Chaos' Heir

Chapter 426 Girlfriend

Chapter 426 Girlfriend

"Son of a forgettable woman!" George shouted once the call stabilized. "Did anyone teach you that you don"t have to wait months to call me?"

"I forget I have a phone half of the time," Khan laughed. "Life sure is treating you well."

The holograms coming out of Khan"s phone showed a nice scene. George was sitting on a comfortable armchair with a half-full gla.s.s lying on the right armrest. His face had gotten slimmer and his hair shorter, but that new look suited him and depicted a perfectly healthy man.

"You look like s.h.i.t instead," George commented. "Do you even sleep anymore?"

"The last few days have been a mess," Khan explained. "I was actually on my way to bed when I thought about calling you."

"That bad, huh?" George guessed.

"Usual mess," Khan kept it short, "But I"m good. I might have learnt to look at the positive side."

"Did they replace you or something?" George questioned in a surprised tone.

"f.u.c.k you," Khan laughed. "I"m just trying to move on for real this time."

George fell silent. He knew how meaningful that step was for Khan. The process would obviously involve sad times, but he remained happy for his friend.

"Are you forcing yourself?" George wondered.

"Nah," Khan exclaimed while showing an honest smile. "It almost feels natural."

"I"m glad to hear that," George sighed. "You are one stubborn guy. I was afraid it would have taken you years to get there."

"What can I say?" Khan shrugged his shoulders. "You were right. I had to leave."

"Part of me wished I wasn"t right," George admitted. "But, hey, at least you don"t have problems getting laid."

"It"s all women and booze with you," Khan joked.

"You know me," George said with a smug face. "I"m also somehow succeeding at this political stuff. I must be amazing."

"Booze is giving you strength," Khan mocked.

"How do you expect me to survive my parents otherwise?" George scoffed. "They come up with new marriage proposals every month."

"You should accept one of them and settle," Khan suggested. "You are getting too old to fool around."

"You can"t have opinions on this topic," George rebuked. "And fooling around is part of my charm."

"It must be hard to find someone who can keep you on a leash," Khan guessed.

"It"s only vain women looking for the hero," George commented. "They don"t even bother to ask the price I paid for my fame."

"You know how it is," Khan exclaimed. "They have no idea."

"They truly don"t," George sighed before focusing on Khan"s empty hand. "Don"t they have booze there? I thought I could drink with you for once."

"I"m in the middle of a medical bay," Khan revealed. "You"ll have to drink for me this time around."

"That"s easy," George smirked before he and Khan exploded into a laugh.

"Why medical bay?" George asked after taking a sip from his drink.

"It"s too long to explain," Khan stated. "You"ll hear rumors soon enough. Just know that I"m fine."

"Oh, that I know very well," George chuckled. "Going to a lawless zone doesn"t stop the flow of information, especially about you."

"The life of a celebrity is hard," Khan claimed.

"Not too hard, I suppose," George snickered. "I heard you got with an alien again."

"Wait, that"s not true," Khan tried to correct since someone behind him had tightened her grip on his jumper.

"Come on, Khan," George called. "I read that the Nele are complicated, but you don"t need to lie to me. Nice catch, my man."

"What catch!" Monica shouted while peeking from behind Khan to appear in the call.

Monica was an expert in social interactions, but some anxiety had gotten to her after learning how important George was to Khan. She had planned to remain hidden behind him until the time for a proper introduction arrived, but the recent exchanges depleted her patience.

"h.e.l.lo?" George voiced, looking at Khan in the hope of finding explanations. However, Khan only shook his head.

"That s.l.u.t has nothing to do with Khan!" Monica shouted again while crawling past Khan to appear at the center of George"s screen. "I am his girlfriend!"

"She is one of the reasons I called you," Khan added in a far quieter tone. "I wanted you to meet her."

"She is a feisty one," George commented while bringing his gla.s.s to his mouth.

"Who is feisty?!" Monica shouted for the third time and crawled even further, but Khan wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her onto his chest.

"You are still injured," Khan said to Monica"s ear. "I don"t want to see you bedridden again."

Monica turned her face toward Khan before voicing a complaint in a cute tone. "But he thinks that you are with Jenna."

"The entire Global Army probably thinks that," Khan pointed out before wearing a smirk when he saw anger rising inside Monica.

"You never have enough of teasing me," Monica whined.

Khan chuckled and pulled Monica closer. She ended up between his legs, with two arms wrapped around her torso and his head on her left shoulder. She wanted to remain angry, but the affectionate gesture made her too shy for that.

"Man, you have a gift," George exclaimed.

"You shut up!" Monica snapped, but a faint lament escaped her mouth when Khan tightened the hug.

"Tell him that I"m your woman," Monica almost begged when her focus returned to Khan.

"First, you need to correct what you said about Jenna," Khan scolded.

"She is a s.l.u.t," Monica snorted. "Any woman who likes you is a s.l.u.t."

"That"s a long list," George coughed.

"Shut up!" Monica snapped at George again.

