Chaos' Heir

Chapter 341

"So, that"s the sign language from the Ipina convention," Luke exclaimed. "I found something about it before enlisting, but my father advised against learning it. He said that it was quite pointless in our current age."

Khan couldn"t object to that point. Technology was widespread among the species engaging in interplanetary travel, so translators and similar tools were easier to use. Their accuracy also surpa.s.sed the sign language, making them perfect for political matters.

However, Khan had never relied much on technology, and he had also been in situations where his phone was useless. He wanted to have a method that could work when everything else failed, and the low standards of the sign language quickly convinced him to learn it.

"You did it correctly," Master Ivor stated when the conversation quieted down. "Some signs were a bit odd, but the Cek should have understood them anyway."

"Do you know the Ipina convention"s sign language?" Khan asked.

"I think my version needs an update," Master Ivor humbly joked, "And I"m also quite rusty at it, but it was nice to see someone so young displaying it well. Your fame doesn"t do you justice."

"You are too kind," Khan replied.

"He really isn"t," Bruce commented. "When did you even find the time to learn all this stuff? I thought you would have been quite busy with Cora, your lessons, and everything else."

"I"m am a true master of packed schedules," Khan laughed.

"I was quite confident in my preparations," Monica admitted. "I might have to rethink my position. I can"t wait to see what else you have in store."

Khan smiled without adding anything, and the conversation died afterward. The group and the guides resumed their walk toward the hangar"s exit, but the atmosphere among them experienced another change.

Now that the flight was over, Luke"s handpicked companions actively initiated conversations, and Khan"s performance put him at the center of the attention. Even Amanda began to warm up with him when she understood the respect that Luke and Bruce felt toward him.

Khan kept the conversations casual and never opened up properly. He was never impolite, but he wanted to understand his companions" characters before choosing who deserved his trust. Moreover, his surroundings distracted him from the many questions flying at him.

The hangar wasn"t only big. It also featured a vastly diverse ethnicity that took control of Khan"s gaze. His head turned left and right as he connected everything he had studied in the last period with the interesting aspects of the scenery.

"That"s a group of Enos!" Khan exclaimed when he noticed a series of short, humanoid pink aliens.

Except for the pink color, the Enos didn"t particularly stand out as aliens. They were thirty to fifty centimeters shorter than humans on average, but they featured the same number of limbs and fingers.

The Enos" faces were a bit odd from a human perspective. They didn"t have noses or ears, but only two big round eyes and a wide mouth.

"What"s an Aphre doing here?!" Khan gasped when he saw a solitary, dirty, humanoid giant in the distance.

The Aphre were slightly shorter than the Stal, but they were nowhere near stupid. Their bodies were always completely covered in dirt and slime, and their shy character conflicted with their huge size.

The reports about the Aphre were vague and scattered. Khan couldn"t learn much about them. He only knew that their actual appearance was still a mystery since those aliens handled most of their political negotiations through the network.

Khan found himself gasping and reviewing his knowledge multiple times during the walk. Milia 222 was a popular destination, and the first asteroid could feature the strangest creatures since everyone had to land there. That hangar was a paradise for those who wanted to see different aliens.

Leaving the hangar didn"t change the busy atmosphere. Thanks to Luke, the group could skip many check-outs, and their eyes widened in surprise when they stepped inside the actual dome.

A bright environment unfolded right outside the hangar. Noises of every kind, multicolored signs, and crowds a.s.saulted the group"s senses and forced them to halt their steps in order to adjust to the messy scenery.

Khan had grown used to Earth"s bustling cities, but Milia 222 managed to startle him. A constant pale-blue light shone from the curved ceiling of the dome and blended with the flashing signs of the shops that filled both sides of the street.

Vendors of multiple species shouted offers in different languages, but most people ignored them as they went on their way. The few who decided to purchase something fell prey to loud bargains that aimed to lower the prices.

The street didn"t stand on any ground. In the spots without shops, Khan saw barriers and handrails that prevented the people from falling. Those structures stretched through the whole path, which ended in a cylindrical building connected to the ceiling.

A few ships also flew around the cylindrical building. Some even came out from under the street and surprised the unlucky groups too close to the handrails.

Khan had studied that layout on Earth, so the scene didn"t surprise him too much. The first asteroid had a central pillar that ran through its entire body and acted as a central point for the various streets and floors.

