Chaos' Heir

Chapter 692  Demands

Chapter 692  Demands

The scientists" words echoed in Khan"s mind, expanding, spreading, and getting louder, touching multiple ideas and feelings nestling inside him.

Khan had learned to understand the interest in his physique. He was a rare case of a stable Tainted creature, and Milia 222"s events also added stunning benefits to his overall power.

Anyone interested in enhancing their prowess would want to discover the secrets behind Khan"s mutations. Some even saw him as humankind"s next evolutionary step. He could be the key behind getting rid of mana cores and more in the end.

However, Khan had always found the topic touchy. He didn"t have a good relationship with his mutations, and the connection with his father worsened the matter. The nightmares added another problematic layer, preventing him from even considering giving others access to his secrets.

Moreover, Khan"s fantastic career had filled him with enemies, and some were important enough to gain access to any kind of information. If scientists were to discover a weakness in his physique, those parties wouldn"t hesitate to exploit it, and he couldn"t let it happen.

As big as those problems were, the world added more. The conspiracies, secrets, and Raymond forced Khan to think beyond his mere figure. He could feel he was in the middle of something bigger, and the scientist"s offer only confirmed that.

"How far do your claws stretch?" Khan couldn"t help but wonder while his expression remained still.

Raymond had sent Khan there, and his plans had no selflessness. Khan knew Raymond would get something if he were to accept, and just thinking about that deeply shook him.

Khan had always known that Raymond"s connections were incredible. He couldn"t prove that, but the matter was undeniable.

However, things had reached a completely different league now. The Thilku Empire was a distant and relatively isolated system that rarely allowed external influences, but everything seemed to hint that Raymond had spies inside it.

Khan"s growing knowledge in those political fields worsened that realization. He was fighting tooth and nail to create a place for himself inside the Empire, but Raymond was already there. Khan couldn"t say how stable or deep that foothold was, but one thing felt clear. Raymond was far ahead of him.

The silence was heavy, but Khan"s thoughts ran quickly. He considered all of that in a few short seconds, and only one word escaped his mouth afterward. "[Why]?"

Cegnore"s events had taught Khan a lot, and he also felt he knew the Thilku well by then. That species was too proud to mutate itself through the Nak"s mana and genes, so Khan couldn"t understand the scientists" interest in him. After all, they couldn"t all work for Raymond.

"[You are a unique specimen]," The scientist said, "[And the Nak are still out there. Studying you can bring many benefits]."

The answer didn"t say anything. The scientist couldn"t have spoken emptier words, but Khan had expected something similar. The Empire had no reason to share its intentions, especially with a human.

Usually, Khan wouldn"t even consider the offer. The downsides were too great and numerous, and Khan"s paranoia would only skyrocket afterward.

Still, the current situation offered a silver lining. The Thilku wouldn"t lie about their Lord"s involvement, so Khan could hope to earn Lord Rsi"s favor by accepting the deal.

Moreover, the fact that the Empire would be the party performing the tests was interesting. Khan wouldn"t have to worry about information about him ending up in the wrong hands. Of course, he would have to ignore Raymond"s involvement, but that was one figure against many factions.

In the end, Khan also needed help. Mister Cirvags" file had proven that the path toward the Nak was still long, and it was unclear who held real and valuable information. Diving into the Global Army"s messy and convoluted environment to find it could take longer than years, so the Empire was a compelling alternative.

"Am I really considering this?" Khan wondered.

The new Khan would have normally refused the offer right away. It wasn"t only a matter of status. Asking him to become a guinea pig was demeaning in every conceivable way.

Yet, the scientist"s mana conveyed utmost respect. She showed no arrogance or pride. She even realized how insulting her words could be and was ready to accept an eventual rejection.

That respect was a form of acknowledgment that kept Khan"s wilder urges at bay. He was being treated as an equal to members of a species all about superiority and pride. The event would have more meaning without Raymond"s involvement, but Khan didn"t ignore its value anyway.

