Chaos' Heir

Chapter 446 Candidate

Chapter 446 Candidate

Silence fell among the group. Monica froze in terror, and Khan ended up in a similar situation. However, his stillness didn"t come from the same feelings. The shock barely lasted one second before turning into something darker.

The same clicking growl that Khan had heard from the cloud spell became a background noise in his mind. Meanwhile, wild thoughts ran among it and gave birth to nefarious ideas.

Princess Edna"s revelation had stunned Ron. That was the second time he threatened Khan for the wrong reasons. It was within his tasks to be so thorough, but regret inevitably piled on and distracted him for a few seconds.

Khan didn"t miss that distraction. His sensitivity fused with his wild thoughts and battle experience to give birth to a plan that could exploit that window. Ron was a fourth-level warrior with unknown prowess and abilities, but a Wave spell could surprise even the most troublesome opponents.

Those thoughts went beyond taking care of Ron. Khan could only focus on preserving his relationship now, and killing inevitably became a possibility. He had grown so used to that practice that his feelings made him consider it right away.

Of course, Khan wasn"t thinking straight. His nefarious ideas were the result of unreasonable feelings. He was actually considering going against two fourth-level warriors and risking hurting a n.o.ble descendant to protect his relationship. That was one of his darkest faces, and someone among the group immediately noticed it.

Nothing had left Khan"s mind. His thoughts had merely been an instinctive reaction that had yet to transform into actions. Less than two seconds had pa.s.sed since the shocking revelation, but a pair of empty grey eyes fell on him anyway.

Khan snapped out of his wild state to focus on Jack. The soldier was looking straight at him. That emotionless stare almost spoke to Khan and told him that any attempt to escape would end in his death.

The realization allowed Khan to calm down. The clicking noise vanished, but his emotions remained violent. Still, he could approach them with a chill mind, and a helpless sigh eventually escaped his mouth.

"What would you even want me to do?" Khan mocked himself. "Killing everyone in this shop? Should I also destroy the Harbor since I"m at it?"

Khan"s mana was the target of his questions. He knew how unreasonable it could be, but he didn"t dare to blame it for his wild reaction. After all, he had experienced something similar when Azni found out about his relationship with Liiza. The transformation might explain the new intensity, but those dark thoughts were part of him.

"[Be it planting countless flowers]," Khan played Jenna"s teachings in his mind, "[Or creating b.l.o.o.d.y rivers]. I guess I"ve gotten too used to the latter."

"Jack?" Princess Edna called when she noticed Jack"s reaction.

Jack"s empty glare lingered on Khan for another second, but he soon diverted it to regain his lost look. Khan had stopped being a threat to the Princess, so Jack didn"t need to watch him anymore.

"He must really like you," Princess Edna commented. "I"ve never seen anyone considering going against Jack."

The threatening sensation coming from Ron intensified at those words. He still had his hand on Khan"s throat and was ready to unleash it at the first sudden move.

Khan was strangely calm. He was ready to explode but also completely cold. Fighting couldn"t get him out of that situation, but he felt no fear. That crisis was an inevitable result. Someone had to find out about his relationship sooner or later. Khan would have preferred things to unfold differently, but he had no regrets, especially now that he had chosen to pursue his happiness.

"Miss Vir-," Monica eventually recovered, and her begging tone conveyed her stance. "Edna, please. Khan had nothing to do with this. I put him in this situation."

"Did you force yourself on him?" Princess Edna giggled. "Monica, I didn"t think you were so bold."

"I-," Monica"s first instinct was to explain herself, but the situation had other priorities. "I"ll do anything you ask. Just spare Khan from any trouble."

Monica even reached for Princess Edna"s hands to convey her honesty, but the latter ended up frowning. She seemed confused about that development.

"Monica, stop," Khan called. "It"s out. It"s too late to do anything about it."

Khan didn"t need to inspect his surroundings to know that Princess Edna"s revelation had reached the attendants. The surprise leaking into the symphony confirmed that detail. Even if the Princess decided to ignore the recent events, the rumor was bound to spread.

"Let me fix this!" Monica snapped before focusing on the Princess again. "Edna, I put Khan up to this. I take full responsibility for his actions."

