Chaos' Heir

Chapter 444 Mutations

Chapter 444 Mutations

Professor Boatbell"s friendly behavior and pa.s.sion for the subject helped retain interest throughout the lesson. His many questions also kept the cla.s.s engaged and allowed most students to show their knowledge.

The initial topics were rather dull. Professor Boatbell"s explanations started from the First Impact and barely covered half a century by the time the cla.s.s was over. He had to establish a good foundation before moving to specific matters, and Khan felt he did an excellent job at it.

The Professor didn"t talk about the invasion. His subject focused on how humanity adapted to mana, so the war wasn"t important. Instead, he went over the first attempts at employing and wielding that energy to give insights into what had worked and failed.

The main goal of the subject had been clear since the Professor"s initial speech, and his following explanations further highlighted it. Understanding where humankind had failed would grant the students the right mindset when meeting alien arts. They would find it easier to translate them into human terms and add them to the Global Army"s knowledge.

Khan had to admit that his teaching methods paled compared to Professor Boatbell"s smooth and witty speeches. The man was incredibly good at his job, which suited the privileged environment of the advanced

The Professor"s pleasant eloquence wasn"t the only feature Khan noticed. The explanations were highly detailed, especially when describing the risks and benefits of each approach. Khan was getting the education he had missed in the past years, and the catching-up process looked far from easy.

It turned out that the ten companies didn"t immediately get their hands on mana. The invasion had destroyed most communications, so the surviving groups of humans had to take the first steps into that superior field on their own.

Needless to say, the records of that period were scarce and grim. The countless mutations triggered by the Nak"s mana had initially pushed the survivors to test that energy on themselves. However, that approach led to disastrous consequences due to the lack of suitable technology and knowledge.

The first true breakthrough happened when someone mixed mana with technology. Weapons that could harness that energy appeared and gave humankind a chance to reclaim Earth.

The second breakthrough arrived once the n.o.ble families stepped in. They restored some form of communication and established cooperation among the survivors. They also added their resources, which quickened the development of weapons and machinery based on mana.

The development took two separate paths at that point. The first and most reliable involved technology, and the debris left behind by the invasion helped a lot there.

As for the second, the families used the various mutated creatures that had survived the invasion as guinea pigs to learn how mana worked. Many humans had also fallen prey to the Nak"s infections, and experimenting on them eventually set the basics for the mana cores.

The cla.s.s ended on those topics, leaving the still-divided humans doing their best to rethink their way of life. Professor Boatbell had to go at that point, but not before sending everyone a longer and more detailed version of his lesson.

Khan scrolled the text on the interactive desk while his phone downloaded it. He had read longer books, but those numerous pages involved a single lesson, and that was only one subject. His training schedule grew tighter just by imagining what was waiting for him.

"That was truly general," Khan commented once the students remained alone in the hall.

"I told you," Monica stated as she detached her phone from the interactive desk. "Most of it is common knowledge anyway."

"Is it?" Khan wondered, showing his helpless face.

"It was part of my education," Monica giggled while pulling with the leg still lying on Khan"s knee.

"It would be a pity not to put it into use," Khan joked. "What do you say about studying together tonight?"

"A single night won"t put you on par with every cla.s.s," Monica teased. "You"d need months of private lessons."

"Luckily, I know a place where we can be alone as long as we want," Khan played along while leaning on the interactive table to hide his hand caressing Monica"s leg.

"How resourceful of you, Captain Khan," Monica exclaimed as she also placed an elbow on the interactive table and supported her head with her hand. "I hope you don"t have anything strange in mind."

"Miss Solodrey, I have the purest intentions," Khan promised.

"Somehow, I find that hard to believe," Monica snickered. "It must be the way you held my leg throughout the lesson."

"Your leg?" Khan feigned innocence before glancing at his lap and gasping. "How did that even end up there?"

"Didn"t you notice it?" Monica wondered. "Is my leg so meaningless that you actually missed it?"

"Study with me tonight, and I"ll show you how much I appreciate it," Khan suggested.

"I thought your intentions were pure," Monica whispered.

"Purely bad," Khan smirked.

"Such a scoundrel," Monica scoffed. "Though, it would be unbefitting of me to leave a cla.s.smate in a dire situation. Captain Khan, you got your date."

"Dates," Khan corrected. "I remember you saying that I needed months to catch up."

