Carefree Path Of Dreams

Chapter 515

Chapter 515
Chapter 515: The Monk
Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The Chen Residences .

Ever since news of the ghost appearing in the residences spread, the price of property around the residences plunged . Not long after, the government had intervened to seal up the place and there were a few strange scientists conducting investigations in the residences every now and then .

Unfortunately, 3 to 4 years ago, the ghost had already disappeared . After many rounds of investigations, the researchers and scientists had to concur with the results . They had s.h.i.+fted most of their manpower away and only left 1 to security guards to guard the place .

"Sigh . . . this is boring . When will days like this end?"

In a police post before the Chen Residences, a young policeman yawned . "I"ve heard that this place was haunted! Is that so?"

"Hehe . . . Don"t think about it!"

Beside him, a middle-aged policeman took a deep breath on his cigar . "At that time . . . you wouldn"t know how scary it was inside . Whoever entered the residences will die a gruesome death . . . At that time, we would draw lots to decide who to take the s.h.i.+ft here . "

"Could there be . . . a real ghost?"

The young policeman took a quick look at the abandoned residences and s.h.i.+vered in fear

"What else do you think there was?"

The middle-aged policeman scoffed . "Our task now is much simpler . We just have to prevent all the reckless paranormal lovers from entering . . . Although there is no danger in the residences now, no one can be absolutely sure . In fact, we are only here to remind them of the possible dangers . If they are still stubborn, then there"s nothing we can do . "

"Wait up… . . I think I see one of them!"

The young man rubbed his eyes as he looked at a person dressed up as a monk walking into the residences .

"F*ck, are my eyes playing tricks on me? He"s walking really fast!"

"No . . . This person seems real, I can see him too!"

The middle-aged policeman nodded his head solemnly . "This person seems to be a true Master with some cultivation!"

"What should we do? Should we follow him?"

"We"ll go back to sleep!"

The middle-aged policeman rolled his eyes . "This Master might not be afraid of ghosts, but we sure are! What if something happens inside? They will surely blame it on us! The only thing we should do now is to prepare a report!"

"Chen Residences!"

At this point in time, the young monk had arrived at the residences and a look of sorrow was displayed on his face . "That fateful year . . . my Master became evil and coincidently encountered Chen Xinbo who was grieving over his daughter"s death . Therefore, he made use of Chen Xinbo to nurture a ghost!"

His Master was a powerful monk and a respectable one too . However, because of something bad that had happened to him, his personality changed and he turned evil .

Of course, Chen Xinbo wouldn"t know all of these . Instead, he wholeheartedly trusted the monk and did not bury his daughter"s remains . Instead, he had put in place a ritual in hopes of recalling his daughter"s soul back .

However, it was not long before another monk found out about this Master"s doings . This Master had unfortunately died and was not able to rectify all of these here, which resulted in a tragedy .

"Amituofo . . . I am unable to complete the ritual to allow the wronged souls to seek peace . I can only recite the Rebirth in Pure Land Mantra 999 times to strengthen the seal . . . but now . . . "

He examined the surroundings . Although everywhere was in a mess, there were no sinister vibes .

"This is the place where the ritual to recall the soul was conducted, right?"

Following his gut feelings, he arrived at the second floor before entering the room where the ritual was conducted .

The room was already in a mess . Remains of the corpse or even their property were already taken away by the authorities for further investigation .

"The ghost . . . it is indeed being dealt with already!"

The young monk examined the surroundings and heaved a sigh of relief . "This is a good deed!" I shall engrave the words of the Mantra of Vajrasattva in the vicinity to allow this evil ghost to remain in hibernation for an even longer period of time . . . Could Ma Wencai be a monk who specialises in exorcism too?"

He initially thought that this would be a perilous task . Never would he knew that he would accomplish it so easily .

The monk was jubilant and started to appreciate Ma Wencai for what he had done .

Buddhism was all about karma .