"[Will my decision affect my position in any way]?" Khan questioned.

"[None]," The scientist promised. "[The Empire isn"t talking to you as the Global Army"s representative now]."

"[What about my relationship with your Lord]?" Khan continued. "[Is my rightful cape at stake here]?"

Khan had uttered an arrogant question on purpose, but the scientist remained impa.s.sible. She didn"t feel offended hearing him use the Thilku capes as trade goods. Her mana retained the same smoothness and respect as before, even when she voiced her answer.

"[No]," The scientist replied. "[This deal will be outside the politics between our species. It won"t help nor damage your position]."

"So, it"s personal," Khan thought. He was unsure about the higher-ups, but the scientist looked honest. She only wanted to learn more about the Nak and add that information to the Empire"s records.

"[Why didn"t you go through the Global Army with this]?" Khan asked. "[You could have involved Mister Cirvags and cooperated with the entire Harbor]."

"[It-]," The scientist stuttered. "[It isn"t an easy request to make]."

Khan fully agreed. It would be ludicrous for a species to request living guinea pigs from another. Even without considering politics, the ethics of the whole matter would be too dark.

Of course, Khan believed the matter to be deeper. Cutting out the Global Army would earn the Empire first-hand information. The same reason had stirred Khan"s request in the end.

"[However]," The scientist continued, mistaking Khan"s silence for hesitation, "[If you wish, we can use the proper channels. That would obviously bring a change in the ter-]."

"[Don"t]," Khan interrupted. "[I don"t want the Global Army involved. I don"t even want it to know about this deal]."

Khan was obviously pretending to be ignorant. One way or another, Raymond would get his hands on that information. Still, mentioning him or trying to cut him out of the deal felt pointless. The scientists would only feign innocence, and the spy might also not be inside the warehouse.

"[That would be ideal for us, too]," The scientist exclaimed, feeling that a breakthrough was close. "[Captain Khan, we can start immediately if you wish]."

"[Lord Rsi might have acknowledged these terms]," Khan stated, "[But I didn"t]."

The excitement immediately vanished, and a different kind of pressure soon spread. The scientist froze while staring deep into Khan"s eyes. Something had changed, but her questions remained stuck in her throat.

The lack of politics was ideal for the Empire but also brought additional problems. Khan wasn"t donning the clothes of an Amba.s.sador now. He was an individual and isolated party, so it didn"t matter that his counterpart was in charge of multiple star systems. He would still have to deal with him on even terms.

"[Do you have more requests]?" The scientist asked when she found the courage to speak.

"[I have demands]," Khan corrected, "[Which won"t be negotiable]."

The scientist wanted to complain, but the air around her suddenly grew heavier, becoming hard to breathe. Her turn to speak wouldn"t arrive unless Khan decided so.

"[In addition to opening the records]," Khan announced, "[I"ll be the first to get a copy of all the results and conclusions obtained from the tests]."

The scientist opened her mouth, but the pressure only intensified. Khan wasn"t done, and something inside her made her understand that.

"[Moreover]," Khan continued, "[You will find a way to prevent my mutations from spreading to my offspring]."

If Khan had to sell himself, he would at least handle issues that had afflicted his mind for a long time. He was heading toward building a family with Monica. The matter wasn"t imminent, but solving the problem of his mutation would remove one of his greatest fears.

As for reviewing the results, it was a mixture of curiosity and necessary awareness. Khan wanted to know what his father had done to him and what he had become. Also, he needed to be the first to learn whether his body had weaknesses or other problems. That would give him time to prepare for what Raymond had in store.

"[Captain Khan]," The scientist called as soon as the pressure around her eased off, "[What if you dislike our conclusions]?"

"[I"ll stop being your guinea pig]," Khan calmly explained.

"[That could happen after a single round of tests]," The scientist 

argued, worried about getting scammed.

"[So]," Khan said, "[Be sure to be thorough during your first round]."