Chaos' Heir

Chapter 318

"How did you convince him?" Grant whispered while the group followed Cameron through the Slums" streets.

"I told him the truth," Khan vaguely explained.

"A scary truth by the look of it," Ethan commented.

Cameron had been far more respectful than before when he picked the group up, especially toward Khan. He even seemed to look for his permission whenever he had to perform a turn or make a decision.

"Just, try not to make a scene," Khan warned. "I know that it doesn"t suit our roles, but we are guests here. Every door will close if we don"t play nice."

"You promised him something, didn"t you?" Grant guessed.

"I only said that nothing will change here as long as the investigation goes smoothly," Khan admitted.

"So, do we have to ignore everything illegal?" Ethan asked.

"I hope it"s not a problem for you," Khan stated.

"Not at all," Ethan promptly replied. "I only want us to be on the same page."

"The Global Army doesn"t care about the Slums," Grant added. "Finding the lab is our priority. Our methods don"t matter."

Khan nodded. He had guessed as much, which was the reason behind his promise. Moreover, a peaceful investigation would make everything easier for everyone, which was the best possible outcome.

Grant and the others didn"t have the chance to see the true face of the Slums. Most citizens ran away or hid at the sight of the military uniforms, so the group mainly witnessed empty streets. Still, that was enough to give them an idea of the quality of life in the area, especially as Cameron led them farther away from the barrack.

The houses grew more fragile, the streets dirtier, and smelly puddles often appeared on the way. Everything felt normal for Khan and Cameron, but the others couldn"t believe how bad the situation was out there.

The condition of the Slums was simply inhumane. A speck of the wealth moving in the city would be enough to improve the situation significantly, but the Global Army didn"t do anything to help the people there.

Amber and the others found themselves staring at Khan from time to time. They couldn"t imagine how he had survived all of that, but his stoic expression never flickered in front of those scenes. Reebfell"s Slums were different, but everything felt far too familiar in his mind.

Khan tried his best to find mana in his surroundings, but he failed to sense anything significant. Grant and Ethan were wielding sensors for the same reason, but their search also went nowhere.

As the scenes worsened, Cora couldn"t hold back anymore. She jumped at Khan"s side and took his hand to express how sorry she felt that he had to experience all of that.

Amber and the students experienced similar feelings toward Khan. Everything suddenly made sense. The Second Impact might have been the main reason behind his firm determination, but the Slums were to blame for his craftiness and survival instincts.

The city was expensive, but its districts had everything, and the same went for the camps outside it. Soldiers and citizens could find canteens, habitations, or other shops capable of fulfilling all their needs.

Instead, the Slums were the exact opposite. They were full of life but also devoid of what could make that very life happen. The group didn"t even know where to begin to look for food, and the situation only worsened when they thought about bathrooms and houses.

"It"s okay," Khan whispered while pulling Cora closer to leave a soft kiss on her head. "Life is far better now."

Cora didn"t know what to answer. She wanted to hold Khan tightly to convey all the warmth that her body could muster, but the situation didn"t give them any privacy. She limited herself to hug his arm, uncaring of the gazes that her gesture attracted.

"That should be it, right?" Khan thought once a two-story building appeared in the distance.

The area was as dirty and fragile as always, but that two-story building had a few decorations. It also looked a bit better and firmer than the houses around it, and curtains covered every opening used as a window.

Khan"s guess turned out to be correct. He had seen similar buildings used as brothels in Ylaco"s Slums, so his instincts had been on point. Cameron led the group straight for the two-story structure, but he stopped in front of its entrance.

"What"s the issue?" Ethan asked after Cameron remained still for a few seconds.

"The Madame is picky," Cameron explained without hiding his awkwardness. "She only lets in those that suit her, well, taste."

"We are specialists from the ci-!" Ethan began to shout, but Grant interrupted him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

Khan held back from glancing at the various openings on the second floor. He could sense people lifting the curtains and peeking at the group. The slim tiles of the buildings couldn"t stop his perception, but none of those mysterious figures had mana. Only one of them radiated something, but it was too far from him to inspect it clearly.

A piece of the entrance eventually slid open, and two tired eyes appeared behind it. They moved among the group before a rough voice came from inside the building. "The two second-level warriors and the boyfriend can come in. The rest has to wait outside."

Cameron nodded before taking a step back and leaving the entrance open. Grant and Ethan approached the door, and Khan followed them after kissing Cora.

Someone inside the building lifted the metal tile that acted as a door and allowed the pa.s.sage of the three men. Khan, Grant, and Ethan found themselves in a narrow corridor illuminated by a few candles. Still, their attention immediately went on the middle-aged woman that put the entrance back in its place.

