Chaos' Heir

Chapter 676  Answers

Chapter 676  Answers

The talks with the various guests went well but remained superficial. No long-lasting friendships formed that day. Most people simply wanted to look good before Khan and Monica out of respect for their social status.

The following days saw similar routines. Many chose to linger in the s.p.a.ce station a bit longer, giving Khan and Monica the time to host dinners and other political events. Everything went well, but nothing monumental.

Of course, the couple didn"t expect anything different. Khan and Monica were merely expanding their political array to improve their chances of increasing their allies in the future. Everything else was just empty words and fake invitations.

When the weekend drew near, all the remaining guests had to vacate the s.p.a.ce station. Khan and Monica barely had the time to meet Rick, Lucille, Lieutenant Colonel Clayman, and Princess Edna again before being forced onto a s.p.a.ceship that would bring them home.

While the marriage had been an exclusive event that demanded utmost privacy, news had already leaked into the network. All of them were harmless since the n.o.bles were involved, but many guests shared details during interviews and similar events.

Khan and Monica scoured the network during their long trip back and were pleased to find many mentions of their names. That was almost inevitable since Khan was the best man, but some guests went beyond that, praising the relationship and more.

"It"s impossible to surpa.s.s the bride and groom"s beauty during their own wedding," Monica read on her phone, "But Miss Solodrey and Captain Khan came close to outmatching them."

"Captain Khan stood out even in the middle of a crowd," Khan read on his phone. "His figure radiates everything to look for into tomorrow"s leaders."

"I initially had my doubts about their union," Monica read another article, "But only the most beautiful descendant from the Solodrey family can stand up proudly at Captain Khan"s side."

Those were only a few examples, but the network was full of similar lines. Almost anyone who gave an interview spent a few seconds praising Khan and Monica. Their presence didn"t go unnoticed, and their fame grew once more.

That was as good a victory as Khan and Monica could get. The higher their status, the less they would have to worry about political issues. Their presence at the wedding achieved that, but results would appear only once problems arrived.

Both Khan and Monica were fine with that, but neither could feel happy. The issue with the Nognes family lingered in their minds, creating loud thoughts they couldn"t suppress or ignore. They were too close to answers to think about anything else.

The couple spent the rest of the trip devising plans to obtain answers, with most of them involving Anastasia. She was the most knowledgeable figure in Khan and Monica"s reach, and the imminent birthday was bound to provide an opportunity.

That opportunity arrived far earlier than the couple expected. Their return to the Harbor was filled with reporters and soldiers, but the real surprise came once they returned to their building. Attendants and guards were on the sidewalk, warning about more political issues.

Monica only needed to glance at the attendants to understand what was happening. She rushed into the building with Khan and felt no surprise finding it occupied. Servants were cleaning the place under the orders of a figure she knew far too well.

"Mother!" Monica called, barging into the main hall. "It"s customary to warn about your arrival."

Anastasia was calmly sitting on a couch while holding a drink. A bottle also stood on the nearby table, which Khan recognized as the booze from his personal stash. The woman had made herself at home, and her timing couldn"t have been more perfect.

"Daughter dear," Anastasia sighed, glancing at the couple before focusing on her drink. "Your birthday is on the way. It"s only normal for me to check that everything abides by the right standards."

"Are we not allowed to have privacy anymore?" Monica began to snap. "Do I need to worry about you barging in whenever we have s.e.x?"

"He rubbed his tastelessness on you," Anastasia shook her head. "I knew that would happen."

Monica was ready to shout again, but Khan stopped her by placing a hand on her back. Monica looked for answers in his eyes, but they were running through the hall. Attendants were walking in and out, and they had to go.

"Leave," Khan ordered, his pressure adding weight to his word. "Now."

Khan was no member of the Solodrey family, but the attendants stopped anyway. His authority went beyond politics and social status. His words spoke to their survival instincts, forcing them to seek help from their superior.

Anastasia ignored the attendants to inspect Khan. She could tell he was serious, so she waved her hand, allowing the servants to leave the flat.