Monica covered her mouth, but her fingers remained open enough to show her widening smile. Khan wanted to lose himself in that charming expression, but an annoying feeling reached his senses and forced him to put down Monica"s leg.

Monica frowned, but her eyes soon widened in understanding. She even straightened her position when Lucian and other students walked toward her desk to approach the exit.

"How was your first lesson in the advanced" Lucian asked when he noticed Khan standing up.

"Tougher than I expected," Khan admitted, "But I should manage as long as I lose some sleep over it."

"I hope you don"t mind if we skip some parties in the next period," Monica announced while also standing up. "It is my responsibility to help Khan with these"

"Of course," Lucian nodded. "I"ll also slow down with those soon. Hopefully, I"ll replace them with study groups."

"I"m down if there are drinks," Zoe exclaimed, and the students around her laughed. Even Khan and Monica joined that cheerful reaction as they approached the group.

"The study groups never lack those," Anita giggled, and more jokes followed as the students left the hall.

Those small talks rekindled the sense of acceptance that Khan had felt before. He had become part of that elitist group, and no one dared to question his presence. Everything remained superficial, but that could already limit the pretenses on his side.

Nevertheless, exiting the hall showed Khan that the wealthy side of the wouldn"t forget his new fame so soon. As soon as he entered the corridor, he found Professor Boatbell waiting on the other side, and the man didn"t hesitate to call him. "Captain Khan, a word?"

The many gazes that fell on Khan received a general nod. Khan only added a look at Monica before leaving the group to approach the Professor, and Lucian promptly led everyone further away to give the two some privacy.

"Sir?" Khan voiced when he reached the Professor.

"How was your first advanced lesson?" Professor Boatbell asked in his friendly tone. "I hope I didn"t go too fast."

"I"ll get up to speed soon enough," Khan rea.s.sured. "I"m already planning study groups to double down on my efforts."

"That"s good to hear," Professor Boatbell announced. "Also, I hope you didn"t mind my initial warning. I know what happened with Professor Odse. Mine was only a formality."

"It would have been stranger if you didn"t mention anything, sir," Khan admitted. "I"m simply glad my background isn"t a problem in your cla.s.s."

"Of course, of course," Professor Boatbell laughed. "You are all equal in my eyes, at least when I"m doing my job."

"Sir?" Khan wondered since he felt that the last part of the Professor"s line hid a deeper meaning.

"I know it might sound awkward after what I"ve said," Professor Boatbell stated. "I"m also in an odd spot, but duties are duties. My family pressed me to invite you to dinner, and they won"t stop asking until you accept. Can you do me this favor?"

"Dinner?" Khan repeated.

"I won"t be there as your professor," Professor Boatbell explained. "I"d just act an acquaintance meant to introduce you to some representatives of the Boatbell family."

Khan didn"t know what to say. On one side, the invitation further proved his importance. However, going to the dinner would force him to accept any future offer, and he had already gotten some.

"Don"t look so troubled," Professor Boatbell chuckled. "I know you must be busy, especially in this period. Just keep my offer in mind. It would mean a lot to me if you agreed."

"I"ll keep you updated if you don"t mind," Khan answered honestly. "I have many things to sort out, and I"ve barely begun addressing the first ones. I even need to study."

"Don"t even mention it," Professor Boatbell rea.s.sured. "Studying must be your priority. However, I hope you"ll take my advice. You"ll rarely find another environment so full of meaningful connections. Don"t miss this opportunity."

Professor Boatbell was a second-level warrior, so Khan could sense the emotions carried by his mana. His advice had nothing to do with the dinner pushed by his family. It was a pure act of kindness.

"I won"t, sir," Khan promised. "I"ll get my schedule in order and make time."

"Good," Professor Boatbell praised. "Now, go eat something. The day is still long."

Khan revealed a smile and returned to the group. Lucian, Monica, and the others were waiting down the corridor, and they understood what had happened without needing any explanation.

"The Boatbell family isn"t among the wealthiest," Monica explained as soon as Khan reached her, "But it has produced a few talents in the last years."

"The Professor is one of them," Lucian added. "He might not look like it, but he gained quite the reputation for his studies of the years after the First Impact."

"I seem to recall reading some of his pieces," Anita joined the conversation. "They were very detailed."

More compliments resounded among the group. Everyone seemed to know Professor Boatbell and his achievements. Khan was the only exception, but no one blamed him for his ignorance.

