Carefree Path Of Dreams

Chapter 556

Chapter 556
Chapter 556: White Foxes
Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Arrows ready! Arrows ready!"

Dozens of archers drew their bows in the formation and loosed their arrows in unison .

"Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+"

The arrows moved along a curved path in the air gracefully, much like the shape of Death"s scythe, and flew towards the white tiger steadily .

"Roar! Roar!"

The white tiger gave a ferocious roar as it jumped several yards away .

The rain of arrows covered a large area . Even though there was much friendly fire, many of the arrows landed on the white tiger"s body .

"Ding! Ding! Dang! Dang!"

Metallic rings reverberated through the air as the arrows impacted the white light surrounding the white tiger"s body and fell to the ground .

Even so, the white light flickered and looked as if it was fading .

Beasts could prey on humans but humans could kill beasts too!

Numerous soldiers sprang forth as the army officers called for a charge .

"Roar! Roar!"

The white tiger was a murderous creature and pounced on a chariot which shattered under its weight . It swept its tail, harder than any whip in the world, and let it crash into a Shang soldier .

The ferociousness displayed by the white tiger stunned the Shang soldiers, who were previously fearless fighters .

The white tiger sensed their vulnerability and pounced on a foot soldier . With its prey firmly in its grasp, the white tiger began to feed .

The screams of the Shang soldier filled the air . Meng Kuo"s eyes widened as he witnessed the ghastly sight .

"Demonic beast! I must kill you!"

In a flash, Meng Kuo was in command of a chariot and drove it towards the frontlines .

"It"s just a little demon which might not even have achieved full spiritual awareness…"

Fang Yuan shook his head . A spiritually intelligent creature would have run away by now . On the contrary, this white tiger was becoming more aggressive even though the protective white light around its body was dimming . It obviously had a death wish .

"Watch my arrows!"

Meng Kuo roared as his arrows a.s.sailed the white light surrounding the tiger .

He had discharged three arrows from his bow in one shot .


The first and second arrows broke upon contact with the white light . The third arrow, however, was the straw that broke the camel"s back . The white light offered no resistance as the arrow popped the eye of the tiger .


There was a burst of blood .

The white tiger roared in pain and ran towards Meng Kuo in a fit of madness . Its remaining eye was filled with a crazed rage .

"Hei Zhong . . . the white tiger is yours to handle!"

Fang Yuan waved the sword in his hand and gave an order to Hei Zhong .

"Yes, master!"

Hei Zhong gave a battle cry and rushed over on foot with his trusty battleaxe .

He was just in time, for Meng Kuo had been knocked off his chariot by the white tiger and was about to get torn apart .

"Hey! Don"t even think about hurting him, beast!"

Hei Zhong swung his axe up into the air and brought it down onto the tiger .

"Roar! Roar!"

The axe managed to cut into the front paws of the white tiger and blood was spilt . The tiger shrank away in pain and Hei Zhong took the opportunity to pull Meng Kuo to safety .


As Hei Zhong retreated, he exhaled a cloud of white mist . The white mist enveloped the white tiger and distracted it from Hei Zhong"s ensuing attack .

Even though the large tiger was a demonic beast, it was at a loss as to what to do in the face of this seemingly divine technique .

"Loose the arrows!"

A severe voice rang out from behind and triggered a torrential hail of arrows .

A dark gleam joined the trajectory of the arrows and shot towards the white tiger . Whether it was by chance or not, Hei Zhong was in its path too!

"A flying sword!"

Hei Zhong turned around and was startled to see a smiling youth . It was the recovered Gentleman Jiu!

Gentleman Jiu had been humiliated by Hei Zhong and was saved by good fortune . Now, he was ready to avenge his honour by killing Hei Zhong . He was prepared to disguise the murder as collateral damage sustained in killing the white tiger!


Another dark gleam flew overhead .

This was another flying sword and it was actually able to knock Gentleman Jiu"s flying sword to the ground despite having been launched later .