"Follow me," The middle-aged woman said while breathing deeply from her simple pipe and coughing once smoke left her mouth.

Grant and Ethan shrunk on the wall to let the middle-aged woman pa.s.s and avoid getting too close to her ragged clothes. Her hood covered part of her face, but the two men could see awful spots on her cheeks and mouth that only made them retreat even more.

Khan didn"t really mind. The woman was avoiding physical contact on her own, and she was slim enough to pa.s.s without his help. The three could soon move through the corridor, and the nature of the building became evident after inspecting a few rooms.

There didn"t seem to be anyone on the first floor, but the corridor was connected to multiple small rooms. Most of them had curtains covering their entrance, but some had holes where the trio could inspect the various areas.

The rooms didn"t have much. The few that the three men could inspect only featured a few candles and dirty mattresses placed on the floor. The best ones had pillows with large spots that would scare away anyone with a decent hygienic sense.

The area also reeked of s.e.x. The activities had clearly shut down only recently, but some of the spots on the floor had yet to dry completely.

Khan felt honestly curious. He had never been inside a brothel during his time in Ylaco"s Slums, so he was using that chance to complete his mental layout of the area.

"We aren"t alone," Ethan whispered when the woman led the trio to a narrow spiral staircase. He was still wielding his sensor, and the device had finally caught something.

"Am I better than those devices?" Khan wondered as his group reached the second floor.

The areas on the second floor were slightly larger. There were fewer rooms, and the corridor led to the only place hidden behind a proper door.

The middle-aged woman reached the door before moving aside and gesturing at the three men to enter. Grant promptly grabbed the k.n.o.b, and the entrance released a creaking noise when it opened.

"Close the door behind you," A firm sensual voice resounded as soon as Grant took a step inside the room.

Khan closed the door once the three were inside the room. The area had a pile of pillows, a mat, and a bed hidden behind half-transparent drapes. The scene didn"t surprise Grant and Ethan, but that level of wealth told Khan that he was in the right place.

"Put away those devices," A voice came from behind the drapes as a silhouette moved on the bed. "I don"t want you people from the city to take pictures."

Ethan and Grant complied, but Khan didn"t hold back from studying the figure on the bed. He could immediately confirm that she had gained access to mana, but she remained many steps behind first-level warriors.

"It"s hard to find such clean and healthy men nowadays," The woman behind the drapes sighed as she began to leave the bed. "I"m afraid that my girls might fall ill at this pace."

A woman in her fifties eventually appeared in the three"s vision. She had long brown hair, and heavy makeup hid the eyebags under her dark-green eyes. Her revealing nightgown highlighted her curves but also masked the loose areas.

"So, what brings you here?" The woman asked while taking a short breath from her slim pipe.

"Are you aware of Dewwick"s events, ma"am?" Grant asked in a polite tone.

"You can address me as Madame," The woman corrected. "Dewwick, Dewwick. Do you mean the mess from two days ago?"

"Precisely, Madame," Grant replied.

"What was all of that about?" Madame asked. "I"ve heard rumors about the presence of synthetic mana, but the news was far from clear."

The Global Army had contained the spreading of news about the lab. Those with a phone and access to the network could learn about it easily, but those things were rare in the Slums. It also seemed that Cameron had kept his mouth shut about it.

"The event involved synthetic mana, but I"m afraid I can"t say more about it," Grant explained.

"That won"t do," Madame declared. "Things don"t work like this in the Slums. We don"t give away anything for free. You tell me something, and I might become inclined to share something back."

Ethan didn"t like that att.i.tude. He even opened his mouth to complain about those terms, but Khan spoke before him. "It was a hidden lab with Tainted animals. I believe you know how dangerous something like that can be in the Slums."

Every eye in the room converged on Khan, but his face remained firm, and the two specialists quickly accepted that they had no other options. Playing by the rules felt demeaning for soldiers in their position, but the Slums weren"t easy to traverse.

"A lab with synthetic mana and Tainted animals," Madame exclaimed. "What? Do you think I have something to do with it?"

"Not at all, Madame," Khan took control of the conversation. "We simply believe that an important figure like you might know something about it or point us toward someone who knows."

"Flattery is meaningless without belief," Madame scoffed while approaching the three men. "Though I must admit that it sounds nice when spoken by such a handsome face."

Madame began to inspect the three men, and Grant immediately caught her attention. She couldn"t stop herself from placing a hand on his shoulder and voicing comments. "What imposing muscles. You must be a real treat in bed."