Khan hated seeing Monica like that. His mana began to boil as his cold glare fell on Ron. The latter replied with a similar stare, but his hand remained still. He didn"t attack even after that obvious enmity.

"Princess," Ron spoke while inspecting Khan"s every move. "Captain Khan has shown clear hostility toward you. Permission to behead him."

The fact that Khan didn"t move at all was his only saving grace. Ron would have attacked without waiting for the Princess" permission otherwise.

"Denied," Princess Edna stated as her eyes lit up and melted her frown. "Oh! Secret lovers! Of course!"

Princess Edna"s statement confused the entire group, but she didn"t hesitate to explain herself. "You are afraid that I might reveal your secret."

"You kind of already did," Khan pointed out while glancing at the attendants past the lines of clothes.

"Ron, take care of them," Princess Edna immediately ordered.

"Princess?" Ron wondered. "Captain Khan wanted to hurt you!"

"He wanted to protect Monica," Princess Edna corrected. "She found someone willing to go against me if the situation requires it. I can only be happy for her."

"But-!" Ron tried to say.

"Hurry," Princess Edna pressed. "I want to keep shopping."

Ron couldn"t refuse. He glared at Khan again but eventually retracted his hand to approach the various attendants. He also summoned the shop"s boss before starting a speech that Khan couldn"t hear from his position.

"I don"t understand," Monica admitted in confusion.

"What don"t you understand?" Princess Edna asked.

"Why did you reveal our secret if you had no intention of blackmailing us?" Monica explained.

"Oh, that," Princess Edna exclaimed. "I didn"t realize you wanted to keep it a secret."

"But you called us secret lovers," Monica reminded.

"How to explain?" Princess Edna muttered before avoiding the problem altogether. "Ron, come to explain."

"Yes!" Ron shouted before exchanging a few words with the boss and returning to the group. "The Princess" education and character put her in a unique position. She is very perceptive, but her understanding of social interactions fails to meet proper standards at times."

"Is she an idiot?" Khan wondered before putting that idea aside. His experience with alien species granted him a broader perspective. It didn"t take him long to accept that the Princess simply saw social interactions differently.

Ron took out a device from his pocket and summoned the boss with a gesture. The middle-aged woman was all smiles as she approached the soldier and performed a polite bow to the Princess. She even left her genetic signature on the screen before pretending to remain calm.

The Princess also left her genetic signature on the device before ignoring the matter altogether. She limited herself to smiling at Monica while Ron began his speech.

"This shop and all its attendants now belong to Princess Edna Virrai," Ron announced. "I"ve already forwarded your new regulations, including the instructions to get the family brand. Some soldiers will pick you up once the Princess is done shopping."

"You honor us," The middle-aged woman declared. "Enjoy your stay. I"ll prepare the crew for the trip."

The middle-aged woman performed another bow and left the lines of clothes, but Khan and Monica"s questioning expressions forced Ron to give another explanation.

"Princess Edna bought this shop and all its secrets," Ron voiced without hiding his scorn toward Khan, "Including yours. A mana restraint will prevent the entire crew from speaking about what they heard today."

"What about the cameras?" Khan asked, forcing his amazement to remain in the back of his mind.

"The cameras went dark as soon as the Princess entered the shop," Ron revealed. "Don"t be surprised. It"s a standard practice when n.o.ble descendants are involved."

The influence and power that Princess Edna could express were stunning. Even Monica opened her mouth in shock. She wasn"t really surprised, but that development left her in awe, especially since she couldn"t understand why the Princess had gone so far to cover her secret.

As for Khan, he felt awe, surprise, and shock, but his mind recovered quickly and focused on different topics. He didn"t know how much he could trust Princess Edna. Yet, the revelation had left him powerless, so he planned on understanding his current situation.

"Princess Edna, do you mind answering a few questions?" Khan called.

"I do mind," Princess Edna pouted. "It"s my turn to try one of these dresses."

"I"ll tell you Monica"s secret if you wait a little longer," Khan tried his chances, and Princess Edna"s curious face told him that he had hit the mark.

"Captain Khan," Princess Edna exclaimed. "You have my attention."

Khan ignored Monica"s embarra.s.sment and voiced his first question. "Let me get this straight. You had no intention of exposing us, right?"