This was something which his Master had caused and therefore it was something he had to return . If someone else helped him resolved the issue, although the problem at the Chen Residences would have been resolved, he would have to repay the favour .

"Eh? That master is coming out!"

In the police post, the two policemen wanted to chase after him . Suddenly, they were being attracted by the happenings in the Chen Family .

In there, one of the walls suddenly started to glow in a brilliant gold hue as engraved runes filled the walls . In an instant, the glow dimmed and became no more .

"A Master! A true Master indeed!"

The young policeman gasped . Unfortunately, before he could go up to the monk, the monk was long gone .

. . .

"It will be good to establish good ties with them!"

The monk was extremely quick as he moved . However, he was able to retain his calm composure as he rushed his way, which was indeed impressive .

"The issue at Chen Residences is settled . Next up will be to pay a visit to the Ma Paranormal Detective Corporation!"

He mumbled to himself but soon after, he appeared confused . "Ma Wencai? I have never heard of him in The Exorcists Alliance! Sigh . . . since 15 years ago, the Tantai Family no longer came out and the entire world is slowly turning into a mess . . . "

15 years ago, the Tantai Family was the most powerful among the exorcists in The Exorcists Alliance!

Everyone who came from the Tantai Family had exceptional abilities . However, the entire family disappeared without a trace all of a sudden which made many of them feel that their absence was regretful .

"However, before Master turned evil, he did mention that everyone in the Tantai Family is cursed . . . With this curse, it seems like they must have encountered some sort of danger . . . "

Even he was unwilling to be pessimistic about it .

After all, if the Tantai Family, the most powerful family of exorcists were to be wiped out, this would mean that all hope for mankind would be lost .

"Buddha . . . If you are truly existent, please let this world become normal!"

The monk sighed . Suddenly, he froze in his steps . "That is . . . "


A man in a windbreaker knocked into him . At that moment, extreme fear filled the monk"s heart .

"Amituofo . . . "

He started to continuously chant his mantra as his hands s.h.i.+vered in fear . "Such a feeling . . . It seems as though I had seen the person who had turned Master evil . . . It is h.e.l.l! Everyone, including the grandmasters, had done their best . Did it have no effect at all?

According to his Master"s revelation just before he died, the monk knew that there was the existence of "h.e.l.l" in the realm .

Even his Master could be affected by the demon before turning evil to commit all the wrongdoings .

For that, the few grandmasters who were living in isolation were shocked . They came down the mountain in anger and wanted to seal up this "h.e.l.l" .

However, they never returned and the young monk always thought that the new grandmasters had combined forces and were annihilated together with the "h.e.l.l" . Never would he have thought that this being would still be in the realm, peering into the souls of humans without restraint!

"This issue . . . I cannot ignore it! Also . . . I will have to investigate where my grandmasters ended up!"

The young monk had come to a conclusion for himself and seemed determined .

He came from the Golden Mountain Monastery and was once part of the exorcists . They were only second to the Tantai Family at that time .

However, because of that so-called "h.e.l.l", most of the powerful beings of the monastery were wiped out and what was left were a few weak monks .

Until now, he was the only one who was powerful enough to start exploring the outside world!

This was a vengeance for the entire Monastery and he had to avenge all of them!

"Although I do not know where it is, I remember Master telling me that this being has the ability to see through one"s weaknesses . . . Has it arrived here? I need to investigate further!"

The young monk silently chanted a mantra and an invisible palm print landed on the body of the man in the windbreaker .

"Indeed . . . Our spiritual auras have merely come into contact and I can already feel so much fear . . . "

He shook his head and did not follow that man . Instead, he stuck to his original plan and arrived at the Ma Paranormal Detective Corporation .

"Amituofo! I wish to see the owner!"


Ma Wencai was in his pyjamas and a toothbrush stuck out of his mouth . He revealed a disgusted expression . "We do not give donations here . We do not provide vegetarian food as well!"

