Chaos' Heir

Chapter 507 Perfect

Chapter 507 Perfect

The group brainstormed and drank until late at night without ever getting answers. They didn"t have enough clues, but Khan still obtained something from the social event. Deepening his relationship with those wealthy descendants and gaining insights into their characters was a valuable experience on its own.

Khan heaved a tired sigh when the elevator closed for the last time, granting him some yearned privacy. He wasn"t alone yet. Monica and George were still in the flat"s main hall, but their presence was the opposite of exhausting, especially when they were only the three of them.

The crutches" short noises resounded through the flat as Khan returned to the main hall and threw himself on Monica"s couch. She welcomed him with open arms but ended up lying on his shoulder since the situation required more drinks.

"You have been great," Monica praised, kissing Khan"s cheek while George dealt with the empty The tables among the couches already had multiple bottles, but a single social event couldn"t deplete the flat"s stash of booze.

"So," George announced, sliding two over the table to make them stop right before Khan and Monica, "What do you think?"

"I think I"m getting sick of this fake politeness," Khan cursed, seizing his gla.s.s to lie on the couch"s back. "I mean, they always respected me, but it took Monica to push them toward an earnest attempt to get closer."

"That"s what happens when you have the best girlfriend in the world," Monica giggled.

"I can think of a few things that make you the best," Khan voiced, "And none involves these events."

"Just a few?" Monica teased before forcing herself to change the topic. George"s presence wasn"t a problem, but Anita"s departure was still fresh. Her gesture had affected her enough to put restraints on her mood.

"Mark seemed pretty honest," Monica exclaimed to establish a suitable conversation. "His reputation isn"t bad either. He can be a good ally."

Mark"s short light-brown hair, green eyes, and friendly face appeared in Khan"s mind. Monica was right. Mark had been a perfect acquaintance ever since the Solodrey"s family announcement. His expertise, position, and family made him a valuable a.s.set to add to Khan"s connections. Khan simply didn"t know how strong that bond could become.

"He"s Lucian without the ploys," Khan stated.

"I"m sure he has ploys of his own," George pointed out. "My money is on Zoe and John. They are too stupid or uncaring to attempt a betrayal."

Zoe"s long blonde hair and brown eyes filled Khan"s vision. She was good-looking, and her random childish approaches granted her some charm. Yet, her explicit respect came from her past advances to Khan. Zoe felt she had already offended Monica, so she wouldn"t dare to attempt any ploy.

Instead, John was a strange case. The man had short black hair, dark eyes, light-brown skin, and a mature face that didn"t match his careless behavior. Khan almost saw him as a drunker version of George who had taken a liking to him.

"Zoe is just scared about Monica," Khan explained. "John is peculiar. I give him that. I simply don"t know how helpful he can be."

"You love peculiar types," George pointed out.

"I guess I do," Khan sighed, scratching the healthy side of his head. "He"s worth keeping around."

"What do you mean by that?" Monica scoffed as her eyes darted between Khan and George.

"Khan has a type," George laughed.

"Khan?" Monica called in the hope that her boyfriend would defend her.

"Monica, you chased after me and chose to be my girlfriend," Khan stated. "That"s the definition of crazy."

"Is it now?!" Monica snorted. "I hope you enjoy your crazy girlfriend getting angry then."

"I do enjoy that very much," Khan said with a blank face. It looked like he was stating the obvious.

Monica wanted to complain even more, but that statement wasn"t surprising. She wasn"t clueless about her mood swings. She had actually been the first to warn Khan about it, and seeing him reiterating his acceptance of those crazy sides made her give up on the matter altogether.

"Why can"t I ever win against you?" Monica pouted, almost slamming her head back on Khan"s shoulder.

"Because you love when I sweet-talk my way back into your arms," Khan revealed, immersing his face in Monica"s curls.

Monica couldn"t even pretend to be angry. She smiled and let Khan pull her closer. That interaction usually led to intimate times, but the conversation still required their attention.