"Monica," Lucian eventually called, "Did your family provide him with a PR manager?"

"I have the greatest respect for Khan," Monica announced, "But even I couldn"t predict his sudden promotion."

"Then," Lucian continued while glancing at Khan, "I could handle that for you. I have good connections in the field."

The offer sounded selfless, but Khan had seen Lucian"s true face, and he didn"t want any debt with him. He was even about to refuse, but Monica intervened before he could say anything. "He has me for that. I obviously won"t leave him on his own."

"Are you sure you aren"t overworking yourself?" Lucian wondered. "A PR manager would also suit his new rank."

"Khan is worth a few sleepless nights," Monica giggled in her usual elegant manner.

"And you call me shameless," Zoe scoffed while looking at Anita.

"I can"t argue with that," Anita laughed before taking Monica"s elbow into her arms. "Are you hiding something from us, Miss Solodrey?"

"What if I am?" Monica teased, and a series of jokes followed.

The group continued that teasing chit-chat while moving through the corridor. Khan and Monica soon stopped being the main topic, but someone always found something else to talk about, so the walk never became silent.

Lucian and the others shared Khan"s schedule, but various obligations forced the group to split. Monica, Khan, and Anita remained alone when they left the, and they didn"t hesitate to head for George"s flat to order some food.

The lunch was uneventful and short. Anita couldn"t stay for too long due to personal matters, and George was away. However, Khan and Monica didn"t have enough time to enjoy themselves properly, so they opted for a cuddling session in which she took a nap on his lap.

Khan felt happy in caressing that mess of curls, but his mind often wandered. Gaining more insights into the world of the wealthy descendants changed some of his ideas about them, especially now that he had partially joined that elitist group.

One advanced lesson had filled Khan with homework, and completing it would only fulfill the bare minimum of what wealthy descendants handled every day. The situation also grew harsher when he added the various political duties and the tasks forwarded by the families.

Khan had always trained harder than the wealthy descendants. However, he now began to consider the lack of time as a possible reason. People like Lucian and Monica were bound to have had countless dinners. It was actually surprising that they had reached their current level with so many obligations to fulfill.

Stepping into that world had filled Khan with the same obligations, if not worse. His political journey had basically just begun, so he had to condense years of meetings into mere months to catch up with the wealthy descendants.

The situation worsened when Khan thought about his flying course and possible occupations in the Harbor. He had so much to do that even skipping sleep for entire weeks wouldn"t give him enough time to train.

Of course, the issue had no solution. Khan had to sacrifice something to make time for his new obligations, and his training was suitable for the task. Taking a break from increasing his attunement with mana would probably benefit him. Still, he hoped to find moments to solidify his skill with third-level spells and test the techniques learnt on Milia 222.

An alarm woke up Monica, and the couple only spent a few minutes enjoying the privacy of George"s flat before departing for the again. Khan"s new schedule had put "alien environments" in the afternoon, and he couldn"t wait to see how the advanced handled that topic.

The scenes from the morning repeated themselves when Khan and Monica reached the training camp area. Students, teachers, and more kept track of their movements, but the reunion with the rest of the descendants put an end to most stares.

The seats also ended up being almost the same. "Alien environments" happened in a different hall. Still, their layouts rarely changed, so Khan and Monica could find another relatively isolated spot in which they could express part of their relationship. Her leg soon fell on his knee again, and he caressed it lovingly as he waited for the professor to arrive.

Nevertheless, minutes pa.s.sed, and the professor still failed to arrive. It got so late that the chatter grew louder since no one understood what was happening.

"Is this common?" Khan wondered when the chatters managed to capture his interest.

"Not in the Harbor," Monica revealed. "Maybe we get to go home early today."

The arrival of a familiar figure shattered Monica"s hopes. Khan recognized Professor Nickton, but the man didn"t glance at the students even once as he approached the main desk.

"Professor Parver is ill again," Professor Nickton announced while activating the many functions of his interactive desk. "I"ll handle today"s cla.s.s."

The students didn"t mind that change, but Professor Nickton"s appearance managed to create some frowns. The man was even messier than the last time Khan had seen him. His military uniform had many dark spots, and even his beard was dirty. He seemed to have just come out from his lab.

