Chaos' Heir

Chapter 556 Lord Exr

Chapter 556 Lord Exr

Khan and Amox stared at the circular camera before heaving a joint sigh. The machine began to fly away, remaining under the trees and restraining its speed to act as a guide, and the scouts followed it.

Amox was taller, so he instantly reached Khan"s side before matching his pace. Khan stored his knife in the meantime and nodded at Amox when he patted his left shoulder.

"[Good fight]," Amox stated. He was probably holding back, but his hand still felt heavy on Khan"s shoulder.

"[You are a resilient one]," Khan praised before wearing a pensive face. He wasn"t sure he had used the right words, and Amox noticed that.

"Me understand human language," Amox said, inviting Khan to switch language.

"[It"s training]," Khan explained, adjusting his accent as well as possible. "[I need to learn]."

Amox was slightly taken aback but quickly laughed, resuming patting Khan"s shoulder. The gesture was closer to punches than friendly exchanges, but Khan endured it.

"[You hurt my shoulder]," Amox complained, finally retracting his arm to inspect his injuries.

"[You hurt my back]," Khan pointed out as the two continued to follow the camera.

"[Only because you wanted to destroy the ride]," Amox stated.

"[I"m still hurt]," Khan responded, and the two exchanged glances before snickering.

The camera didn"t announce the winner, but Amox and Khan didn"t care. They strolled through the woods without minding their belonging to different species. The game had been a formal greeting meant to bring the two groups closer, and their respective stance made it a success.

Khan and Amox didn"t add anything else. They limited themselves to that casual walk in Acarro"s beauty, bathing in the light that managed to cross the crowns. The morning on that planet was lovely, and the two scouts began to recover under it.

A familiar scenery eventually appeared in the distance. Amox"s eyes lit up, but Khan couldn"t feel surprised since the symphony had already updated him. The trees ahead grew scarce, showing a plain that hosted some ruckus.

Khan and Amox accelerated without ever running, and the scene quickly grew clearer. The two scouts noticed their respective companions together with their vehicles. The big cage was also there, and the Ilqiex was trapped inside.

The Ilqiex was awake, but the many metal threads wrapped around its body were keeping it still. Those ropes bound its thick legs, mouth, and ankles, preventing it from struggling any further. The cage had also closed, making any effort pointless.

The monster retained Khan and Amox"s attention only for a few seconds. The two scouts soon inspected the cage"s surroundings, which revealed the game"s outcome. The Thilku were congratulating each other and cheering while the humans stood on the side, wearing dejected and tired expressions.

It didn"t take a genius to understand that the humans had lost, but Khan couldn"t help but be curious. The Thilku were one vehicle down after his sacrificial play. Theoretically, his companions had a stark advantage, but he didn"t know whether they had failed or avoided exploiting it.

"I need to look at the recordings," Khan thought, instinctively heading toward the human team only to find Amox"s big hand on his shoulder again.

"[Come, come]," Amox declared. "[We must feast now]."

Khan didn"t know what to do, but refusing a direct invitation from the enemy scout wasn"t an option. He showed his helplessness to his companions while heading for the cage with the Thilku. Amox let him go to exchange a few laughs with the other aliens, but they all eventually moved toward the hill, and the humans followed.

A separation happened during that walk. The humans remained slightly behind and didn"t dare to mix themselves with the Thilku, but Khan was an exception. Amox reached for his shoulder whenever he risked leaving his group, putting him almost in the middle of the aliens.

The other Thilku didn"t hide their interest in Khan, but only respectful and curious looks flew in his direction. No one spoke to him, and even Amox temporarily ignored him to exchange cheers with his companions.

Khan decided to go with the flow, and the hill"s base eventually attracted his attention. Someone had set up a long, short table and placed multiple pillows at its sides. Drinks and food already occupied its surface, and big barrels stood nearby.

The customs in that phase of the game changed occasionally, but Khan imitated the Thilku around him, ultimately finding himself on an empty spot before the hill. Both teams were with him and created a line, either performing military salutes or traditional bows.