Silent seconds pa.s.sed while everyone left. Soon, only Khan, Monica, and Anastasia remained in the flat, and the latter felt surprised when no shouts flew toward her. Usually, Monica would resume complaining, but nothing came out of her mouth. She was waiting for Khan to take the lead.

Anastasia would never admit it, but that behavior was praiseworthy. Monica conveyed the maturity only a woman of her status could wield, and the reason for that stood at her side. She had grown thanks to Khan and to remain with him.

"I know Monica"s birthday will feature a big announcement," Khan said, breaking the silence, "But I wish to clear some issues first."

"How would you know anything?" Anastasia scoffed.

"Leave it, mother," Monica uttered. "You can"t lie to Khan."

Anastasia"s calm expression remained perfect, but Khan saw past it, and she knew that. His piercing eyes told a story anyone could read, and Anastasia could only sigh after realizing the helplessness of the situation.

"Very well," Anastasia exclaimed. "Talk."

"Was my mother from the Nognes family?" Khan went straight to the point.

"This topic again," Anastasia cursed, standing up. "I gave you my daughter. That should quell any curiosity or rebellious vein in you."

"It"s exactly because I have your daughter that I must know," Khan responded. "I can"t protect her if I remain unaware of these issues."

Monica knew she had to wear her firmest stance, but that version of Khan was her greatest weakness. She couldn"t help but lean on him while using the rest of her resolve to keep staring at her mother.

"Ridiculous," Anastasia snorted. "What would you even do with that information? Are you searching for more leverage against my family?"

"No," Khan swore. "I just need to know."

Anastasia halted her steps to stare at Khan. His reasons were valid, and he had already proven himself to be trustworthy. His love for Monica was no lie or pretense. It didn"t contain a single inch of greed for her wealth and social status. In a way, it was something most women dreamed of achieving.

That wouldn"t be enough to make Anastasia falter, but her daughter was part of the problem. Khan"s rising status would eventually make him face those issues, and Monica might suffer if Anastasia didn"t prepare him accordingly.

"My husband is right," Anastasia sighed, sitting on the closest couch. "I"m getting sentimental."

Khan and Monica understood what was about to happen and sat on the opposite couch. Monica also took Khan"s hand to endure the lingering tension. The two already knew the truth, but confirming it remained a big deal.

"Elizabeth Nognes was quite the famous figure," Anastasia announced, placing a hand on her cheek. "That"s usually odd among n.o.bles, but she rarely acted like one."

A tremor ran through Monica, and she couldn"t help but search for Khan"s eyes. That was it. That confirmed Khan"s n.o.ble lineage, but his expression remained still. He knew the story wasn"t over.

"She was a loose cannon," Anastasia reminisced. "A month wouldn"t go by without news about her. She would steal her family"s ships to fly to random planets, disappear for days in Earth"s Slums, and much more.

"The scuffles with fellow n.o.bles were notable, too. I recall she made four different arranged marriages crumble. Her family truly didn"t know what to do with her."

Excitement built inside Monica. The more she heard about Elizabeth, the more she reminded her about Khan. The similarities were on different levels but existed nonetheless.

"The problems became unbearable when she found your father," Anastasia continued. "It was an odd pair, no different from you two, but she was relentless. Her family could only cut ties with her once she got pregnant with you. I bet they couldn"t wait for that chance."

"Did they move into my father"s family?" Khan asked.

"Oh, dear, no," Anastasia chuckled. "The Nognes family absorbed your father"s family almost immediately. They couldn"t give the wrong impression to the other n.o.bles, so they erased every trace of the event."

"And my name?" Khan wondered.

"Gone after the Second Impact," Anastasia explained. "Your father"s freedom came from Elizabeth. Once she was out of the picture, the Nognes family completed the job."

"Was the Second Impact a planned move?" Khan questioned. The implication was there in the end.

"What?" Anastasia exclaimed. "Humankind might have been reborn after the First Impact, but the Nak remain out of their reach. Besides, there are cleaner ways to make people disappear."

"So," Monica sighed, "It was simply bad luck."

"On the contrary," Anastasia stated. "It was lucky it happened to Captain Khan. To this day, his father is the only expert who could have saved his life."