"I"m sure you had better, Madame," Grant smiled as he began to play along.

"And you," Madame continued when she approached Ethan. "What a defiant gaze. Do the Slums disgust you so much?"

Ethan tried his best to wear a polite smile, but his expression remained stiff. However, Madame appeared amused by his effort, so she let him go and moved on to Khan.

"Young but mature," Madame exclaimed. "My girls told me that you came here with your girlfriend. I wonder if I should pick you today."

Madame reached for Khan"s face, but he grabbed her wrist before she could lay her fingers on him. The event made the woman shake her head, but she seemed to notice something in Khan"s resolute expression.

"Your actions just now might ruin this meeting," Madame teased. "Do you think that stopping me is the right choice?"

"I stopped the most beautiful woman in the universe from doing the same once," Khan revealed. "Madame, you are enchanting, but I don"t seek beauty."

"What a player!" Madame giggled as she retracted her hand. "However, I"m afraid that I need you to prove yourselves. This stuff about the lab might be a trick meant to get rid of my activity from the Slums."

"Our motives are real," Grant stated. "Give us a chance. I"m sure we can prove ourselves."

Madame seemed to like the general respect that the three soldiers were showing. Except for Ethan, Grant and Khan had been nothing but polite and gentle. Also, she acknowledged that the situation might be troublesome.

"I"ll be blunt," Madame stated as she approached the pillows and sat on them. "The idea of a lab hidden inside the Slums is scary. I don"t know anything about it, but I can think of someone who knows almost everything here."

"Can you set up a meeting with this figure?" Grant asked as excitement appeared on his face.

"Slow down, handsome," Madame chuckled. "You might be honest about the lab, but that wouldn"t stop you from turning on me once everything is over."

"Name a price," Grant voiced. "I"m sure we can reach a satisfying agreement."

"What can you even give to me?" Madame scoffed. "Money is useless here, and I do well enough with my activity. I want you to satisfy a small whim of mine."

"Which is?" Ethan questioned.

"One of you has to entertain one of my girls," Madame laughed. "I want to see the haughty soldiers from the city bowing before my activity, even if only for a few hours."

The offer wasn"t too bad. Madame probably wanted to turn the three men into accomplices to protect her activity, and the idea clearly amused her. She liked being in a position of power against soldiers from the city.

Grant gulped and took a deep breath before stepping forward. He was about to declare his willingness to go through that trial, but Madame interrupted him. "Not you. There is no value in bending you. One of your companions has to do it."

"What?!" Ethan exclaimed, and no one managed to interrupt him now. "Do you have any idea what the Global Army is willing to do to complete this investigation?"

"What can it even do?" Madame snorted. "Will it send platoons to destroy entire quarters? Will it imprison every citizen unwilling to answer? Most of us are starving, ill, or both. You can"t take anything away from us because we learnt to survive with nothing."

Ethan wanted to contradict Madame, but Grant sealed his grasp around his shoulder before speaking. "There is no point in hurting us. Please, let me do it."

"I see a point," Madame stated. "I want to reverse our roles with someone who will suffer from it. The boyfriend will have to sacrifice his loyalty, and the blondie will have to please the source of his disgust. Maybe they"ll learn something from their first experience with helplessness."

Khan understood what Madame wanted, but he wouldn"t bend to her will. Ethan"s eyes lit up when he saw Khan unb.u.t.toning his uniform. The specialist believed that Khan was offering himself for the task, but his expression froze when he saw the azure scar.

"Is this helpless enough?" Khan asked as the faint light of the candles illuminated his bare chest.

"How did it happen?" Madame questioned after a long breath from her pipe.

"The Second Impact," Khan revealed.

"Are you from Ylaco?" Madame continued.

"I"m from Ylaco"s Slums," Khan corrected.

Madame fell silent. She kept smoking, and her expression grew darker as she inspected the scar. She had to admit that she had completely misjudged Khan.

"I"m sorry," Madame sighed. "I"m happy to see that you made it this far. I wouldn"t dare to ruin what you have obtained."

"Thank you, Madame," Khan replied while closing his uniform.

Ethan frowned, but everything inevitably became clear in his mind. Grant had been kind enough to dodge that punishment, and Madame had even cleared Khan from that task. Ethan was the mandatory choice now.

"Ethan, give me your hand," Khan whispered as he browsed through his pocket.

Ethan felt a glimpse of hope appearing on his path. He showed Khan his hand, but his expression froze when he saw the item that fell on his palm.. Khan had given him a condom.