . . . Lorita bit her lip and smiled . I only want you to . . . play with me Whoosh Whoosh Many shadows stretched out from behind her like hands, surrounding the huge wolf . Don t force me The one horned wolf howled, opened its mouth and bit down . Crunch Something shocking happened Even something as illusionary as a shadow could break from a wolf s bite . Charlie, your subordinate is very powerful Sauron stood on an elevated platform and watched the fight between Lorita and the wolf as his eyes glistened . Amun is a peace loving person . His special ability is one of the strongest among those who can transform . I suspect that he has directly transformed to a legendary fabled beast . . . No, it should be the other way round where the fabled beasts are all transformations of mutants . . . After a long silence, Charlie continued with a tone filled with sorrow . He always had a good temper and I have never seen him raged like this before . It seems like he is now hating me to the core . . . This is because he doesn t know anything Sauron gazed at the screen, observing the growing Demon Weapon . His eyes were filled with a burning pa.s.sion . We are the future of the mutants, and we will forever be on the correct path