The hangar had led the group to the first floor, which was nothing more than a colossal mall where anyone could purchase a spot and set up shop. The actual city started in the lower levels, which featured immense platforms that acted as the surface for various buildings.

"Books and holograms can"t beat reality," Khan thought. "This place is a beautiful mess."

The first asteroid was the mandatory landing area, so most of its structures, shops, and activities aimed to attract tourists. No species could take that place as their home, but they shared the area relatively peacefully.

Instead, the other asteroids had different percentages of certain species. The humans were the majority in the second, but their presence there didn"t prevent the existence of crowded groups belonging to the other aliens.

"Be wary from now on," Master Ivor warned while the group was still busy inspecting the scene.

The reason behind that warning was quite obvious. The crowds on the street were far from peaceful. Many were drunk or wasted, and a fight had even started somewhere in the distance.

Moreover, dark-red aliens moved among the most crowded areas and pickpocketed any distracted traveler they found. Khan even managed to see thefts happening only a few meters from his position.

"They must be the Orlats," Khan thought while watching the thief running toward the nearest shop belonging to a member of its species.

The Orlats were one of the species that inhabited Milia 222. They were humanoid but shorter than the humans, with the tallest recorded member reaching only one meter and forty centimeters.

The Orlats had two legs and arms but only four fingers on each limb. They shared the human"s facial features, but their ears and noses were long and pointy, and their heads were slightly bigger.

Those aliens had no hair, but they usually donned piercings right above their eyes. They could learn languages easily, but they were far from trustworthy. They were famous for being scammers, petty thieves, and disloyal, even among their kind.

The Global Army had established a peaceful relationship with the Orlats, but it always put limits on trades and joint missions due to their famous disloyalty. Still, those aliens were one of the few species weaker than humans even before the evolution, so they never attempted to turn humankind into enemies.

"I"ve never seen half of the things on display here," Monica stated as the group moved through the street without nearing any stand or shop.

"An expert might be able to find treasures here, especially from the shops owned by Orlats," Master Ivor exclaimed. "However, most people would only end up with stolen, broken, or fake goods. I suggest you avoid buying anything on the first asteroid."

"My mother used the same words," Monica revealed.

"She must be a wise woman," Master Ivor politely replied.

Khan ignored the conversations again to inspect everything he could. The shops on that main street didn"t belong only to the inhabitants of the asteroids, so he took the chance to set his eyes on as many aliens as he could. As for the items on display, he didn"t know enough to consider a purchase.

The lights, the noise, and the crowds were a bearable issue, but Khan needed time to get used to the waves of mana in the area. The dome was an immense machine containing countless buildings and vehicles, but that wasn"t the main problem.

The main problem came from the different aliens in the area. None of them was too strong, but their mana radiated sensations that Khan had never experienced. The symphony that resounded in his mind had gained new sounds that temporarily destabilized his precise senses.

The situation improved as the group followed the guides. Khan even helped himself through his eyes, ears, and nose. Connecting the unfamiliar waves of mana to certain species, events, or machines quickened the dispersion of his uneasiness and brought him closer to his peak.

"Do you wish to visit the shops?" The tall guide eventually asked while turning toward Luke.

"No, we"ll go directly to the city," Luke declared.

"Let"s take this elevator then," The guide ordered while pointing at a small, rectangular building at the side of the vast street.

The group followed the guides inside the building without asking many questions. The area felt a bit cramped with both teams stuffed in that small area, but no one complained.

"Is any of you afraid of heights?" The tall guide asked while browsing through the interactive menus on the wall next to the entrance.

Luke exchanged glances with everyone in his group, but he only saw shaking heads, so he rea.s.sured the guide. "We are fine."

"Lower level 1, right?" The guide continued.

"That"s correct," Luke responded.

The guide pressed the corresponding label on the wall, and transparent doors slid to close the building. Then, the whole room shook before falling at high speed.

Khan saw the vast street raising far above him as most of the dome unfolded in his view. The room had transparent walls and ceiling, which allowed him to inspect the scenery as it descended along the four rails that stood at its corners.

The true face of the first asteroid finally became clear. The central pillar stretched past the main streets and descended toward a vast, circular platform filled with buildings. Those structures weren"t too tall, but they shone with the same colors as the shops found above.

