Carefree Path Of Dreams

Chapter 465

Chapter 465
Chapter 465: Departure
Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The descending of the Spiritual Realm brought an everlasting impact on Planet Earth .

Firstly, the collision of the Spiritual King Comet resulted in a terrifying earthquake and tsunami which destroyed almost half a continent . Billions of civilians were killed in this disaster .

If not for the fact that Planet Earth"s will had forcefully interfered to restore the biodiversity of the planet, they might be a destructive cycle of life .

Even so, this huge disaster was an opportunity for the planet to start anew and the survivors were barely surviving .

However, there was still another problem - the remaining Immortal Cultivators!

The Spiritual Realm had escaped in time but had left its Immortal Cultivators on Planet Earth . It could be due to the fact that it did not have enough time to rescue these Immortal Cultivators or it could be that it was worried these Immortal Cultivators might have been infected with the spiritual aura of the Demonic Heart Realm and would potentially become coordinates for the realm . Therefore, it was willing to sacrifice them like how a lizard would sacrifice its tail in times of danger . Until now, there were still too many Immortal Cultivators from the Spiritual Realm left on Earth .

These people were being sacrificed . To speak the truth, they could still help in the development of this realm, for instance, by increasing the gene pool .

However, to completely a.s.similate them into the realm, their leader must go .

This was especially so for the leaders at the 5th Tier . They had to die in order for their followers to obediently a.s.similate into the new realm .

However, what was embarra.s.sing was that there were no natives strong enough to take out the leaders and Planet Earth had to once again seek Fang Yuan for help .

Fang Yuan had no qualms about taking up this task .

After all, Ancestor Red Cloud and the 3 other Area Beings should be the most powerful among them all and the remaining were all at the 4th Tier . Even if an Area Being were to hide among them, Fang Yuan was confident of taking them out .

. . .

In the East Ocean .

"Master has orders to gather all the spiritual materials and rebuild our sect on the remains of Spiritual King Island!"

A group of Immortal Cultivators flew across the ocean as they wielded their swords and there were looks of worry and despair in their eyes . They were the ones being left behind and had nowhere else to go, which explained their worries .

"Brothers and sisters! This is only a temporary retreat by the Spiritual Realm . The realm will never give up on us!"

Seeing this, a young man in white robes started to encourage everyone . "There have always been dangers in exploring worlds and it is only normal for the leading warriors to be trapped in other realms . Take for instance the leading warriors of Star Moon Sect . They were once trapped in a foreign realm and were only rescued 80 years later!"

The Spirit Realm had deployed a single army for this invasion and everyone in the group were familiar with each other . With this thought, all of them felt less worried and nodded their heads in agreement .

"Although the source of this realm is rich in energy, they do not have enough spiritual energy . "

One of the female Immortal Cultivators twitched her eyebrows . "After observing through the Heavenly Spiritual Scope, I realised that the spiritual energy in this realm is dropping at an alarming rate . I"m afraid that our future will be doomed . . . "

"The few leaders have requested of us to gather the materials to cast the Spiritual Capturing Array on the Spiritual King Island! Using it as the core and complement it with other arrays like the 4 Emblems Spiritual Lock and the 8 Directions Spiritual Gatherer, and we should be able to last for another 10 years . . . "

The young man let out a sigh .

Although the Spiritual King Island was destroyed, it had formed an archipelago of islands .

These were made from the essence of the Spiritual Realm and had natural spiritual energy in them . Using these islands as a foundation and together with the arrays, even if the will of Planet Earth were to continuously absorb spiritual energy, they would still be able to last and survive for a period of time .

Who knows, the Spiritual Realm might just descend upon Planet Earth Realm even before the 10 years was up .

This was their final hope!

"It"s a pity . . . these are merely hopes . . . "

As the young man looked at his increasingly excited brothers and sisters, he did not dare to reveal the truth to them .

"The few leaders have already used up their Realm Breaking Talismans to establish a connection with the Spiritual Realm . This realm, Planet Earth, has already been deemed plagued by the Demonic Heart Realm and for the safety of everyone, the Spiritual Realm will never establish a connection with this realm for eternity . . . All of us are stuck here forever!"

With that single thought, the young man was almost brought to tears .