"What about Marcia?" Monica questioned.

"She sounds sweet," Khan declared, recalling every memory of that woman. Marcia had a relatively muscular figure that went against common beauty standards, but her long brown hair and big dark eyes added enough cuteness to make her feminine.

"And desperate," George chuckled.

"She is so into a guy she can"t date!" Monica exclaimed. "I pity her a bit."

"Just a bit, I hope," Khan added. "I don"t expect every descendant to have your guts, but seeing her looking for your approval is sad."

"I"ve become an icon for impossible loves," Monica joked. "I can probably create a business to handle those problems."

"They told me something similar about a different topic," Khan recalled.

"I will hit you if it"s about women," Monica warned.

"I have bad news for both of you," George commented.

"Does it count if they are alien?" Khan laughed, and Monica turned to deliver a harmless punch that he easily intercepted.

"Just think that among all my opportunities, I still chose you," Khan uttered, lowering his head while pulling Monica"s arms above him.

"Can"t you let me be mad for a few minutes?" Monica complained as their faces drew dangerously close.

"Oh, that"s easy," Khan nodded. "Just think that those women are still out there."

Monica had to suppress an angry cry, which she surprisingly managed to accomplish. She went silent before turning again to rest on Khan"s shoulder. Her arms were crossed, but her face said that she was ready to continue the conversation.

"Are you noting down these jokes for later?" Khan whispered.

"I"ve started noting them since you returned from Induna," Monica proudly claimed. "Now, that leaves us with Lucy."

"She was disrespectful to Khan," George declared. "No way around it."

"I kind of like her," Khan revealed, depicting that tall and athletic figure in his mind. "She was the only one with the stones to accuse me."

"What did I tell you about his type?" George eyed Monica. "The more complicated they are, the faster Khan jumps into their arms."

"And they are always women," Monica cursed. "Luckily, I"m the most complicated woman Khan will ever meet."

"How is that good?" George shook his head.

"Because it"s me," Monica stated, "And Khan loves everything about me."

"How is that an answer?" George scoffed, and Khan simply shook his head from behind Monica. When she reached that point in her arguments, making her change her mind became impossible.

"I obviously can"t understand who to trust in a single meeting," Khan rekindled the conversation. "I"m actually more worried about Anita. Is everything okay between you two?"

Monica dropped any joking att.i.tude to focus on George. The topic couldn"t help but make her sad, and George probably was the only one with the answers she sought.

"I don"t know either," George sighed, gesturing toward the bottle that Monica didn"t hesitate to push toward him. "Things are good, but this is no small thing."

"I"m sure everything will be fine," Monica tried to rea.s.sure. She liked that their best friends were a couple. It made her private world cozier, and George and Anita appeared happy together too.

However, Khan knew George far better and could even see his mana. He understood his internal conflict since he had experienced something similar on Reebefell.

"Is she too good?" Khan wondered.

"She can be a real pain," George snorted. "Still, yeah, she is truly good."

Monica didn"t initially understand what was happening, but one look at Khan gave her an idea. After all, George and Khan were similar in many aspects, so it was easy for her to connect the dots.

"How is that a problem?" Monica questioned. "You found a good woman. Shouldn"t you be happy that she shares your feelings?"

"Do you realize that you come after Khan"s perfect girlfriend?" George mocked. "Khan, did you even tell her about Cora?"

"Monica, he is right," Khan sighed. "You know he is."

"But Anita-," Monica gasped.

"Would only suffer if things don"t work out," Khan interrupted. "Or George would sacrifice himself for years until the inevitable explosion."

"I knew I shouldn"t have opted for something serious," George cursed. "You should have stopped me."

"It made you happy," Khan stated before diverting his gaze. "Maybe part of me wanted you to be happy with her to stay away from the battlefield."

"I don"t miss it," George revealed as more exchanges of bottles happened. "I don"t miss the corpses, the death. Still, I look at these walls, these structures, and know what to expect from the rest of my life."