"Father! Is that how you treat guests?"

Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes . "Master, please take a seat . Have you encountered any troubles?"

"No . . . I am here to thank all of you for what you"ve done at the Chen Residences!"

The monk placed his palms together and displayed a look of disappointment as he looked at Ma Wencai . As he examined Ma Xiaoling, he nodded his head . "A comrade indeed!"

"Comrade? Eh? Are you talking about me?"

Ma Xiaoling pointed to herself .

"Since you have the Yin Yang Eye, you are therefore a comrade . Are you not the one who resolved the issue at the Chen Residences?"

The monk sounded a little confused .

"It"s me . . . and it"s also not me! That is resolved by the colleagues here at the corporation, but it"s not just me!"

Ma Xiaoling revealed a look of embarra.s.sment . "I"ll help you call for him . Although Yuan has always been lazy and is mostly unwilling to meet strangers, he has become diligent recently . Oh, Master, what do I address you by?"

"Amituofo… . . My Buddhist name is Jiese[1]!"


Before Ma Xiaoling could react, Ma Wencai spat the water from his mouth before laughing . "Jie . . . Jiese? Wahahaha . . . Why would you have such a name, little monk?"

"Amituofo . Everything is fleeting, so why would a name matter?"

Master Jiese spoke in a serious tone . However, his slightly flushed face showed that he still knew what his name meant .

"Just admit it . . . you"re a l.u.s.tful monk!"

. . .


In the backyard, Fang Yuan overheard their conversation and felt interested . "Alright! Just by this name alone, I feel that it"s worth to meet this monk!"

He arrived at the living room and met Master Jiese .

Master Jiese was very young . However, his muscles were bulging which showed that he was well-versed in his martial arts . Furthermore, there was a Buddhist vibe lingering around him, which was the rare sign that this person had a true cultivation in Buddhism .

"I am Fang Yuan . Master Jiese, are you here regarding the issue at the Chen Residences?"

"That"s right . . . My Master"s mistake resulted in a huge problem . As his disciple, I can only try my best to make up for it . . . "

Jiese the Monk started to explain what had happened years ago and started to look at Fang Yuan in a different light .

Ever since he had come down from the mountains, he had never come across a person which he was unable to see through .

[1]: Jiese means "To abstain from l.u.s.t"