"I only wanted to clear Ron"s doubts," Princess Edna confirmed.

"So, you have no interest in using this information for your benefit," Khan continued.

"You would have to follow my orders anyway," Princess Edna casually declared. "I told you. I just want to have fun."

Khan found it hard to believe that such a lofty figure could have innocent desires. However, Princess Edna"s uncaring character felt in line with that behavior, and her mana further confirmed that detail.

"Princess, permission to drop the act," Khan requested.

"Are you sure?" Princess Edna wondered while pulling her hands to leave Monica and turn completely. "I thought you"d be interested in the political game."

"What do you mean?" Khan asked.

"Don"t you want to get close to me to use my political value?" Princess Edna questioned. "Dropping your act will lower your chances."

Khan didn"t expect that honest speech. Princess Edna had sounded serious, and Ron"s stern stance added value to her words. She had stopped being a young woman focused on shopping. Now, she was a n.o.ble descendant.

"Do I have that choice?" Khan couldn"t help but ask.

"It"s fine by me," Princess Edna announced.

"Princess, a Captain should-," Ron warned, but the Princess didn"t let him finish.

"So, is this over?" Princess Edna wondered. "Do I get the secret now?"

Princess Edna"s eager face put Khan before two paths. He could continue his usual polite act, hoping that his emotions would hold on, or he could drop everything and go with the flow, uncaring of what he might lose in the process.

Khan knew where his mind wanted to go. Yet, he couldn"t disregard that chance. He had the opportunity to build a political relationship with a n.o.ble descendant. People would kill for something like that. He couldn"t throw it away just to avoid pretending in her presence.

The issue truly weighed on Khan. He spent entire seconds pondering about it. However, a decision arrived when he glanced at Monica. She was still terrified, even if the situation had evolved past the previous problem. Her mind had suffered too many blows in the span of a single day.

"f.u.c.k this," Khan sighed while stepping forward. Ron prepared himself to intervene, but Princess Edna raised her hand before he could do anything. She had understood where Khan was going and had no intention of stopping him.

"Will you calm down?" Khan scolded while taking Monica"s face into his hands. "You heard the Princess. We are safe."

"Khan," Monica complained. "They are watching us."

Khan smiled to rea.s.sure Monica. The recent events had been an emotional rollercoaster, but the safety of Khan"s hands allowed her to relax. A few tears appeared in her eyes, but nothing serious followed.

"Don"t cry," Khan whispered while wiping Monica"s eyes with his sleeve. "We both know how difficult you are if one of your mood swings arrives."

"Shut up," Monica sniffed. "Don"t change the topic. You are not choosing this over establishing a connection with the Virrai family."

"Do you think I"d miss the chance to be with you in public?" Khan teased. "You underestimate me."

"Khan, it"s a n.o.ble family," Monica pointed out. "You won"t get another chance like this."

"Actually, this is my second already," Khan laughed as he pulled Monica into his arms. "Besides, I don"t care. I will have enough dinners as it is."

Ron coughed, and Khan took that chance to address his behavior. "Can you stop trying to behead me? I"m a war hero. Show me some respect."

"Khan!" Monica snapped while lifting her head and gabbing Khan"s collar. "You can"t talk to a n.o.ble guard like this."

"We said no act," Khan scoffed, showing no shame for what he had just said. "Also, I"m the youngest Captain in history. Even Jack acknowledged me, right? Give me a few years, and I"ll have all the n.o.ble families begging me to join them."

"We are in the presence of a Princes-!" Monica tried to scold, but Khan sealed her lips with a kiss before she could finish her line.

Monica"s mood quelled during the kiss. It even dispersed the remaining tension that still lingered in her mind. She completely calmed down, and some shyness inevitably arrived.

"Monica," Khan called once the kiss ended. "Did I tell you how much I like you in this dress?"

"No," Monica pouted, "But keep complimenting me. You have a lot to make up for."

"What did I do now?" Khan frowned.

"It"s because of you that the Princess found out about us," Monica snorted. "What was that stuff about the children? Especially after yesterday!"

"What happened yesterday?" Princess Edna joined the conversation.

"Princess," Ron called. "Maybe it"s better if-."

"This scoundrel needed a reminder of how far I am willing to go," Monica declared. "I even said that I was starting to fa-."

