Celestial Saga: Exiled To Earth II

Chapter 9

Ten o"clock PM, high school grounds. Freyja, Van, Scar and Aya are wide awake inside a cramped tent. "Hey, you"re not supposed to be here. You"re a first year." Freyja gave Van a cold look, who shrugged it off with a laugh. "Come on, when did we ever follow the rules anyway?"

"You have a point."

Its camping night, and the night activities has just ended. Everyone is in their tents, most are asleep, but the four of them can"t. And it"s because, they are feeling a faint sinister presence in the area. They"ve been waiting for something to happen for hours now, but the presence won"t manifest itself. They are getting more worried by the minute. "This is boring. We can"t catch some demon or spirit whatever if we stay here and wait." Van complained.

"I have an idea!" Freyja grinned, "How about we go out and hunt for it?" Her eyes sparkled, making Scar and Aya even more nervous. "Now you"re talking! Come on!" Van and Freyja stood up and as stealthy as they could, snuck out of the tent, out of the camping grounds. "My G.o.d, these two!" Scar was against it, but ended up following them along with Aya.

"Hey Van, I"m sure Scar and Aya followed us." Freyja noticed that the two of them are taking a long time catching up. And they"ve even slowed down for them. Freyja felt a chill run through her spine. Van too, stopped, feeling the sinister presence getting stronger. "Frey…" Van and Freyja looked at each other. They didn"t have to say it to understand what"s happening. For sure, the sinister presence has already manifested itself and is now targeting them. Standing back to back, Freyja grabbed a bamboo pole on the ground while Van pulled out a Swiss knife. "I"m worried about Scar and Aya." She whispered.

"Don"t. Scar"s got the fire power thing, she can handle it."

Rea.s.sured, Freyja nodded and focused on the situation at hand.

"Freyja! Wait!" Scar and Aya are running faster and faster. For some reason, the Freyja and Van they"ve been following were faster than usual. They won"t even listen to them, they won"t look back. And what"s stranger, is that they are heading way past the campus grounds, almost reaching the uninhabited woods. Scar stopped. "Where are those two going anyway!?" Aya stopped, chasing after her breath.

"Hey Aya." Finally, Scarlet noticed it too. "The presence… is here. And it"s targeting us."

"But Frey and Van!"

Scar didn"t want to say it. But something tells her that those two they"ve been following are not her real friends. But, if ever they turn out to be them after all, they will really be in danger. Scar clenched her fists in frustration, confusion. Even before she could decide, a person, dressed all white appeared before them. They shrieked in surprise. The white-clad lady"s hair is long, covering her face. She"s floating too. Instinctively, they turned their backs and tried to run. But when they did, the while lady mysteriously re-appeared blocking their path. Wherever they go, she"s there and she"s getting closer and closer.

"Go to h.e.l.l!" Scarlet in a haste, summoned her bright red aura arrows. She tried to fire arrows at the white lady, but Aya grabbed her hands and stopped her. "Stop Scar! Don"t"

"She"ll kill us! Let go of me!" Scarlet shoved Aya off in panic, and summoned her arrows again. But it"s too late. Before her arrows formed, the white-clad lady already charged at her so fast, she tried to evade but is still hit by her head-b.u.t.t. Scarlet was thrown to one side, unconscious.

"Oh my G.o.d, Scar!" Aya"s tears rolled down her cheeks, taking steps back. The white-clad lady turned to her and attacked her this time. "NO!" Aya crouched in terror, but with her luck, Van and Freyja came rushing in front of her. Van kicked the white-clad lady, while Freyja stood in front of Aya and deflected the attack with her aura blade.

In a short while, the white lady fell onto the ground, and the sinister presence weakened. Slowly, the white lady turned back to a human they know: the school"s lunch lady.

"Scar! Hey!" Freyja ran to the unconscious girl. She hit her head, but her aura looks fine. Even so, Freyja and Van lifted Scar up and carried her to the nearest bench. They did so too with the lunch lady. She"s fine too, just unconscious. It would be problematic if they are seen with her, so they hurriedly carried Scarlet back to camp and called for the teacher.

"This is what happens when you try to sneak out!" The teacher was furious. They can"t say what really happened, but more importantly, Scar is brought to the hospital on time. Aside from her furious parents, she"s okay.

Van went back to camp to secure their belongings. After doing some explanations, Freyja is about to follow Van but instead met Aya standing at the hospital room"s door. "Aya, what happened?"

"It"s my fault." Aya sobbed. "I stopped Scar from burning her."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because, she was the school lunch lady!"

"WHAT!?" Freyja shook her shoulders. "We didn"t know it was the lunch lady until she"s unconscious! You mean you saw right through it?" Aya nodded. "Well, yeah."

Freyja had a "eureka moment," but wanted to verify it first. She tapped Aya"s shoulders. "Don"t worry. I"m sure she will thank you for that when she wakes up. She"s okay. Don"t worry. Now, let"s go back." Freyja smiled and grabbed Aya"s hand. Being minors, they can"t stay in the hospital room for much longer. They headed back to the camp.

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