There was an actual city standing far under the previous street. According to the reports, its width and population didn"t match Reebfell or the other important settlements on Earth. Yet, its ethnic variety and diversity in activities were unmatched.

"Why did no one ever give this city a name?" Khan asked as he lost himself in the lights radiated by the many buildings growing closer in his vision.

"Because it doesn"t belong to anyone," The tall guide exclaimed. "Well, the other explanation also works. It can"t have a single name when it belongs to so many species."

Khan had been curious about that detail since he learnt that the cities in the asteroids had no names. The reports didn"t seem to care about the matter, but he had finally obtained an explanation now, and it sounded beautiful in his ears.

"A city belonging to everyone," Khan sneered in his mind. "That sounds unreal. I can"t wait to explore it."

The elevator reached the surface in no time, and its landing was surprisingly gentle. The group left the room to find themselves in another vast and bustling street that separated the sidewalk from the vehicles" path.

That street also had multiple shops since it followed the path of the various elevators on the structure above, but the area wasn"t as messy. The tourists didn"t acc.u.mulate on a single road anymore, so the group could finally enjoy the vast open s.p.a.ces of the first asteroid.

"The cabs area is nearby," The tall guide revealed. "One of us will come with you, but you can kick him out when you are about to reach your destination if you want to keep your movement private."

"We have nothing to hide," Luke smiled, and the tall guide nodded before resuming the march.

The group crossed the street and took a few turns before reaching a parking lot with multiple terrestrial vehicles and a few long lines stretching from transparent rooms standing at the corners of the sidewalk. The purpose of those areas was unmistakable due to the people smoking inside them.

"Is our cab here?" Bruce asked.

"It will be here in a few minutes," The tall guide replied after he checked his phone. "The streets were jammed, so it"s running a bit late."

"Luke, do you mind?" Bruce whispered.

"Don"t even ask," Luke laughed, and Bruce left the group to get in line for the nearest smoking area.

"Let"s take a look around while we are waiting," Luke announced before turning toward the tall guide. "Can you leave someone here for Bruce?"

"Of course," The tall guide said before glancing at one of his companions, who didn"t hesitate to walk toward Bruce.

The streets that the group had crossed had a few activities, but none of them had attracted their attention. However, the guides knew what most tourists wanted to see during their first visit to Milia 222.

The tall guide led everyone on the opposite street before turning a few corners. A few minutes later, the group found themselves before a small stand that occupied a tiny spot between two tall buildings.

The stand wasn"t flashy. Purple light shone from its sign and illuminated the few items on display. They were nothing more than necklaces, bracelets, and ampoules, but they weren"t the shop"s main attraction.

"That"s a Nele!" Khan thought when he noticed the beautiful alien behind the small desk.

The Nele were one of the species that lived on Milia 222. They were basically humans with pale-green skin and hair of similar shades. Their eyes could have many odd colors, but their peculiarities didn"t involve their appearance.

The Nele had a sad history caused by their innate gifts. Their skin carried pheromones that charmed anyone in their surroundings. They were beyond alluring, and that feature had been their doom in the past.

The Global Army didn"t know everything about the Nele"s history, but it was common knowledge that they had lost their planet against another species in the past. The latter had no use for prisoners, so they had turned the Nele into s.e.x slaves due to their innate features.

Years of suffering had gone by until the Nele managed to rebel against their enslavers and reunite their species. However, they lacked the numbers to reclaim their planet, so they established many small settlements in different locations, with Milia 222 being one of the largest.

That tragic past had transformed the Nele from gentle and wise experts of mana into a prideful and deadly race. Khan had read that they killed anyone who dared to touch them without their consent. Also, they had developed the habit of having only one partner during their lives.

"The Nele are beautiful, aren"t they?" The tall guide exclaimed without hiding his pride. "Milia 222 is one of the few locations where you can find them."

"Are their pheromones as strong as the stories say?" One of the first-level warriors in Luke"s group asked.

"Yes," The guide stated while pointing at the stand. "Do you see how the light of the shop doesn"t match its surroundings? You can see it from the other side of the street. It"s a warning for distracted tourists and citizens."

"I know that they have developed ointments to suppress their pheromones," Martha pointed out.