This other flying sword"s path of flight remained unchanged and approached Gentleman Jiu at an alarming speed .

"How do you also know the flying sword technique?"

Gentleman Jiu was stunned . The person who had launched the other flying sword was more skilful than he was . He could only fall backwards in a clumsy attempt to escape it .

The sword sank into the ground less than a foot away from Gentleman Jiu . It would have killed him if he had not taken one more step backwards .

"It"s that Jie!"

He shot an uncertain look over at Fang Yuan and felt a seething hatred .

"Hmph! He doesn"t know what is good for him!"

Fang Yuan could not be bothered to say anything .

He knew that his move would cause Gentleman Jiu to hate him but he would never take it lying down if a subordinate of his was being attacked .

No matter what Hei Zhong had done previously, he was Fang Yuan"s slave now . How could Fang Yuan let anyone kill him?

Fang Yuan was perfectly fine with Gentleman Jiu hating him .

If Gentleman Jiu wanted to cross Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan would kill him without regard to his status .

Fang Yuan would kill even the Shang King if he made things difficult for Fang Yuan .

"Roar! Roar!"

The commotion with the flying swords happened in a flash and many of the soldiers were not aware of it .

Most of them kept their attention on the white tiger .

"Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+"

The white tiger had lost the protection of the white light and was struggling with the arrow wounds on its body . One of its paws had been maimed and it was finally going away .


Meng Kuo did not intend to let the beast escape . On his orders, a dozen Shang spearmen closed in on the tiger .

"Haha . . . I shall take your life!"

Hei Zhong let out a coa.r.s.e laugh and brought his axe down onto the white tiger"s neck!


The tiger"s head had been cut halfway off its neck . Blood spouted out of the large gash in streams .

"Roar! Roar!"

The gigantic tiger put up a terminal struggle where it broke a few spears and mauled a few soldiers to death . Finally, it collapsed to the ground and stopped moving .

Even in death, the tiger looked menacing .

Its ferocious aura was keeping the soldiers away from its body .

"Orders from Senior Fang: Our army has encountered a white tiger, which is a good omen . Skin it and present its fur to the King!"

A soldier moved up to the front of the procession and read out Senior Fang"s decree .

A military order was not to be defied . A few soldiers approached the tiger gingerly until they were sure that the tiger was truly dead .

At last, someone cheered, and the others echoed their jubilation .

Fang Yuan observed the proceedings with a glint in his eye .

That night, the army set up camp and tiger meat was distributed to the men . It was a happy affair .

Fang Yuan walked alone out of the camp with an iron sword hanging at his waist .

The golden gleam in Fang Yuan"s eyes helped him to see the s.h.i.+mmering white marks on the ground that formed a path in the dark .

"Indeed, there are two of these little fellows!"

Fang Yuan retracted his spiritual aura, dimmed the light in his eyes and turned off his spiritual tracer . After walking on for a while, Fang Yuan arrived at a small valley .

He could hear small chattering sounds coming from ahead .

Fang Yuan quickly hid behind a tree and extended the tendrils of his spiritual sense .

Although Fang Yuan had not recovered the entirety of his cultivation, he possessed a high level of magical energy that allowed him to scan his surroundings thoroughly within a radius of a few yards .

The silent glow of the moon, the gentle mountain breeze and leaves whirling close to the ground all contributed to the beauty of the night .

In the clearing ahead, two white foxes were bowing to the moon .

The foxes had tiny bodies and large bushy tails . They did not have the stench of common animals and had a strange fragrance on their bodies . Their eyes darted about animatedly and their movements were intelligent . They were surely elves of the mountain .

"In terms of raw strength, even ten foxes would not be able to match the white tiger . However, not even a hundred white tigers will be able to match the foxes" intelligence . . . is this what it means by a trade-off?"

Fang Yuan watched the foxes silently .

They had been snooping around the camp and were now bowing to the moon . The moonlight that had fallen on their bodies looked especially dense . They were obviously in the middle of a cultivation ritual .

Moments later .