At this point in time, a streak of light flashed past and arrived on the Spiritual King Island in the middle of the ocean .


From afar, the skies became darker and thunder roared . There were shockingly loud winds and glitter of sword essence .

"This . . . is someone invading our camp?"

The young man and a few others witnessed the scene and were utterly shocked . "Who dares to invade us?"

On the island, an illusionary shadow slowly materialised, forming the image of outer s.p.a.ce with 12 glittering stars, illuminating the entire island like how a full moon would .

"Is this . . . the 12 Stars Universal Array?"

Witnessing this scene, the young man remained in shock . "The adversary must be someone of the level of an ancestor for all 12 leaders to attack at once! No wonder they didn"t need our help . "

To an Area Being, any Immortal Cultivator of the 3rd Tier and below were merely sacrifices . Only those at the 4th Tier and above with the power of the arena could put up any meaningful resistance .

However, only another Immortal Cultivator of the 5th Tier would be able to stand any chance against these Area Beings .

"We do not have bad blood with each other . Why are you still pus.h.i.+ng us to a dead end?!"

At this point in time, one of the stars in the array started to glow brilliantly as it sent out an angry and desperate spiritual will .

"The few of you are mere lackeys . Do you think I would give you a chance to regain your powers and not deal with you now while you are weak?"

From mid-air, an illusionary silhouette of a human started to laugh hysterically as streaks of lightning crackled across the night sky .


All of a sudden, a muscular giant appeared behind this silhouette as though he had just walked out of a fairytale . The giant struck a single punch at the array .


The array started to crack!

With a single punch, the flow of the universe started to rewind and dissipate swiftly . What remained were the 12 stars, of which all of them were feeling desolated .

"No! Don"t kill me!"

The stars quickly transformed into deities with pleading looks on their faces, making the low-tiered Immortal Cultivators who were witnessing the scene lose faith in these deities .

"The few of you are invaders of the realm and therefore you should know the outcome of trespa.s.sing!"

Fang Yuan paid little attention as he unfolded his spiritual territory, ensuring that no one would be able to escape . With that, the Pangu Giant behind him started to clear things up .


As the giant landed its fist, a female Immortal Cultivator was grounded into a pile of meat and flesh .

"Pfft! Don"t you dare harm my ancestor!"

On the Spiritual King Island, a group of Immortal Cultivators could no longer hold it in . They rushed out and the thousand of them quickly formed a deity war array . "Defensive Aggressive Sword Array, Kill!"

Streaks of sword radiance landed on the giant but even sparks did not appear .

"There are quite clever to know how to form such a deity array . Unfortunately . . . If they are not Area Beings, they will all be ants to me!"

Fang Yuan laughed heartily and expanded his spiritual territory .

In that instant, the entire war array froze and the Immortal Cultivators turned to shock . "Our powers . . . are sealed up!"

"Save us!"

As soon as their magical equipment turned useless, thousands of Immortal Cultivators started to fall from mid-air and were splattered into a bloodied mess as soon as they landed on the ground . It was a gruesome sight to behold .

Those who were lucky landed in the ocean and could, therefore, survive the fall . However, those who were less fortunate landed directly on the rocks and turned into a pile of dead bloodied flesh .

"Thunder, strike!"

Fang Yuan remained focused on his task at hand .

After killing about a hundred of them, Fang Yuan spread his arms out as the giant looked to the skies and shouted .

11 streaks of purple-gold lightning struck down, targeting the remaining 11 leaders .

"So this is the Area . . . In the Area, I am in control of everything! I can even strengthen the power of the bolts of lightning!"

At this point in time, in Fang Yuan"s consciousness, he could not only control the purple-gold lightning with extreme accuracy but could also increase their intensity, giving the streaks of lightning a green hue .

This was not emerald green, but purple-green!

"It seems like even the heavens want them dead!"

To Fang Yuan, these 11 Immortal Cultivators could do nothing against this tribulation and could only accept their deaths .

"The leaders are . . . dead!"

From afar, the young man and a group of Immortal Cultivators floated in mid-air and were devastated as they witnessed the ma.s.sacre .

A few of them could not accept the fact and seem suicidal .

"After killing these 12 leaders, it"s good enough to say that I"ve cleared all of them up!"

