Chaos' Heir

Chapter 434

The people in the room understood that something meaningful was happening. Khan and George kept staring and grinning at each other without adding anything. Khan didn"t break the look even when he took a sip from the bottle.

Of course, the people in the room weren"t entirely in the dark. George was a relatively famous figure, and many had heard about Khan. They even knew that the two had been together in a few crises, so making the connection wasn"t too hard.

As for Khan and George, the two ignored the murmurs around them to continue inspecting each other"s expressions. They seemed able to speak without uttering any word, but the desire to talk eventually took over.

"Are you planning on handing over that bottle?" George sneered.

"I thought you made enough money to buy your own," Khan played along.

"Sharing it with you is priceless," George stated.

"You got all sentimental in these years," Khan teased.

"And you are wearing a shirt," George pointed out.

The two exploded into a laugh that Khan interrupted by closing the bottle and throwing it back at George. George grabbed it mid-air and placed it on the table behind him before reaching for two empty

"Ladies, make room for the hero of Istrone and a bunch of other places," George announced as he poured the booze into the two

Khan shook his head as he advanced toward the table, but George"s friends didn"t comply. The women around him focused on Khan and inspected him from head to toe before wearing charming expressions.

A surge of jealousy flared behind Khan, but that wasn"t the time to address it. Besides, George had his back in that situation.

"Come on," George laughed when he peeked past his shoulder and noticed that his companions were still in the way. "Give us a few minutes. We"ll get back to you in no time."

Being called out forced the women to step aside. Some felt embarra.s.sed, while others complied to save face. Nevertheless, Khan ignored their motivations and stepped forward to reach George"s right side.

The two men faced the table at that point. The party was behind their backs, and the room grew louder, but they seemed able to create their personal s.p.a.ce. George even doubled down on that by sliding one of the toward Khan.

Khan picked up the gla.s.s and inspected the yellowish liquid before lifting it to his left. George had done the same by then, and the two performed a toast according to the Niqols" traditions.

The event made both men fall into a daze but grins soon followed, and the same went for the emptying of their drinks. Khan and George placed the on the table almost at the same time, and the latter proceeded to refill them.

"[You have blue hair]," George commented in a language that triggered many of Khan"s memories.

"[Are you really pulling the Niqols" language on me]?" Khan scoffed. "[I thought you would have forgotten it by now]."

"[I didn"t get any better at it]," George stated, "[Differently from you. Do you still practice it]?"

"[I"m just good]," Khan sighed.

"[And humble]," George joked. "[At least we can talk freely]."

"[That"s one perk]," Khan vaguely replied as he took the full gla.s.s and resumed drinking with George.

Khan and George exchanged another look before fixing their eyes on the window past the table. The district expanded in their view, but neither saw the beauty depicted in the scenery.

"[Why are you here]?" Khan eventually asked.

"[I"ve grown to love the study of interplanetary politics]," George lied.

George had become a second-level warrior in that period, but Khan could read his emotions easily. Moreover, he knew George well enough to understand the true reasons behind his arrival, and some grat.i.tude inevitably spread inside him.

"[You are the best]," Khan praised.

"[I totally am]," George claimed, "[And the Harbor is no battlefield. I"m not putting myself in danger or anything]."

"[You do realize that you"ll have to study, don"t you]?" Khan teased.

"[I"ll focus on studying a different subject]," George laughed while nodding in the direction of the women behind him. "[I also have the perfect wingman. I only hope he can tone his charm down]."

"[I"m a faithful man]," Khan stated.

"[Maybe that"s your trick]," George guessed. "[I think it wouldn"t suit me]."

"[You don"t seem to have problems getting laid]," Khan chuckled.

"[I bet that will change now that my wingman is here]," George declared. "[I speak for experience]."

"[I have a girlfriend]," Khan pointed out.

"[They don"t know that]," George responded. "[They probably wouldn"t care either. Unless they knew her name]."

"[I have to wait for a few promotions before that]," Khan shook his head while placing his empty gla.s.s on the table. "[Maybe more than a few]."

George also placed his gla.s.s on the table and seized the bottle to refill the drinks. However, he shot a glance at Khan to inspect him properly. His previous words had hinted at something, and George wanted to be sure to have understood their meaning.

"[You look better]," George exclaimed.

"[Are we still talking about my hair]?" Khan joked.

"[Do you want to talk about it]?" George wondered.

"[As if you didn"t read Milia 222"s reports]," Khan scoffed.

"[You have booze and me now]," George announced. "[Even you loosen up with this combination]."