The two white foxes had completed their cultivation and began to play with each other . They chittered away without a care in the world while Fang Yuan watched on in the distance .

He could not understand the language of animals .

"Forget it, it"s just two little demons!"

Fang Yuan took a big step forward .



The white foxes had not expected anyone to appear from behind the trees and were startled . They immediately sped off like two white arrows .

"Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+"

Fang Yuan flicked two stones towards the foxes .

The white foxes were hit and fell to the ground, their eyes .

"These little creatures have been bad!"

Fang Yuan hoisted both foxes up by the scruff of their necks . Their fur was extremely smooth to the touch, which aroused in Fang Yuan a pa.s.sing impulse to make a fur coat out of them . However, upon closer inspection, the two foxes barely had enough fur between them to make a pair of gloves .

He released them and let them drop to the ground . Light returned to the foxes" eyes but they did not move and pretended to be dead .

"Enough of this . . . if you carry on with this act, I"ll kill and skin you two!"

Fang Yuan intimidated them by baring his teeth .

"Nng! Nng!"

The two white foxes clasped their paws together and pleaded for mercy .

"Enough, take on your human forms!"

Fang Yuan pursed his lips .

The two foxes shared a look and decided to accept their fate . They hung their heads in resignation .

The foxes seemingly absorbed the essence of the moon and transformed into two white-robed servant girls .

They hugged each other and looked at Fang Yuan fearfully as if he was a predatory beast .

"Oh? Your cultivation has reached such a high level?"

Fang Yuan was surprised .

"This isn"t the conventional path of the demon race . This is more similar to the celestial dao!"

"What . . . what do you want?"

The two fox girls were bright-eyed and had white teeth . They were around 13 or 14 years of age and were nearly identical to each other . One of them had gathered enough courage to speak up but looked like she was going to burst into tears at any moment .

"Nothing . I just wanted to know who was spying on the army camp!"

Fang Yuan rubbed his nose . He was feeling somewhat guilty about bullying these kids .

Nevertheless, Fang Yuan was thick-skinned and let the feeling pa.s.s .

"Tell me honestly, what are your intentions?"

"Boohoo . . . we only wanted to steal the fur of the White Mountain Lady . . . boohoo . . . we don"t mean any harm!"

The two fox girls were terrified and Fang Yuan could not help but find it funny .