Khan opted for the military salute and waited. Soon, Amba.s.sador Abores and the crowned Thilku stood up to leave the gazebo and make themselves more visible, but the former politely remained one step behind.

"You showed us an incredible spectacle," The crowned Thilku announced in a hoa.r.s.e voice. "Congratulations!"

The crowned Thilku translated the announcement into his language before switching again. "Now, wash yourselves, eat, and drink. You"ve earned it!"

After the crowned Thilku translated his second statement into his language, the aliens broke the line to cheer, and Khan followed suit. He wanted to limit himself to a smile and a few nods with his companions, but Amox"s hand fell on his shoulder once again.

"[Come, Khan]," Amox called, leaving the group to head for the barrels. Khan followed him, splitting from both teams, which approached the table.

The barrels were open, and Khan could see his reflection when he peeked into one. A water-like liquid filled those containers, and Amox didn"t hesitate to dive his head into it.

Amox washed his face before using his hands to take care of the rest of his body. Khan watched him for a few seconds before doing the same, removing all the muddy blood, gore, and sweat lingering on his skin.

That rudimentary bath wasn"t ideal, but Khan had experience from the Slums and Nitis. He did a decent job at cleaning himself, even if his pants ended up drenched.

Khan didn"t care about that, and Amox didn"t either. The Thilku ended up in a similar state, nodding in approval when he inspected Khan, and his hand didn"t hesitate to reach for his shoulder again.

"[Sit with me]," Amox requested, and Khan didn"t dare to refuse.

The two headed for the table, which depicted a predictable scene. The humans and Thilku had sat on opposite sides and had yet to start eating. However, Amox had different plans and pushed Khan toward one of the short edges before sitting beside him.

Khan could feel many gazes falling on him as soon as his b.u.t.t ended on a pillow. He was at the head of the table with the alien scout. That position had meaning even in their culture, but no one complained.

"[Take this]," Amox said, reaching for bowls, cups, and plates nearby to place them before Khan. He did the same for himself, and Khan soon had a complete view of what the banquet could offer.

Khan had studied the Thilku thoroughly, so that uncommon food didn"t surprise him. The bowls had worms or insects of various kinds, with some still moving. The plates had bread-like meals or rare meat, while the cups held a dark, dense liquid that Khan recognized as booze.

"[To our human friends]!" Amox eventually exclaimed, lifting his cup into the air. The Thilku immediately imitated him, and the human side soon did the same, exchanging a public toast that marked the beginning of the banquet.

Khan took a short sip from his cup only to be invaded by a harsh and strong scent. The dense liquid was booze not meant for humans, but that wasn"t Khan"s first time with something similar. The Ef"i and Niqols had already trained him for those drinks.

Amox laughed when he saw Khan going for a longer second sip. He patted his shoulder again before taking a handful of worms and stuffing them into his own mouth.

Khan noticed the gesture and let go of his cup to try those worms. His hand and mouth showed no hesitation, and his eyes lit up when a pleasantly pungent flavor covered his tongue. That food was actually good, and he didn"t hesitate to get a taste of everything.

The other humans didn"t share Khan"s enthusiasm. The Slums and Nitis had made him used to odd meals, but they couldn"t adapt on the spot. They opted for the bread and meat but avoided the meals that were too disgusting-looking.

Amox continued laughing and eating, appreciating how much Khan was enjoying the banquet. He didn"t expect such a flexible reaction from a human, and his inspection eventually attracted Khan"s attention.

"[Shouldn"t you get that treated]?" Khan asked after gulping down a mouthful of insects and nodding toward Amox"s left shoulder.

"[Eating first]," Amox exclaimed. "[I"ll be fine by tonight anyway]."

"[I agree on the eating]," Khan chuckled. "[This stuff is good]."

"[Fill your stomach]," Amox cheerfully ordered. "[You must recover your energy after our battle]."

Khan agreed with Amox and wolfed down anything that ended within his reach. Meanwhile, Amox acted as a perfect host, refilling Khan"s cup whenever he emptied it or bringing more plates to their side of the table.