"[I-]," Khan began to sneer before taking the offer seriously. "[I"ll probably mention something when I"m drunker]."

George nodded in satisfaction. He didn"t know a lot, but reports had spread from Milia 222. Moreover, he could see that Khan"s hair had the same color as his scar, and he even recalled what he had summoned in Nitis" underground lake.

"[I wasn"t talking about your hair]," George eventually specified. "[I"d say that you looked happy if I didn"t know you]."

"[Is that so]?" Khan sighed.

"[I couldn"t completely believe you during the call]," George continued, "[But now that I see you with my own eyes… I"m happy for you, man]."

"[What can I say]?" Khan wondered. "[Maybe enough time had pa.s.sed, or maybe I changed]."

"[You changed, alright]," George agreed. "[You look freer]."

"[When did I even stick to rules]?" Khan pretended not to understand what George was saying to keep the drinks flowing.

"[Count the women you had, and you"ll know how many rules you"ve broken]," George snorted.

"[Breaking this one is going to get me killed]," Khan cursed, "[If she doesn"t kill me first]."

"[Just how you like them]," George burst into a laugh.

"[Dammit]," Khan sighed.

"[Is she worth it]?" George wondered.

"[I think so]," Khan admitted before his happy face turned into a shameless smirk, "[You"ll like her. She slaps like Havaa]."

"[I"ll like her as long as she makes you happy]," George declared, "[And does the things you like in bed]."

"[About that]," Khan voiced. "[I need you to get me condoms. I ran out as soon as I got here]."

"[Did you already pop her cherry]?" George gasped. "[Khan, you had to stick to teaching but on a different subject]."

"[She will snap if you mention that]," Khan revealed, "[But I can"t trust anyone else here]."

"[Why do you think I"ve come]?" George proudly announced.

"[Lascivious women looking for someone with actual combat experience]?" Khan wondered.

"[I swear you come right after them]," George stated, and the conversation took a break since both men were too busy laughing.

"[So, were you serious about those condoms]?" George eventually questioned.

"[There are too many eyes on us]," Khan explained. "[I don"t even know if I can find a place where to be alone together without arousing suspicion]."

"[You can always use my flat]," George suggested.

"[Where is it]?" Khan asked.

"[This district]," George revealed. "[It"s not as big as this one, but it can do the job]."

"[Am I really going to rely on you for this]?" Khan cursed.

"[I"ll become the protector of youthful pa.s.sions]," George exclaimed.

"[You can barely handle yours]," Khan joked.

"[I might be a lost cause]," George declared, "[But I"m not the one going full marriage as soon as I hook up with a girl]."

"[What marriage]?" Khan scoffed. "[For now, I"ll stick to George"s cult: Booze, relax, and a woman]."

"[Relax and you have never gotten along]," George chuckled before noticing that something was off. "[Hey, where did our bottle go]?"

"[We drank it]," Khan chuckled at the sight of the empty bottle. Even the were long since gone.

"[A sad fate]," George sighed. "[I guess it"s time to turn]."

"[Go easy on the heroic tales]," Khan warned. "[Even I can"t sell myself short if you start telling the truth]."

"[Oh, how I"ve missed this]!" George exclaimed as he finally turned and continued with his loud tone. "Ladies! Sorry for the wait!"

"Do you know where we can find something else to drink?" Khan asked when he joined George. "I"m still new to these kinds of parties."

"He is," George exclaimed while patting Khan"s shoulder. "He is a natural with interspecies politics, but actual parties aren"t his forte. I hope you teach him well."

"Interspecies politics?" One of the women in George"s group exclaimed. "That"s so exotic."

"George, you were telling us about Nitis," A second woman announced. "Was Lieutenant Khan involved in the meetings with the Niqols?"

"Involved?" George scoffed. "He aced them, isn"t that right?"

"These women probably read my profile already," Khan cursed in his mind while showing his fake smile. "George likes to praise me. Still, yeah, we were part of a special envoy on Nitis."

"We lived among them for months," George continued, "And Khan"s achievements don"t end there. He also served on Ecoruta, won Onia"s tournament, and played an important role on Milia 222, the lawless zone ruled by six different species."

"They definitely know about Onia," Khan cursed again while retaining his polite behavior. "George, they don"t want to hear about the gory details."

"On the contrary," A third woman stated while placing a hand on Khan"s forearm. "It"s so rare for us to meet experienced soldiers. How could we miss the chance to hear their stories?"

"Don"t they have mansions full of them?" Khan cursed a third time before opting to play along. "Well, get us a drink, and the stories will flow."