Sweeping the place with his spiritual will, Fang Yuan could detect that the Immortal Cultivators within 10 miles of him were all shaking in fear .

However, Fang Yuan did not continue his ma.s.sacre . Instead, he quickly took his leave in a streak of light before disappearing at the horizon .

It was enough to eliminate all the 4th Tier Immortal Cultivators . The realm could slowly deal with these insignificant threats by itself .

Fang Yuan was not a serial killer and would not attack the low-tiered Immortal Cultivators .

"I wonder how will this realm turn out in the future? It will be interesting!"

After accomplis.h.i.+ng his tasks, although Fang Yuan could immediately leave, he chose to stay for a few years .

In the Middle Continent, he had secretly met up with Zhao Daniu . By now, this old friend of his had already married Ye Yingzi and they even had their own children . After the disaster, the country was already in the process of rebuilding itself .

In the East Continent, after the death of most of the powerful beings, it was unfortunate that the 9 Headed Cerberus had escaped once again and was almost on the verge of destroying the world . However, Fang Yuan had managed to capture it and sent it back to isolation .

In the West Continent, although the Golden Eagle Federation had been disbanded, Fang Yuan"s two adopted children had returned to their homeland and were preparing to rebuild the country and its civilisation .

Furthermore, on Spiritual King Island, after the big fight, a few Immortal Cultivators had escaped but the remaining chose to remain behind to form their own sects and were leading peaceful lives on the island .

Fang Yuan explored the world and examined everything in silence .

"The future of this world will be very different . . . Although the spiritual energy is dipping, it will still remain existent in the surroundings . Coupled with the fact that there might be the appearance of dream masters and other technological advancements, the future is interesting . . . "

"If I have the chance in the future, I will surely return to visit!"

. . .

After 10 years .

On the surface of the ocean, a steam-powered mutated s.h.i.+p was slipping off from a port . It carried a new species of humans and was ready to embark on a maiden voyage since the doomsday event across the 3 continents years ago .

At this point in time, the people on the s.h.i.+p seemed to be in shock .

In their field of sight, on the surface of the ocean, a person was floating in mid-air . This person was gazing up towards the starry night sky .

"A mutant?"

"No . . . that person seems familiar . He must be the rumoured most powerful mutant in the world!"

Many reporters screamed in excitement as they rushed forward .

Fang Yuan turned around and smiled sheepishly . As his silhouette merged with the s.p.a.ce around him, he disappeared . . .