To the Thilku"s surprise, Khan ate as much as them, stopping only when the table was devoid of food. He leaned backward at that point, placing a hand on the ground while wielding the cup with the other. Having a full stomach and a drink under Acarro"s light felt fantastic, and he made sure to enjoy it to its fullest.

"[Did you like our food]?" Amox asked, half-turning toward Khan while wielding a cup. The table was a bit short for him, so he rested his elbow on it.

"[It was great]," Khan praised. "[I"m fully recovered]."

"[I only hit you once]," Amox laughed. "[You are a slippery foe]."

"[My]," Khan said, falling silent for a few seconds to recall the word he wanted to use. "[My girlfriend gets angry when I get hurt]."

"[Ah]!" Amox exclaimed, chuckling. "[I know what you are saying. My wife tries to kill me every month]."

"[Why]?" Khan asked, also laughing.

"[Thilku women have a temper when they are in love]," Amox proudly stated. "[I"d be worried if my wife stopped fighting me]."

"[I know the feeling]," Khan admitted. "[Do you have kids]?"

"[Two]," Amox nodded. "[A small boy and a girl as scary as her mother]."

"[That"s good, right]?" Khan questioned.

"[She makes me proud every day]," Amox snickered, gulping down his drink and reaching for the jug with the booze.

"[Do you have kids]?" Amox asked, refilling Khan"s drink before tending to his cup.

"[No]," Khan revealed, respectfully lifting his drink toward Amox before taking a sip. "[It"s too early]."

"[Do you love your girlfriend]?" Amox questioned.

"[I do]," Khan opted for honesty.

"[Then it"s the perfect time]," Amox declared.

Khan lifted his gaze, trying to think of a concise way to explain his situation before going for something vague. "[It"s complicated]."

"[I see]," Amox let it go but reached for Khan"s shoulder again. "[Well, a warrior like you will solve any problem]."

Khan ignored the red spot that had appeared on his shoulder due to the repeated slaps and politely addressed Amox"s praise. "[You are strong as well. The Thilku never fail to surprise me]."

"[Ah]!" Amox snorted. "[You didn"t point your knife at my face even once]."

"[And you didn"t show me everything you can do]," Khan responded, and the two fell into a meaningful stare that conveyed some of the excitement created during their previous clash.

"[It"s comforting knowing that you"ll be at my side during the investigation]," Amox changed the topic. "[The humans are indeed capable]."

Khan"s eyes lit up in interest now that Amox had mentioned the investigation. He had expected the Thilku to leave that kind of talk to the people under the gazebo. Still, the topic was in the open now, and he wanted to know more.

"[What do you know]?" Khan asked.

"[I know about the bomb]," Amox revealed. "[It"s the work of filthy criminals]."

Amox ended his line by spitting on the ground. The gesture conveyed his deep disgust for the criminals, and Khan couldn"t help but find it interesting.

"[I didn"t think the great Thilku Empire had blind spots]," Khan said, hoping that his statement didn"t offend Amox.

"[Don"t talk like that now]," Amox snorted. "[Even the Thilku have criminals. Their shameful behavior is a stain on the greatness of the Empire]."

"[Sorry]," Khan made sure to say. "[I"m still figuring you out]."

"[The Thilku are proud but not delusional]," Amox explained. "[We are stronger than humans, so we have better criminals]."

Khan avoided agreeing or disagreeing with Amox and limited himself to memorizing that information. The Thilku were more mature than he had initially expected, and he didn"t know how to take that news.

"[So]," Khan changed the topic, "[Do you have any idea where we"ll begin investigating]?"

"[Are you looking for cla.s.sified information]?" Amox snickered.

"[It might help prepare the human team]," Khan feigned innocence.

"[Ah]!" Amox exclaimed before lowering his voice and looking at the hill"s peak. "[Only Lord Exr can discuss those matters. I"m sure your Lord will update you once you are gone]."

"[Lord Exr]," Khan muttered, also glancing at the hill"s peak. He couldn"t see much from his position since he was sitting, but the symphony filled the blanks.