"But they won"t use them here, in their home," The tall guide explained. "The Nele"s pride is quite scary. They won"t stop anyone who tries to touch them, but they will kill without hesitation afterward. They decided that they weren"t to blame for their beauty. It"s up to everyone else to develop self-control in their presence."

"I remember that they were famous for more than beauty," Luke uttered.

"Indeed," The tall guide agreed. "Their beauty is second only to their knowledge of mana. They can study it to predict future events, or so they claim. Still, many tourists believe that, which makes the Nele fortune-teller business thrive."

Whispers flew among the group, but everything went silent when Khan stepped forward and crossed the street to arrive in front of the purple shop. His companions called him, but he almost didn"t hear them.

"Sir, he is already too close," The tall guide warned as panic seeped inside his tone.

"I"m not worried about him," Luke declared, "But I don"t want to leave him alone. That Nele is a woman, so women should have a higher resistance to her pheromones."

"Unless they are into women," The tall guide coughed.

Martha snorted and stepped forward, but she wasn"t alone. Monica followed her, and she almost didn"t notice that Master Ivor was at her side.

"You have yet to look at my item," The Nele said in a perfect human accent as she curled her long green hair. "You must be new here. You know, people used to pay a fortune only to take a look at my ancestors."

Khan took a good look at the Nele. She was taller than him, and her eyes matched the purple light coming from the sign. She was wearing a loose dress covered in leaves and flowers, and she kept her slender arms crossed behind her back.

"I can sense her mana but no pheromones," Khan thought. "How was it? I hope to p.r.o.nounce it right."

"[I offer myself with nothing but respect]," Khan slowly said in a rough voice, paying particular attention to the accents that he had to highlight.

The Nele"s eyes flickered, and surprise melted her cold face. Her arms relaxed and went on her sides, revealing a sharp root firmly held in her right hand.

"[You know our ways]," The Nele whispered. "[Come then]."

Martha, Monica, and Master Ivor had reached Khan by then. The two women frowned when they stepped in the purple light. They instinctively gulped as their eyes moved on the Nele. The urge to feel her skin filled their minds, but they both resisted it.

Meanwhile, Master Ivor appeared completely fine, and he didn"t do anything when Khan took another step forward to approach the stand. Monica instinctively raised her hand to reach for him, but Master Ivor interrupted her by grabbing her shoulder.

"Miss Solodrey, don"t worry," Master Ivor rea.s.sured. "Lieutenant Khan is in control of his actions."

Monica could only give up on stopping Khan, and Martha imitated her after hearing Master Ivor"s words. The three remained behind Khan as they watched him reaching the stand.

Khan stretched an arm past the stand. His hand moved dangerously close to the Nele"s chest, but his fingers never touched her dress. Instead, they plucked a petal from one of the flowers before bringing it to his mouth.

"As expected from Lieutenant Khan," Master Ivor sighed in relief when Khan ate the petal. "He knows how to request for her services. His resolve is also commendable. Even I would have problems at that distance without mana."

"It"s not resolve," The Nele corrected. "Lieutenant Khan, I suppose. You don"t feel the attraction, right?"

"I already had to go through a similar test," Khan responded.

"That"s not it," The Nele declared as she pointed her free hand at Khan"s chest. "You have already found it, the one. Our gifts won"t work toward you."

Khan initially didn"t understand what she meant, but the Nele slowly reached his chest and placed her whole palm on it. She made sure to feel his beating heart, and Khan finally got his answer. Liiza had done the same thing during their first meeting.

"[Am I lying]?" The Nele teased while wearing a gentle smile.

"Will you read my future now?" Khan asked, pretending not to understand the alien, but she didn"t appear fooled by his behavior.

"I do not read the future," The Nele explained. "I study your mana and simulate its interaction with an environment, Milia 222 in this case."

"And what do you see?" Khan questioned.

The Nele closed her eyes, and Khan saw all the mana inside her body flow toward her mind. She was only a second-level warrior, so the process didn"t take long.

The Nele suddenly retracted her hand and dropped her smile as her eyes snapped open. She inspected Khan from head to toe while wearing an aloof face, but some wariness had appeared on it.

"What did you see?" Khan repeated.

"Chaos," The Nele revealed. "Imminent chaos."


Author"s notes: Only one chapter today. The worldbuilding drained my mind, and I ended up crossing 3400 words again, so I just can"t write anymore.. I hope you understand.