Chapter 515 The MonkTranslator Sparrow Translations Editor Sparrow TranslationsThe Chen Residences . Ever since news of the ghost appearing in the residences spread, the price of property around the residences plunged . Not long after, the government had intervened to seal up the place and there were a few strange scientists conducting investigations in the residences every now and then . Unfortunately, 3 to 4 years ago, the ghost had already disappeared . After many rounds of investigations, the researchers and scientists had to concur with the results . They had s.h.i.+fted most of their manpower away and only left 1 to security guards to guard the place . Sigh . . . this is boring . When will days like this end In a police post before the Chen Residences, a young policeman yawned . I ve heard that this place was haunted Is that so Hehe . . . Don t think about it Beside him, a middle aged policeman took a deep breath on his cigar . At that time . . . you wouldn t know how scary it was inside . Whoever entered the residences will die a gruesome death . . . At that time, we would draw lots to decide who to take the s.h.i.+ft here . Could there be . . . a real ghost The young policeman took a quick look at the abandoned residences and s.h.i.+vered in fear What else do you think there was The middle aged policeman scoffed . Our task now is much simpler . We just have to prevent all the reckless paranormal lovers from entering . . . Although there is no danger in the residences now, no one can be absolutely sure . In fact, we are only here to remind them of the possible dangers . If they are still stubborn, then there s nothing we can do . Wait up . . I think I see one of them The young man rubbed his eyes as he looked at a person dressed up as a monk walking into the residences . F ck, are my eyes playing tricks on me He s walking really fast No . . . This person seems real, I can see him too The middle aged policeman nodded his head solemnly . This person seems to be a true Master with some cultivation What should we do Should we follow him We ll go back to sleep The middle aged policeman rolled his eyes . This Master might not be afraid of ghosts, but we sure are What if something happens inside They will surely blame it on us The only thing we should do now is to prepare a report Chen Residences At this point in time, the young monk had arrived at the residences and a look of sorrow was displayed on his face . That fateful year . . . my Master became evil and coincidently encountered Chen Xinbo who was grieving over his daughter s death . Therefore, he made use of Chen Xinbo to nurture a ghost His Master was a powerful monk and a respectable one too . However, because of something bad that had happened to him, his personality changed and he turned evil . Of course, Chen Xinbo wouldn t know all of these . Instead, he wholeheartedly trusted the monk and did not bury his daughter s remains . Instead, he had put in place a ritual in hopes of recalling his daughter s soul back . However, it was not long before another monk found out about this Master s doings . This Master had unfortunately died and was not able to rectify all of these here, which resulted in a tragedy . Amituofo . . . I am unable to complete the ritual to allow the wronged souls to seek peace . I can only recite the Rebirth in Pure Land Mantra 999 times to strengthen the seal . . . but now . . . He examined the surroundings . Although everywhere was in a mess, there were no sinister vibes . This is the place where the ritual to recall the soul was conducted, right Following his gut feelings, he arrived at the second floor before entering the room where the ritual was conducted . The room was already in a mess . Remains of the corpse or even their property were already taken away by the authorities for further investigation . The ghost . . . it is indeed being dealt with already The young monk examined the surroundings and heaved a sigh of relief . This is a good deed I shall engrave the words of the Mantra of Vajrasattva in the vicinity to allow this evil ghost to remain in hibernation for an even longer period of time . . . Could Ma Wencai be a monk who specialises in exorcism too He initially thought that this would be a perilous task . Never would he knew that he would accomplish it so easily . The monk was jubilant and started to appreciate Ma Wencai for what he had done . Buddhism was all about karma . This was something which his Master had caused and therefore it was something he had to return . If someone else helped him resolved the issue, although the problem at the Chen Residences would have been resolved, he would have to repay the favour . Eh That master is coming out In the police post, the two policemen wanted to chase after him . Suddenly, they were being attracted by the happenings in the Chen Family . In there, one of the walls suddenly started to glow in a brilliant gold hue as engraved runes filled the walls . In an instant, the glow dimmed and became no more . A Master A true Master indeed The young policeman gasped . Unfortunately, before he could go up to the monk, the monk was long gone . . . . It will be good to establish good ties with them The monk was extremely quick as he moved . However, he was able to retain his calm composure as he rushed his way, which was indeed impressive . The issue at Chen Residences is settled . Next up will be to pay a visit to the Ma Paranormal Detective Corporation He mumbled to himself but soon after, he appeared confused . Ma Wencai I have never heard of him in The Exorcists Alliance Sigh . . . since 15 years ago, the Tantai Family no longer came out and the entire world is slowly turning into a mess . . . 