Chapter 556 White FoxesTranslator Sparrow Translations Editor Sparrow Translations Arrows ready Arrows ready Dozens of archers drew their bows in the formation and loosed their arrows in unison . Swish Swish The arrows moved along a curved path in the air gracefully, much like the shape of Death s scythe, and flew towards the white tiger steadily . Roar Roar The white tiger gave a ferocious roar as it jumped several yards away . The rain of arrows covered a large area . Even though there was much friendly fire, many of the arrows landed on the white tiger s body . Ding Ding Dang Dang Metallic rings reverberated through the air as the arrows impacted the white light surrounding the white tiger s body and fell to the ground . Even so, the white light flickered and looked as if it was fading . Beasts could prey on humans but humans could kill beasts too Numerous soldiers sprang forth as the army officers called for a charge . Roar Roar The white tiger was a murderous creature and pounced on a chariot which shattered under its weight . It swept its tail, harder than any whip in the world, and let it crash into a Shang soldier . The ferociousness displayed by the white tiger stunned the Shang soldiers, who were previously fearless fighters . The white tiger sensed their vulnerability and pounced on a foot soldier . With its prey firmly in its grasp, the white tiger began to feed . The screams of the Shang soldier filled the air . Meng Kuo s eyes widened as he witnessed the ghastly sight . Demonic beast I must kill you In a flash, Meng Kuo was in command of a chariot and drove it towards the frontlines . It s just a little demon which might not even have achieved full spiritual awareness Fang Yuan shook his head . A spiritually intelligent creature would have run away by now . On the contrary, this white tiger was becoming more aggressive even though the protective white light around its body was dimming . It obviously had a death wish . Watch my arrows Meng Kuo roared as his arrows a.s.sailed the white light surrounding the tiger . He had discharged three arrows from his bow in one shot . Ding The first and second arrows broke upon contact with the white light . The third arrow, however, was the straw that broke the camel s back . The white light offered no resistance as the arrow popped the eye of the tiger . Poof There was a burst of blood . The white tiger roared in pain and ran towards Meng Kuo in a fit of madness . Its remaining eye was filled with a crazed rage . Hei Zhong . . . the white tiger is yours to handle Fang Yuan waved the sword in his hand and gave an order to Hei Zhong . Yes, master Hei Zhong gave a battle cry and rushed over on foot with his trusty battleaxe . He was just in time, for Meng Kuo had been knocked off his chariot by the white tiger and was about to get torn apart . Hey Don t even think about hurting him, beast Hei Zhong swung his axe up into the air and brought it down onto the tiger . Roar Roar The axe managed to cut into the front paws of the white tiger and blood was spilt . The tiger shrank away in pain and Hei Zhong took the opportunity to pull Meng Kuo to safety . Hmph As Hei Zhong retreated, he exhaled a cloud of white mist . The white mist enveloped the white tiger and distracted it from Hei Zhong s ensuing attack . Even though the large tiger was a demonic beast, it was at a loss as to what to do in the face of this seemingly divine technique . Loose the arrows A severe voice rang out from behind and triggered a torrential hail of arrows . A dark gleam joined the trajectory of the arrows and shot towards the white tiger . Whether it was by chance or not, Hei Zhong was in its path too A flying sword Hei Zhong turned around and was startled to see a smiling youth . It was the recovered Gentleman Jiu Gentleman Jiu had been humiliated by Hei Zhong and was saved by good fortune . Now, he was ready to avenge his honour by killing Hei Zhong . He was prepared to disguise the murder as collateral damage sustained in killing the white tiger Swish Another dark gleam flew overhead . This was another flying sword and it was actually able to knock Gentleman Jiu s flying sword to the ground despite having been launched later . This other flying sword s path of flight remained unchanged and approached Gentleman Jiu at an alarming speed . How do you also know the flying sword technique Gentleman Jiu was stunned . The person who had launched the other flying sword was more skilful than he was . He could only fall backwards in a clumsy attempt to escape it . The sword sank into the ground less than a foot away from Gentleman Jiu . It would have killed him if he had not taken one more step backwards . It s that Jie He shot an uncertain look over at Fang Yuan and felt a seething hatred . Hmph He doesn t know what is good for him Fang Yuan could not be bothered to say anything . He knew that his move would cause Gentleman Jiu to hate him but he would never take it lying down if a subordinate of his was being attacked . No matter what Hei Zhong had done previously, he was Fang Yuan s slave now . How could Fang Yuan let anyone kill him Fang Yuan was perfectly fine with Gentleman Jiu hating him . If Gentleman Jiu wanted to cross Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan would kill him without regard to his status . Fang Yuan would kill even the Shang King if he made things difficult for Fang Yuan . Roar Roar The commotion with the flying swords happened in a flash and many of the soldiers were not aware of it . Most of them kept their attention on the white tiger . Swish Swish The white tiger had