Chapter 465 DepartureTranslator Sparrow Translations Editor Sparrow TranslationsThe descending of the Spiritual Realm brought an everlasting impact on Planet Earth . Firstly, the collision of the Spiritual King Comet resulted in a terrifying earthquake and tsunami which destroyed almost half a continent . Billions of civilians were killed in this disaster . If not for the fact that Planet Earth s will had forcefully interfered to restore the biodiversity of the planet, they might be a destructive cycle of life . Even so, this huge disaster was an opportunity for the planet to start anew and the survivors were barely surviving . However, there was still another problem the remaining Immortal Cultivators The Spiritual Realm had escaped in time but had left its Immortal Cultivators on Planet Earth . It could be due to the fact that it did not have enough time to rescue these Immortal Cultivators or it could be that it was worried these Immortal Cultivators might have been infected with the spiritual aura of the Demonic Heart Realm and would potentially become coordinates for the realm . Therefore, it was willing to sacrifice them like how a lizard would sacrifice its tail in times of danger . Until now, there were still too many Immortal Cultivators from the Spiritual Realm left on Earth . These people were being sacrificed . To speak the truth, they could still help in the development of this realm, for instance, by increasing the gene pool . However, to completely a.s.similate them into the realm, their leader must go . This was especially so for the leaders at the 5th Tier . They had to die in order for their followers to obediently a.s.similate into the new realm . However, what was embarra.s.sing was that there were no natives strong enough to take out the leaders and Planet Earth had to once again seek Fang Yuan for help . Fang Yuan had no qualms about taking up this task . After all, Ancestor Red Cloud and the 3 other Area Beings should be the most powerful among them all and the remaining were all at the 4th Tier . Even if an Area Being were to hide among them, Fang Yuan was confident of taking them out . . . . In the East Ocean . Master has orders to gather all the spiritual materials and rebuild our sect on the remains of Spiritual King Island A group of Immortal Cultivators flew across the ocean as they wielded their swords and there were looks of worry and despair in their eyes . They were the ones being left behind and had nowhere else to go, which explained their worries . Brothers and sisters This is only a temporary retreat by the Spiritual Realm . The realm will never give up on us Seeing this, a young man in white robes started to encourage everyone . There have always been dangers in exploring worlds and it is only normal for the leading warriors to be trapped in other realms . Take for instance the leading warriors of Star Moon Sect . They were once trapped in a foreign realm and were only rescued 80 years later The Spirit Realm had deployed a single army for this invasion and everyone in the group were familiar with each other . With this thought, all of them felt less worried and nodded their heads in agreement . Although the source of this realm is rich in energy, they do not have enough spiritual energy . One of the female Immortal Cultivators twitched her eyebrows . After observing through the Heavenly Spiritual Scope, I realised that the spiritual energy in this realm is dropping at an alarming rate . I m afraid that our future will be doomed . . . The few leaders have requested of us to gather the materials to cast the Spiritual Capturing Array on the Spiritual King Island Using it as the core and complement it with other arrays like the 4 Emblems Spiritual Lock and the 8 Directions Spiritual Gatherer, and we should be able to last for another 10 years . . . The young man let out a sigh . Although the Spiritual King Island was destroyed, it had formed an archipelago of islands . These were made from the essence of the Spiritual Realm and had natural spiritual energy in them . Using these islands as a foundation and together with the arrays, even if the will of Planet Earth were to continuously absorb spiritual energy, they would still be able to last and survive for a period of time . Who knows, the Spiritual Realm might just descend upon Planet Earth Realm even before the 10 years was up . This was their final hope It s a pity . . . these are merely hopes . . . As the young man looked at his increasingly excited brothers and sisters, he did not dare to reveal the truth to them . The few leaders have already used up their Realm Breaking Talismans to establish a connection with the Spiritual Realm . This realm, Planet Earth, has already been deemed plagued by the Demonic Heart Realm and for the safety of everyone, the Spiritual Realm will never establish a connection with this realm for eternity . . . All of us are stuck here forever With that single thought, the young man was almost brought to tears . At this point in time, a streak of light flashed past and arrived on the Spiritual King Island in the middle of the ocean . Whoosh From afar, the skies became darker and thunder roared . There were shockingly loud winds and glitter of sword essence . This . . . is someone invading our camp The young man and a few others witnessed the scene and were utterly shocked . Who dares to invade us On the island, an illusionary shadow slowly materialised, forming the image of outer s.p.a.ce with 12 glittering stars, illuminating the entire island like how a full moon would . Is this . . . the 12 Stars Universal Array Witnessing this scene, the young man remained in shock . The adversary must be someone of the level of an ancestor for all 12 leaders to attack at once No wonder they didn t need our help . To an Area Being, any Immortal Cultivator of the 3rd Tier and below were merely sacrifices . Only those at the 4th Tier and above with the power of the arena could put up any meaningful resistance . However, only another Immortal Cultivator of the 5th Tier would be able to stand any chance against these Area Beings . We do not have bad blood with each other . Why are you still pus.h.i.