15 years ago, the Tantai Family was the most powerful among the exorcists in The Exorcists Alliance Everyone who came from the Tantai Family had exceptional abilities . However, the entire family disappeared without a trace all of a sudden which made many of them feel that their absence was regretful . However, before Master turned evil, he did mention that everyone in the Tantai Family is cursed . . . With this curse, it seems like they must have encountered some sort of danger . . . Even he was unwilling to be pessimistic about it . After all, if the Tantai Family, the most powerful family of exorcists were to be wiped out, this would mean that all hope for mankind would be lost . Buddha . . . If you are truly existent, please let this world become normal The monk sighed . Suddenly, he froze in his steps . That is . . . Pa A man in a windbreaker knocked into him . At that moment, extreme fear filled the monk s heart . Amituofo . . . He started to continuously chant his mantra as his hands s.h.i.+vered in fear . Such a feeling . . . It seems as though I had seen the person who had turned Master evil . . . It is h.e.l.l Everyone, including the grandmasters, had done their best . Did it have no effect at all According to his Master s revelation just before he died, the monk knew that there was the existence of h.e.l.l in the realm . Even his Master could be affected by the demon before turning evil to commit all the wrongdoings . For that, the few grandmasters who were living in isolation were shocked . They came down the mountain in anger and wanted to seal up this h.e.l.l . However, they never returned and the young monk always thought that the new grandmasters had combined forces and were annihilated together with the h.e.l.l . Never would he have thought that this being would still be in the realm, peering into the souls of humans without restraint This issue . . . I cannot ignore it Also . . . I will have to investigate where my grandmasters ended up The young monk had come to a conclusion for himself and seemed determined . He came from the Golden Mountain Monastery and was once part of the exorcists . They were only second to the Tantai Family at that time . However, because of that so called h.e.l.l , most of the powerful beings of the monastery were wiped out and what was left were a few weak monks . Until now, he was the only one who was powerful enough to start exploring the outside world This was a vengeance for the entire Monastery and he had to avenge all of them Although I do not know where it is, I remember Master telling me that this being has the ability to see through one s weaknesses . . . Has it arrived here I need to investigate further The young monk silently chanted a mantra and an invisible palm print landed on the body of the man in the windbreaker . Indeed . . . Our spiritual auras have merely come into contact and I can already feel so much fear . . . He shook his head and did not follow that man . Instead, he stuck to his original plan and arrived at the Ma Paranormal Detective Corporation . Amituofo I wish to see the owner Eh Ma Wencai was in his pyjamas and a toothbrush stuck out of his mouth . He revealed a disgusted expression . We do not give donations here . We do not provide vegetarian food as well Father Is that how you treat guests Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes . Master, please take a seat . Have you encountered any troubles No . . . I am here to thank all of you for what you ve done at the Chen Residences The monk placed his palms together and displayed a look of disappointment as he looked at Ma Wencai . As he examined Ma Xiaoling, he nodded his head . A comrade indeed Comrade Eh Are you talking about me Ma Xiaoling pointed to herself . Since you have the Yin Yang Eye, you are therefore a comrade . Are you not the one who resolved the issue at the Chen Residences The monk sounded a little confused . It s me . . . and it s also not me That is resolved by the colleagues here at the corporation, but it s not just me Ma Xiaoling revealed a look of embarra.s.sment . I ll help you call for him . Although Yuan has always been lazy and is mostly unwilling to meet strangers, he has become diligent recently . Oh, Master, what do I address you by Amituofo . . My Buddhist name is Jiese 1 Pfft Before Ma Xiaoling could react, Ma Wencai spat the water from his mouth before laughing . Jie . . . Jiese Wahahaha . . . Why would you have such a name, little monk Amituofo . Everything is fleeting, so why would a name matter Master Jiese spoke in a serious tone . However, his slightly flushed face showed that he still knew what his name meant . Just admit it . . . you re a l.u.s.tful monk . . . Jiese In the backyard, Fang Yuan overheard their conversation and felt interested . Alright Just by this name alone, I feel that it s worth to meet this monk He arrived at the living room and met Master Jiese . Master Jiese was very young . However, his muscles were bulging which showed that he was well versed in his martial arts . Furthermore, there was a Buddhist vibe lingering around him, which was the rare sign that this person had a true cultivation in Buddhism . I am Fang Yuan . Master Jiese, are you here regarding the issue at the Chen Residences That s right . . . My Master s mistake resulted in a huge problem . As his disciple, I can only try my best to make up for it . . . Jiese the Monk started to explain what had happened years ago and started to look at Fang Yuan in a different light . Ever since he had come down from the mountains, he had never come across a person which he was unable to see through . 1 Jiese means To abstain from l.u.s.t