Monica couldn"t finish her line since Khan placed a finger on her mouth. The gesture made her angrier, but Khan"s following words vanquished that feeling. "Those words are only for me to hear."

Khan and Monica fell into a meaningful stare, but Princess Edna interrupted it. "Can I hear the secret now?"

Monica looked at Princess Edna, and her eyes widened when she recalled what she wanted. Her face immediately went on Khan"s chest. She couldn"t deal with that embarra.s.sing topic.

"It"s a type of happiness that only a partner can give," Khan explained while caressing Monica"s hair. "I don"t know if you have someone like her in your life."

"You are talking about s.e.x, right?" Princess Edna asked without showing any shame, and her words made Monica tense up.

"Sort of," Khan chuckled while lowering his head to lay it on Monica"s hair. "Again, it"s happiness. It doesn"t matter how you get it."

"Is that so," Princess Edna muttered and crossed her arms. "I guess I can"t get it. Whatever."

"Princess, I"m sure you"ll find someone," Khan rea.s.sured, but Monica pushed herself away to show her glare.

Khan felt confused, and the Princess didn"t bother to pay attention to that topic anymore. It took Ron to clear those doubts. "The Princess knows her value as a political currency. Her education made sure of that."

The explanation remained vague, and Khan didn"t initially understand how serious the matter was. After all, Monica had gone through something similar but had ended up following her feelings.

However, things changed when Khan considered the Princess" unique position. She was as old as Monica but had already mastered the"s Her education had to belong to a superior realm, especially regarding relationships.

"Oh," Khan voiced. A wave of sadness washed him over when he looked at the Princess. His upbringing had been awful, and the chaos element messed with his thoughts, but he was himself. Instead, the Princess seemed to have lost something during her education.

"This dress looks cute!" Princess Edna exclaimed while seizing a dress from one of the lines. "Monica, what do you think?"

Monica recalled the initial purpose behind the visit to the shop, and Khan nodded at her before she could ask anything. The two exchanged a kiss, and Monica left him to reach the Princess.

Khan let his thoughts wander while inspecting the two women. They were both showing honest smiles over shallow topics. Still, that happiness felt special when Khan considered their lives.

Monica"s upbringing had been a psychological h.e.l.l, and Princess Edna probably had far worse. The expectations placed on them could suffocate anyone, but they were still able to smile.

"It makes you want to protect these moments," Ron announced while approaching Khan. "Don"t you think?"

Khan glanced at Ron only to notice that he was also looking at the two women. A faint smile had broadened on his face too. Ron appeared happy, even if he did his best to hide that.

"They aren"t the only ones with a difficult life," Khan commented, and his hesitation toward Ron was more than clear.

"My apologies," Ron sighed. "I"ve acted within my rights, but my judgment might have been biased. Please understand that you are the perfect candidate for many jobs coming from enemy parties."

"Enemy parties?" Khan questioned. "Who can target a n.o.ble?"

Understanding dawned before Ron could say anything. Khan felt incredibly stupid. Obviously, only a n.o.ble could target a n.o.ble. As for the motives, they weren"t important.

"What makes me a perfect candidate?" Khan wondered.

"Talent, drive, lack of background," Ron explained. "You have no loyalty to speak of. That makes you dangerous."

"You sound knowledgeable about the matter," Khan hinted.

"I was like that," Ron revealed. "That"s why someone hired me to kill the Princess. She showed mercy."

Khan felt the urge to gulp, but his expression remained still. That revelation had to be something big, but Ron had spoken it anyway. The gesture probably was Ron"s way of making up for his previous behavior.

"What about Jack?" Khan asked.

"He is different," Ron explained. "He went too deep into the battlefield and can"t come back. The Virrai family simply trained him to be a guard."

Khan didn"t know what to say. He felt to have stepped into a bigger world. The realm of the n.o.ble families seemed even stranger and more dangerous than some of the alien planets visited in his missions, but that made it interesting.

"I"ll tell you if someone hires me to kill the Princess," Khan eventually joked, and a laugh escaped his mouth when Ron glared at him. The two seemed about to argue, but Princess Edna called Khan before they could start. The night was long, and Khan had to help with many clothes.