+ng us to a dead end At this point in time, one of the stars in the array started to glow brilliantly as it sent out an angry and desperate spiritual will . The few of you are mere lackeys . Do you think I would give you a chance to regain your powers and not deal with you now while you are weak From mid air, an illusionary silhouette of a human started to laugh hysterically as streaks of lightning crackled across the night sky . Hmph All of a sudden, a muscular giant appeared behind this silhouette as though he had just walked out of a fairytale . The giant struck a single punch at the array . Whoosh The array started to crack With a single punch, the flow of the universe started to rewind and dissipate swiftly . What remained were the 12 stars, of which all of them were feeling desolated . No Don t kill me The stars quickly transformed into deities with pleading looks on their faces, making the low tiered Immortal Cultivators who were witnessing the scene lose faith in these deities . The few of you are invaders of the realm and therefore you should know the outcome of trespa.s.sing Fang Yuan paid little attention as he unfolded his spiritual territory, ensuring that no one would be able to escape . With that, the Pangu Giant behind him started to clear things up . Die As the giant landed its fist, a female Immortal Cultivator was grounded into a pile of meat and flesh . Pfft Don t you dare harm my ancestor On the Spiritual King Island, a group of Immortal Cultivators could no longer hold it in . They rushed out and the thousand of them quickly formed a deity war array . Defensive Aggressive Sword Array, Kill Streaks of sword radiance landed on the giant but even sparks did not appear . There are quite clever to know how to form such a deity array . Unfortunately . . . If they are not Area Beings, they will all be ants to me Fang Yuan laughed heartily and expanded his spiritual territory . In that instant, the entire war array froze and the Immortal Cultivators turned to shock . Our powers . . . are sealed up Save us As soon as their magical equipment turned useless, thousands of Immortal Cultivators started to fall from mid air and were splattered into a bloodied mess as soon as they landed on the ground . It was a gruesome sight to behold . Those who were lucky landed in the ocean and could, therefore, survive the fall . However, those who were less fortunate landed directly on the rocks and turned into a pile of dead bloodied flesh . Thunder, strike Fang Yuan remained focused on his task at hand . After killing about a hundred of them, Fang Yuan spread his arms out as the giant looked to the skies and shouted . 11 streaks of purple gold lightning struck down, targeting the remaining 11 leaders . So this is the Area . . . In the Area, I am in control of everything I can even strengthen the power of the bolts of lightning At this point in time, in Fang Yuan s consciousness, he could not only control the purple gold lightning with extreme accuracy but could also increase their intensity, giving the streaks of lightning a green hue . This was not emerald green, but purple green It seems like even the heavens want them dead To Fang Yuan, these 11 Immortal Cultivators could do nothing against this tribulation and could only accept their deaths . The leaders are . . . dead From afar, the young man and a group of Immortal Cultivators floated in mid air and were devastated as they witnessed the ma.s.sacre . A few of them could not accept the fact and seem suicidal . After killing these 12 leaders, it s good enough to say that I ve cleared all of them up Sweeping the place with his spiritual will, Fang Yuan could detect that the Immortal Cultivators within 10 miles of him were all shaking in fear . However, Fang Yuan did not continue his ma.s.sacre . Instead, he quickly took his leave in a streak of light before disappearing at the horizon . It was enough to eliminate all the 4th Tier Immortal Cultivators . The realm could slowly deal with these insignificant threats by itself . Fang Yuan was not a serial killer and would not attack the low tiered Immortal Cultivators . I wonder how will this realm turn out in the future It will be interesting After accomplis.h.i.+ng his tasks, although Fang Yuan could immediately leave, he chose to stay for a few years . In the Middle Continent, he had secretly met up with Zhao Daniu . By now, this old friend of his had already married Ye Yingzi and they even had their own children . After the disaster, the country was already in the process of rebuilding itself . In the East Continent, after the death of most of the powerful beings, it was unfortunate that the 9 Headed Cerberus had escaped once again and was almost on the verge of destroying the world . However, Fang Yuan had managed to capture it and sent it back to isolation . In the West Continent, although the Golden Eagle Federation had been disbanded, Fang Yuan s two adopted children had returned to their homeland and were preparing to rebuild the country and its civilisation . Furthermore, on Spiritual King Island, after the big fight, a few Immortal Cultivators had escaped but the remaining chose to remain behind to form their own sects and were leading peaceful lives on the island . Fang Yuan explored the world and examined everything in silence . The future of this world will be very different . . . Although the spiritual energy is dipping, it will still remain existent in the surroundings . Coupled with the fact that there might be the appearance of dream masters and other technological advancements, the future is interesting . . . If I have the chance in the future, I will surely return to visit . . . After 10 years . On the surface of the ocean, a steam powered mutated s.h.i.+p was slipping off from a port . It carried a new species of humans and was ready to embark on a maiden voyage since the doomsday event across the 3 continents years ago . At this point in time, the people on the s.h.i.+p seemed to be in shock . In their field of sight, on the surface of the ocean, a person was floating in mid air . This person was gazing up towards the starry night sky . A mutant No . . . that person seems familiar . He must be the rumoured most powerful mutant in the world Many reporters screamed in excitement as they rushed forward . Fang Yuan turned around and smiled sheepishly . As his silhouette merged with the s.p.a.ce around him, he disappeared . . .