George stood up to gulp down his gla.s.s and slam it on the table. He spread his arms, and a helpless expression filled his face as his gaze wandered over the hall"s walls.

"These walls will never be us," George announced. "We desire the thrill of battle. I don"t hate peace like you, but knowing that this will be my future remains depressing, especially with someone who can"t understand."

Khan recalled the exchange of lines between him and George when the video arrived. He knew his mana didn"t change, but a question felt necessary. "Do you regret your decision from back then?"

"I don"t," George sighed. "It"s what I want. It simply has consequences, boring consequences."

"Just think it through," Khan warned. "If anything happens, I have booze."

"That you must," George chuckled. "Alright, I"m off. I"ll see you tomorrow."

"Night, George," Khan voiced.

"Goodnight," Monica managed to say before the elevator closed, but her angry eyes soon ended on Khan. That reaction wasn"t one of her mood swings. Her feelings were genuine since they involved one of her closest friends.

"Why did you tell George that?" Monica questioned.

"I don"t lie to George," Khan stated, "Or you for what matters."

"You basically told him to break up with Anita!" Monica continued. "I thought she was your friend!"

"She is!" Khan responded in an equally loud tone, "And so is George. That"s why I want them to be happy."

"Can"t they be happy together?" Monica cried.

"I don"t have any idea!" Khan shouted. "It"s up to them. I simply know that Anita isn"t like you."

"Like me how?" Monica complained. "Perfect like Cora?"

"Perfect for me!" Khan scolded, ending in a loud sigh. "Perfect for George."

Truth be told, Monica and Khan already had a similar conversation. He had told her almost everything about his past relationships, and she had even received Jenna"s advice. Monica was angry because the matter involved Anita, but Khan wasn"t the problem. He was actually her solution.

"I just don"t want her to suffer," Monica admitted.

"If it were up to me," Khan added, "I"d make them live happily ever after, but love many times isn"t enough."

Monica looked at Khan. He was diverting his gaze for reasons she knew far too well. That wasn"t her first time hearing that line, and she hoped from the bottom of her heart that it would never apply to them.

Khan"s gaze focused when a hand reached for his collar and gently pulled him down. He found himself lying on Monica"s lap, and she even adjusted his legs to make him stretch comfortably on the sofa. Sadness shone in her expression, but happiness filled her eyes when she looked at him.

"Do you hate peace so much?" Monica wondered.

"I enjoy fighting," Khan answered honestly. "I enjoy using my power. I love the struggle, the sweat, the clash of forces that have taken years to form."

"Do you love me because I"m difficult?" Monica giggled.

"No, you are just cute," Khan said, closing his eyes when Monica carefully caressed his hair.

"You know," Monica muttered. "I"m glad my family made me suffer so much. I would have never been a good fit for you otherwise."

"I hate that you have been alone for so long," Khan responded without opening his eyes.

"It was worth it," Monica stated. "After hearing George, I realized that I"m the same. My family has my future planned out for me. These walls are my legacy. I can take breaks from them, but something far stronger than me will always bring me back."

"We can still be s.p.a.ce pirates," Khan pointed out, making a laugh resound above him.

"You are the first thing I truly desired for myself," Monica continued. "I never disobeyed my family so much before you. I was nothing more than a puppet until I fell for you."

"Arguably, I led you on a bad road," Khan stated.

"No," Monica shook her head. "I still don"t know what I want from my future, but one thing is certain. You are my beginning, and I hope with my entire being you"ll be my end."

"Don"t cry," Khan said, opening his eyes since he felt the tears acc.u.mulating above him. "Don"t let bad thoughts distract you from what we have."

"I"m just emotional, dummy," Monica sniffed. "Tell me that you love me, or shut up."

Khan couldn"t find the strength to tease Monica any longer. He straightened his position and did everything in his power to convey the entirety of his feelings to his beautiful, moody girlfriend.