"Monica," Khan called while bending backward a bit to make Monica lay on his chest. She tried her best to avoid Khan"s gaze, but her position put her before his scolding eyes.

"But she got naked on your second meeting," Monica complained.

George coughed again, but the glare Monica shot at him prevented the arrival of any comment. Meanwhile, Khan"s expression remained firm, eventually forcing Monica to give in.

"Okay, she is nice," Monica cursed before glancing at George, "But she is just a friend. I"m his woman."

George shot a questioning look at Khan, and he wore a complicated expression. Monica didn"t miss that silent interaction, and her glare immediately fell on Khan.

"Khan?" Monica questioned.

Khan exploded into a laugh before leaving a kiss on Monica"s cheek. The gesture made her blush since George was there, and she hid her face instead of continuing to complain.

George couldn"t help but smile when he saw that interaction. Deep feelings invaded his face as he lost himself in the scene. Khan"s laugh and his complicity with Monica were heartwarming. His friend seemed happy, and he could only rejoice to learn that.

"She is my girlfriend," Khan announced while Monica kept her face hidden on his chest. "George, this is Monica Solodrey."

Hearing Khan forced Monica to leave his chest to show herself to the holograms. She was still a bit flushed but did her best to stick to that introduction. As for George, he remained speechless, and his face perfectly described his state.

"M-," George stuttered. "Monica Solodrey from the Solodrey family?"

"Yes," Khan confirmed while placing his head on Monica"s shoulder to make their cheeks touch. "She is my feisty girlfriend."

Monica pouted, but a faint smile eventually appeared on her face. She even relaxed a bit since Khan was so close, but looking at George revealed that the topic was far from over.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Solodrey!" George exclaimed in his politest tone. "I"m-."

"I know who you are," Monica interrupted. "I"ve heard about you, George Ildoo. You don"t have the best fame, but you might be worse than that."

"Wait, Miss So-" George tried to speak.

"Some of my girlfriends have very strong opinions about you," Monica interrupted again. "You should know that women talk."

"I"m innocent!" George exclaimed, and Khan couldn"t help but laugh at his panicked reaction.

Monica had also worn a confident smile, so George felt cornered. His best friend and Monica had joined forces, and he couldn"t say anything to escape that situation.

"Khan, help me out," George eventually pleaded.

"Alright, alright," Khan chuckled. "Monica is just playing around, aren"t you?"

"Maybe," Monica snickered, but Khan"s gentle tug made her roll her eyes and stop the joke. "I won"t do anything. I even hate my girlfriends, so you can speak openly."

George heaved a sigh of relief, and his reaction told Khan which family was stronger. That result wasn"t surprising, but it hinted at some of Khan"s future problems. Monica was truly important, so he would have to struggle to be with her in the open.

"That was surprising," George exclaimed once he managed to get rid of his tension. "I knew the Solodrey family had a beautiful descendant, but I didn"t expect her to be so beautiful."

"It"s too late for flattery, Mister Ildoo," Monica sneered.

"I wasn"t trying to," George revealed. "Khan always gets the best ones, so everything makes sense now."

Monica didn"t know how to take that compliment, but she decided to accept it since it involved Khan. She liked thinking that her beauty had played a part in Khan"s interest in her. He had even said the same multiple times.

"Still, did you just get together?" George wondered. "I can"t imagine the network remaining silent about your relationship."

"Well," Monica voiced.

"No one knows," Khan explained. "No one can know."

"It"s too complicated with my parents," Monica added.

"Oh," George replied. "You sure have a thing for secret relationships."

"I"m getting too good at them," Khan sighed.

"I can see that," George joked. "Getting privacy doesn"t seem to be a problem."

"What are you implying?!" Monica shouted.

"Don"t listen to this drunkard," Khan intervened to de-escalate the situation.

"As if you didn"t drink," George scoffed.

"I wish I could get something here," Khan sighed. "I"ll probably have to wait until our date for a drink."

"Don"t talk about our date so openly," Monica whispered.

"I can talk about anything with George," Khan responded while nearing Monica"s ear, "But you remain too cute when you are shy."

"Scoundrel," Monica scolded.

"Someone else is calling you that," George exclaimed. "The world is learning about your true face."

"Oh, shut up," Khan laughed. "Anyway, I wanted you to know we were a thing."

"He is serious with you then," George teased while glancing at Monica.

"He is lying," Monica snorted. "Two others know about us, and they are both women who like him a lot."

"Hey, I would have told George anyway," Khan contradicted.

"I"m his wise advisor," George uttered.

"He is an idiot like me," Khan corrected, "And my best friend."

"We are the best idiots in the universe," George played along.

Monica had never seen Khan so relaxed. She felt a bit jealous, but she ended up laughing anyway. She didn"t expect Khan to have a similar friendship, but the thought slowly rea.s.sured her, especially since George was a man.

"So," George announced, "What plans do you have now? Will you stay on Milia 222?"

"Monica got me a job in the Harbor," Khan revealed. "Do you know it?"