lost the protection of the white light and was struggling with the arrow wounds on its body . One of its paws had been maimed and it was finally going away . Attack Meng Kuo did not intend to let the beast escape . On his orders, a dozen Shang spearmen closed in on the tiger . Haha . . . I shall take your life Hei Zhong let out a coa.r.s.e laugh and brought his axe down onto the white tiger s neck Poof The tiger s head had been cut halfway off its neck . Blood spouted out of the large gash in streams . Roar Roar The gigantic tiger put up a terminal struggle where it broke a few spears and mauled a few soldiers to death . Finally, it collapsed to the ground and stopped moving . Even in death, the tiger looked menacing . Its ferocious aura was keeping the soldiers away from its body . Orders from Senior Fang Our army has encountered a white tiger, which is a good omen . Skin it and present its fur to the King A soldier moved up to the front of the procession and read out Senior Fang s decree . A military order was not to be defied . A few soldiers approached the tiger gingerly until they were sure that the tiger was truly dead . At last, someone cheered, and the others echoed their jubilation . Fang Yuan observed the proceedings with a glint in his eye . That night, the army set up camp and tiger meat was distributed to the men . It was a happy affair . Fang Yuan walked alone out of the camp with an iron sword hanging at his waist . The golden gleam in Fang Yuan s eyes helped him to see the s.h.i.+mmering white marks on the ground that formed a path in the dark . Indeed, there are two of these little fellows Fang Yuan retracted his spiritual aura, dimmed the light in his eyes and turned off his spiritual tracer . After walking on for a while, Fang Yuan arrived at a small valley . He could hear small chattering sounds coming from ahead . Fang Yuan quickly hid behind a tree and extended the tendrils of his spiritual sense . Although Fang Yuan had not recovered the entirety of his cultivation, he possessed a high level of magical energy that allowed him to scan his surroundings thoroughly within a radius of a few yards . The silent glow of the moon, the gentle mountain breeze and leaves whirling close to the ground all contributed to the beauty of the night . In the clearing ahead, two white foxes were bowing to the moon . The foxes had tiny bodies and large bushy tails . They did not have the stench of common animals and had a strange fragrance on their bodies . Their eyes darted about animatedly and their movements were intelligent . They were surely elves of the mountain . In terms of raw strength, even ten foxes would not be able to match the white tiger . However, not even a hundred white tigers will be able to match the foxes intelligence . . . is this what it means by a trade off Fang Yuan watched the foxes silently . They had been snooping around the camp and were now bowing to the moon . The moonlight that had fallen on their bodies looked especially dense . They were obviously in the middle of a cultivation ritual . Moments later . The two white foxes had completed their cultivation and began to play with each other . They chittered away without a care in the world while Fang Yuan watched on in the distance . He could not understand the language of animals . Forget it, it s just two little demons Fang Yuan took a big step forward . Hey Swoosh The white foxes had not expected anyone to appear from behind the trees and were startled . They immediately sped off like two white arrows . Swish Swish Fang Yuan flicked two stones towards the foxes . The white foxes were hit and fell to the ground, their eyes . These little creatures have been bad Fang Yuan hoisted both foxes up by the scruff of their necks . Their fur was extremely smooth to the touch, which aroused in Fang Yuan a pa.s.sing impulse to make a fur coat out of them . However, upon closer inspection, the two foxes barely had enough fur between them to make a pair of gloves . He released them and let them drop to the ground . Light returned to the foxes eyes but they did not move and pretended to be dead . Enough of this . . . if you carry on with this act, I ll kill and skin you two Fang Yuan intimidated them by baring his teeth . Nng Nng The two white foxes clasped their paws together and pleaded for mercy . Enough, take on your human forms Fang Yuan pursed his lips . The two foxes shared a look and decided to accept their fate . They hung their heads in resignation . The foxes seemingly absorbed the essence of the moon and transformed into two white robed servant girls . They hugged each other and looked at Fang Yuan fearfully as if he was a predatory beast . Oh Your cultivation has reached such a high level Fang Yuan was surprised . This isn t the conventional path of the demon race . This is more similar to the celestial dao What . . . what do you want The two fox girls were bright eyed and had white teeth . They were around 13 or 14 years of age and were nearly identical to each other . One of them had gathered enough courage to speak up but looked like she was going to burst into tears at any moment . Nothing . I just wanted to know who was spying on the army camp Fang Yuan rubbed his nose . He was feeling somewhat guilty about bullying these kids . Nevertheless, Fang Yuan was thick skinned and let the feeling pa.s.s . Tell me honestly, what are your intentions Boohoo . . . we only wanted to steal the fur of the White Mountain Lady . . . boohoo . . . we don t mean any harm The two fox girls were terrified and Fang Yuan could not help but find it funny .