"George has the bad habit of disappearing whenever we turn," The fourth woman revealed while focusing on Khan. "Can you promise us that you won"t run away?"

Khan found four pairs of captivating eyes fixed on him. The four women couldn"t match Monica"s charm or Jenna"s astonishing beauty, but they were by no means ugly, and they knew how to handle men.

Keeping those women company was an easy task for Khan, especially with George at his side. Khan had no problems playing along since his friend made that interaction fun. However, the flare of jealousy past the group only intensified during the chat, and it soon reached a critical point.

"There won"t be any need for that," Monica shouted from behind the group, making everyone turn. "Lieutenant Khan is my guest here. It would be shameful of me not to cover for him until he gets used to this environment."

Monica strode forward while lifting the drink in her grasp, and the four women instinctively stepped aside, allowing her to reach Khan. A meaningful glare unfolded when Monica handed over her gla.s.s, and Khan could only contain his smirk during the interaction.

"Monica, as your guest, how could I leave you empty-handed?" Khan asked since Monica didn"t have anything else with her. Clearly, she had sacrificed her drink to get the four women away from him.

"Oh, Khan," Monica giggled. "You really are new to these events."

Monica"s eyes darted through the room and alerted all the curious people peeking at the scene. The fact that Khan and Monica used their first names openly instantly became the topic of many chatters, but her gesture pushed some of the men to reach for any drink in their range.

In a matter of seconds, Monica, Anita, the four women, and George obtained drinks. Those interested in the scene even brought multiple bottles and many clean, turning Khan into the center of the room.

"She does have many suitors," Khan sighed in his mind. The scene had proven how important and sought Monica was. Even the women in the room didn"t dare to contradict her openly.

"See?" Monica exclaimed while lifting her drink through her elegant manners. "You don"t have to worry about me. Actually, do it. You are cute when you get protective."

"Miss Solodrey, with all due respect," George announced, "History tells us that Khan is more than cute."

"I wouldn"t speak so freely if I were you," Anita snorted.

"Anita, don"t take it the wrong way," George began to say.

"It"s too late," Anita pressed on. "I"ve already taken it the wrong way."

"[What did you do to her]?" Khan whispered in the Niqols" language.

"[We had a date]," George explained. "[I forgot to call her back]."

"Hey, you two," One of the women called. "No more alien languages."

"We only say good things about all of you," George lied. No one believed him, but Monica seized the chance to tease Khan.

"Khan, you know I like my praises whispered to my ear," Monica joked.

"Your friends might misunderstand," Khan politely addressed the issue.

"Maybe I want you to understand my intentions," Monica used vague words to play along.

Khan and Monica couldn"t help but fall into a daze. Monica was experiencing the same symptoms that had afflicted Khan just a few hours ago. Her jealousy had taken over, and Khan felt conflicted about the event.

Monica"s jealousy was rea.s.suring, and it even warmed Khan"s heart. However, that bold approach left him with no good answers. Dismissing her openly would cause problems, but he couldn"t let their open teasing last for too long either.

Luckily for Khan, George also had sharp senses, and Monica"s stance told him enough to understand what he had to do.

"Since we all have a drink," George announced, "Why don"t we toast according to the Niqols" tradition?"

"Ooh, what"s that?" One of the women gasped in curiosity.

"It"s pretty simple," George exclaimed, and his words mixed with the chatter and the surprised cries.

Khan missed a lot of George"s explanation, and the same went for when the man started telling stories. Monica"s presence was too distracting for Khan, and she never missed the chance to make things hard for him.

Of course, Monica had it even worse than Khan. She was the most sought woman in the room, but that made her almost untouchable. Instead, Khan had to deflect flirtatious offers left and right, and she couldn"t do much about them.

George didn"t help in the matter. He was probably happier than Khan about that reunion, so he didn"t hold back with his stories. He didn"t say much about Khan"s girlfriends, but the tales of his heroic deeds had many details that made the audience"s eyes shine in amazement and respect.

Khan was basically in the middle of that silent conflict. He had to remain polite to work on his social array, deflect Monica"s blatant teases, and laugh with George whenever his tales awakened funny memories.

That stalemate continued for entire minutes, and the problems only increased as more people mustered the courage to voice questions. Some even left the other areas of the flat to join that cheerful event, and the seemingly endless amount of booze added more fuel to the matter.

"There you are!" Eventually, a voice resounded above the loud chatters, and the crowd in the room created a pa.s.sage for that newcomer.

"Lucian!" Anita exclaimed when Lucian did his best to cross the crowd without losing his composure.