"The Harbor?!" George almost shouted. "d.a.m.n, she must have fallen hard for you."

"What?!" Monica exclaimed. "I never said that!"

"I seem to understand that it"s a good place," Khan commented.

"It"s a great place!" George confirmed. "It might be exactly what you need for your future."

"I can"t wait then," Khan commented while tilting his head to immerse it in Monica"s hair. "I hope finding privacy there won"t be too hard."

"Stop teasing me," Monica complained.

"Oh, you are going together," George understood. "Well, you might want to be careful. There will be many important figures there."

"I"m always careful," Khan claimed.

"You do get reckless when it comes to women," George pointed out. "Did you forget when you threw yourself off a cliff?"

"You did what?" Monica questioned.

"I"d do it for you too," Khan rea.s.sured.

"That"s not the point!" Monica declared.

"I"d avoid cliffs if I were you," George stated.

"Is it always like this with you two?" Monica asked while her eyes darted between Khan and the holograms.

"We usually are drunker," Khan revealed.

"Far drunker," George coughed.

"I have always handled booze better than you," Khan added.

"You have always had other priorities," George rebuked.

"What priorities?" Monica questioned.

"Nothing," Khan and George said at the same time. They tried to divert their gazes afterward, but they eventually exploded into a laugh that made Monica heave a helpless sigh.

"Anyway, I should go," Khan stated. "She is injured, and I haven"t slept in four days."

"Of course, man," George responded. "Make sure to have a drink with you next time, and try not to let an entire year pa.s.s."

"I"ll do my best," Khan promised. "Still, you do look good. I"m happy for you."

"Things couldn"t be better for me," George revealed. "So, go to sleep and take care of your lady. When you need me, you know how to find me."

"Thanks, man," Khan exclaimed.

"Anytime," George voiced. "Be good, but not too good."

"Same to you," Khan laughed.

"Miss Solodrey, it was a pleasure," George continued.

"Monica is fine," Monica replied. "Nice to meet you, George. Maybe one day we"ll have a drink together."

"I like her," George exclaimed.

"Yeah, she is great," Khan said while hugging Monica tightly to prevent her incoming complaint.

"Well, I"ll see you around," George said before the holograms went dark. The phone even retracted them as the call ended.

"Now it"s not only Jenna and Martha anymore," Khan announced as he broke the hug and let Monica turn toward him.

Monica opened her mouth to say something, but the words remained stuck in her throat in front of Khan"s smiling face. She didn"t feel like speaking. She opted to bend forward and let her kiss express how she felt.

Khan understood that the call had meant a lot to Monica. She didn"t only like that someone outside of Jenna and Martha knew about them. She was also ecstatic to have become part of a deeper aspect of Khan"s life.

The kiss continued until the couple lay on the bed, with Monica on top of Khan. Neither of them wanted to stop there, but she was injured, he was exhausted, and the tent didn"t offer much privacy. All the noises from the outside world still reached them.

"Will you sleep here?" Monica asked without hiding her desire to remain with Khan.

"You set me up with that joke about the nap," Khan chuckled and caressed Monica"s cheek. "Still, it"s safer if I sleep on the floor."

"Not a chance," Monica promptly refused. "I"m far better, so it"s my time to take care of you."

"Monica," Khan used his concerned tone, but Monica didn"t want to hear any of it.

"You wouldn"t refuse Jenna," Monica stated before diverting her gaze and lowering her voice. "I will get naked if I must."

Khan"s eyes lit up, but that only made a "Scoundrel!" escape Monica"s mouth. The shout led to a laugh followed by a sigh. The old Khan would have found a way to refuse, but he wasn"t that person anymore. He knew he couldn"t build a proper relationship without allowing people into the dangerous aspects of his life.

"If something happens while I"m asleep," Khan warned, "I want you to run away. Try to save me only after you are safe."

"Khan," Monica giggled, but her laugh didn"t last long.

"I"m serious," Khan stated. "I won"t sleep here otherwise."

Monica understood that something was going on, so she nodded. Khan relaxed at that point, and affection seeped out of his face when he saw Monica adjusting his arms to nestle on his chest. She had already decided how she wanted to sleep, and Khan didn"t even think about rejecting that position.

George remained silent for a while after the call ended. He didn"t move from the armchair and let his thoughts flow while he finished his drink.

As a member of a wealthy family, George knew things ordinary students wouldn"t learn in their first years in the training camps. Some locations were too famous to remain unknown, and the Harbor was one of them.

That very knowledge made George aware of the risks Khan might face. The Harbor wasn"t dangerous, but the people inside it might create problems for him.

Khan would typically be able to handle those issues on his own, but he had a secret relationship to keep alive now. His girlfriend wasn"t even someone who could avoid the social environment. Monica was bound to be extremely popular, and Khan would probably struggle in that situation.

"He needs an ally," George eventually realized and picked up his phone. His first instinct was to call Khan, but he quickly put the idea aside since he knew he would refuse.

"I guess I"ll make him a surprise," George smirked. "It sure has been too long."