"Okay," Professor Nickton exclaimed while his eyes remained on the interactive desk. "Alien environments aren"t my area of expertise. They are actually a broad subject. Instead, I specialize in mutations and relative mana applications, so we"ll go with that."

Changing the subject of a lesson didn"t sound ideal, but no one dared to complain. Khan also liked the topic, so his interest rose.

"Mutations are a perfectly natural part of the evolutionary process," Professor Nickton explained. "Radiations of various types and intensities can alter our cells, often turning them into something our bodies reject. Mana is no different. It"s actually many levels stronger than what our technology normally generates."

Khan understood that statement perfectly. He had seen mutations happen before him, and his azure hair also embodied that topic.

"Animals that evolved with mana are no different," Professor Nickton continued. "They are creatures that managed to achieve a stable form after the mutations. Some even developed unique and incredible abilities, but that doesn"t prevent them from mutating again."

Professor Nickton cleared his throat before resuming his explanation. "Sometimes, you might end up in front of a unique mutation capable of producing breathtaking feats, and it is your job to secure those specimens for further study. As for me, I have to teach you how to recognize them.

"The study of alien environments is one of the paths connected to this specialization. Being able to recognize patterns in foreign fauna and flora is key to finding unique aspects that are worth preserving."

"He really hates when soldiers kill valuable specimens," Khan joked in his mind.

"We have a living example of patterns right here," Professor Nickton eventually stated as he finally stopped focusing on the interactive desk. "Lieu-, wait. Captain Khan? Am I reading this right?"

"Yes, sir," Khan voiced, revealing the most honest smile he could muster. "My promotion happened yesterday."

"I didn"t leave the lab at all yesterday," Professor Nickton groaned. "Well, congratulations."

"Thank you," Khan uttered.

"Back to the lesson," Professor Nickton continued. "Captain Khan is a living example of what happens to those infected by Nak"s mana. His azure features come from that alien species, and that color is so iconic that anyone in the universe can recognize it."

Khan didn"t enjoy being used as an example, especially due to his connection to the Nak. Yet, Professor Nickton"s words were true. Khan did fit perfectly into the subject.

"Now, mutations always alter something," Professor Nickton explained. "Be it the mind or the body or both. It is intrinsic to a mutation to turn something into a completely new material.

"Usually, when the mutations affect the body, they stretch to the very species of the lifeform and become dominant features. Captain Khan will probably pa.s.s his azure colors and element to his children, just like it happened to other similar cases throughout history."

Monica had to reach for Khan"s hand since he had tightened his grip on her leg. He didn"t hurt her, but she wanted to show her support. Khan had thought about that topic, and hearing Professor Nickton bringing it up didn"t feel nice.

"Of course, only some of the changes might go to the next generation," Professor Nickton specified, "But that"s another topic. It"s important to know that these mutations can"t be replicated easily, or even at all in some cases, so you must be able to recognize some valuable ones that the Global Army always needs."

Professor Nickton used the interactive desk to send a list of recorded mutations paired with detailed explanations and uses. The various names quickly captured everyone"s interest, but the opening of the entrance broke that concentration.

Khan found another pair of familiar presences touching his senses and promptly pushed Monica"s leg down. His gesture matched Princess Edna"s careless entrance with Jack. The two headed directly for the professor"s desk, uncaring of the many students who stood up to perform military salutes.

"Princess Edna," Professor Nickton called as the two approached his desk, "Are you interested in mutations?"

"The Headmistress should send you a message soon," Princess Edna explained. "I"m joining this cla.s.s."

"Oh, sure," Professor Nickton nodded. "Do you wish me to start the lesson from the beginning?"

"No need," Princess Edna rea.s.sured before quickly turning to walk toward Khan"s interactive desk. As for Jack, he obviously followed her closely.

"We can go shopping right after this mission ends," Princess Edna announced, uncaring that everyone in the cla.s.s could hear her voice.

"Miss Virrai, I almost thought you had forgotten about our date," Monica joked. She and Khan had stood up to salute the Princess, and they remained on their feet during that conversation.

"I never forget shopping dates," Princess Edna giggled before focusing on Khan. "I hope your tastes are as good as your flying skills, Captain Khan. I won"t let you drive my ship again otherwise."

Khan had to look at the Princess while talking to her, but his senses were hard at work. Everyone had heard Princess Edna"s clear words, and gossip immediately spread, bringing as much attention as possible to Khan. The fact that he had piloted her ship was no longer a secret.