The number of Khan"s mental curses had long since reached two figures by then, and seeing Lucian added another to the pile. The man reeked of jealousy, even if his face expressed pure friendliness, and his popularity immediately made him join the event.

"I couldn"t find you anywhere," Lucian revealed once he joined the inner circle of Khan"s group. "So, what did I miss?"

"Mister Ildoo was trying to figure out how tall the Stal were," One of the men nearby summarized.

"Please, Mister Ildoo is my father," George waved his hand to dismiss that polite t.i.tle. "George is more than enough."

"The Stal?" Lucian repeated in surprise. "I didn"t know you served on Ecoruta."

"I didn"t," George confirmed before nodding in Khan"s direction, "But he fought there before heading for Onia"s tournaments. Those aliens must be quite a sight."

"Sight, sure," Khan commented, "But their physical strength is the real problem. One good punch can kill you."

"Imagine if they were as smart as their counterparts," A man in the audience voiced.

"They have Guko"s technology," Khan added. "They might not know how to use it very well, but it still increases their danger level."

"It must have been scary to fight them," A woman stated while trying to reach for Khan"s arm, but Monica suddenly pulled the edge of his sleeve to force his attention on her.

"I must add this story to one of the topics of our date," Monica suggested.

"I thought it was a work-related meeting," Khan deflected.

"I like to call it a date since it"s you," Monica teased while covering her mouth.

A series of surprised faces appeared among the audience. That wasn"t Monica"s first time making similar comments, but they grew bolder as drinks went by. Some suspected that she had gotten drunk, but no one called her out.

"I reckon that most fights on Ecoruta happen from the safety of the trenches," Lucian stated. "How did you get such a good look at the Stal?"

"Our superiors made us attack enemy trenches at times," Khan explained, "And my team also fell prey to the enemy. Escaping that underground prison granted me more than enough looks."

"Right, I recall that report," Lucian exclaimed. "Though, humans are superior to the Stal in every other field. A smart approach will always lead to victory."

"I don"t know," Khan argued. "The battlefield has different environments, and some benefit the Stal."

"Going into a territory that benefits your enemies is a tactical mistake on its own," Lucian uttered.

"I simply followed orders," Khan explained shortly. "Anyway, you don"t want to end up in a trench with a Stal."

"Long-range attacks are your friends," Lucian pointed out. "You should never get in the Stal"s range."

"Sometimes you don"t have that option," Khan declared. "If your superior tells you to invade the enemy trench, you do it."

"There are still ways to exploit their flaws," Lucian remained firm on his argument.

"Did you read that somewhere?" George wondered, doing his best to pretend that he wasn"t mad. "You know, Khan has actually been there. His words are as close to the truth as possible."

"He might have simply forgotten in the heat of the battle," Lucian guessed.

"I didn"t," Khan stated. "I had to face many Stal in melee combat, and they were powerful."

The tones were getting heated, and Khan was in no condition to back down, especially since Lucian had been the reason behind his previous jealousy. George was also on his side, so a polite discussion took form.

"I don"t want to insult anyone," Lucian warned. "I"m simply pointing out a tactical mistake."

"You can"t keep your distance once inside the trench," Khan pressed on. "It"s too small, and the Stal are too big."

,m "Let"s take a step back," Lucian uttered. "You are correct. I don"t know the size of the trenches. I was merely arguing about the advantages of tactics over brute strength. In theory, no human should ever lose to a Stal."

Lucian was technically correct. Humans had spells that could burn Stal to a crisp from far away. Yet, Khan knew that the situation was more complicated than that. Adding a rifle to the equation or a specific terrain could change the fate of that theoretical battle.

Khan"s unconvinced stance added fuel to George"s irritation. The booze was starting to show its effects, and George couldn"t accept that a random wealthy descendant dared to open his mouth on topics that had claimed Khan"s sweat and blood.

"Let me tell you," George announced. "Things get messy quickly in a war. Only flexible tactics can survive there."

No one dared to argue with George. After all, he had seen Istrone"s rebellion, and the various families still suffered due to that tragedy.

"True," Lucian agreed. "It takes the right tool to ensure the survival of the tactic."

"Could you do it?" George wondered without hiding his scorn for the word "tool".

"Mister Ildoo, George," Lucian exclaimed, "We all come from incredible families here. We had the best educators and masters growing up. It wouldn"t be wrong to say that we were born for that."

"Shall we test that?" George questioned. "My style is well-recorded, and the same goes for the best strategy to defeat it. I can pull out the file right now if needed. According to what you just said, you could enforce it in a real battle, couldn"t you?"