Chaos' Heir

Chapter 707  Strip

Chapter 707  Strip

Khan had been nothing short of ignorant in the Slums, but his time in the Global Army had taught him many things that made him doubt past certainties. Bret"s level was one of them, and clarity had finally arrived.

Back then, Khan lacked the means to confirm whether Bret had spoken the truth, and finding him now seemed impossible. However, part of him wanted to believe in his father, which created an additional issue.

"How can a soldier lose levels?" Khan questioned. He was clueless on the topic and hoped the scientist could provide answers.

"Lose levels?" Abraham repeated, clearly surprised by the question. "There have been some cases, but all were highly irregular."

"Just answer," Khan ordered, unwilling to explain more.

"Mana-related illnesses can cause such an issue," Abraham explained. "Deviations from regular training can also lead to rejection on a muscular level."

"That"s it?" Khan wondered.

"My Prince," Abraham called. "It is an uncommon issue. Usually, an enhanced tissue can"t go back to its weaker form. It would take a ma.s.sive effort paired with experimental technologies."

Even with limited knowledge, Khan had to agree. The level of a warrior depended on the attunement with mana. It stemmed from how enhanced the skin, muscles, and other body tissues were, and removing those effects was unheard of. Khan wouldn"t even know where to look for similar practices.

"Is it even possible to filter the mana out of body tissues?" Khan thought, glancing at his free hand. "Wouldn"t that leave permanent damage?"

The easiest and most obvious answer was that Bret had lied to Khan, but that didn"t sound right. Everything about his family was complicated, so there probably was a reasonable explanation. Khan simply didn"t know how to find it.

Of course, Abraham could also be lying, but Khan didn"t believe that either. The scientist was exposing himself, risking much to answer Khan"s questions. It wouldn"t make sense for him to put himself in danger to trick Khan.

"When will this puzzle end?" Khan couldn"t help but curse inside his mind.

The more Khan advanced, the greater the issues he discovered. The Nak had gone from simple invaders to a mysterious species with an apparently universal-level mission. His family"s problems had touched the n.o.bles and higher conspiracies, and his mutations seemed part of a big experiment only the Global Army"s upper echelon was aware of.

It didn"t help that each problem required immense time and effort just to clear part of the fog surrounding them. Even after getting answers, Khan was still stuck in the investigations and didn"t know how much Abraham could help.

"Let"s say I believe you," Khan eventually announced. "Let"s say my parents" union moved you to the point of wanting to serve me. Why would you address me as Prince?"

Abraham didn"t sound unreasonable. He might truly be a romantic, but he didn"t look the type to confuse such important t.i.tles. There had to be a bigger reason behind that.

"I won"t claim to be privy to a n.o.ble family"s infighting," Abraham exclaimed. "However, I learned secrets the public couldn"t know during my time with Sir Bret and Lady Elizabeth."

Khan and Monica remained silent since the explanation had yet to begin, and Abraham didn"t make them wait.

"Lady Elizabeth was quite the rebellious character," Abraham explained. "Everyone knew about that. Still, the Nognes family didn"t shun her away until she left them no choice."

Khan had to glance at Monica to understand the importance of the event. He knew her mother had done enough to earn the Nognes family"s anger multiple times over. Yet, she remained a n.o.ble, so it made sense that her status remained intact until it was too late to protect it anymore.

At the same time, the n.o.bles were stricter than the other families. One big mistake could earn certain Princes and Princesses eternal shame. Everything was situational, but Khan didn"t know enough about those environments to form ideas.

Monica understood Khan"s doubts but was as uncertain as he was. As much as her education taught her about the n.o.bles, every situation was different. Still, from what she had understood about Elizabeth, she could guess some favoritism existed.

"If everyone truly knew about her misdeeds," Monica uttered, "She should have been kicked out far sooner."

Monica paid attention not to mention the information shared by her mother, but Khan nodded anyway. Making one arranged marriage fail was already a severe offense, but Elizabeth apparently ruined four. If those events involved fellow n.o.bles, anyone could understand the gravity of the issue.

"Are you telling me her family"s faction was powerful enough to influence the others?" Khan questioned. That was the best explanation he could come up with, but his doubts remained. After all, a single faction couldn"t oppose entire families.

"Lady Elizabeth"s faction indeed held ma.s.sive influence," Abraham confirmed. "Yet, she was also your grandfather"s favorite. It is said he called in an uncountable number of favors to make her retain her status."

Everything began to take shape, but Khan didn"t know how much that favored him. He could see himself inheriting a similar advantage if his mother was so famously favored. However, the same went for the disadvantages.

All the favors had to have affected Elizabeth"s faction"s reputation and overall power. The outcome had also made those efforts pointless. Khan could see how most of the Nognes family would hate her, and those grudges wouldn"t disappear after a single generation.

"Great," Khan thought. "So, I have most of my family and anyone my mother has insulted as enemies."

That was only the worst-case scenario, but Khan found it very realistic. As his fame increased, those old grudges would become relevant and could become huge hindrances in his life. They could very well decide his entire future.

Besides, the Nognes family had already approached Khan, making that potential event a certainty. He didn"t know why the Princess had decided to hint at the secret, but clues were starting to gather.

"So," Khan stated, "You want to serve me, hoping I would redeem my n.o.ble status."

"No," Abraham promptly replied, lowering his head in respect. "As Sir Bret and Lady Elizabeth"s only child, I want to ensure you inherit your true legacy. It"s the least I can do to honor your parents."

"My legacy sounds like a mess of enemies and old grudges," Khan sighed. "Why would I even want to become a n.o.ble when my mother did nothing but destroy her position?"

"Because no one is more deserving of it," Abraham claimed. "Your lineage, your power, your talent. You could become the Nognes family"s Patriarch and lead humanity to greater heights!"

Abraham reeked of genuine and intense faith. While the n.o.bles were often secretive and detached from the public, they were the only ones with actual power over the Global Army. A n.o.ble Patriarch could change laws and affect interspecies treaties in ways other high-level figures couldn"t.

Khan could also see the advantages of reaching such a lofty position. No secret would be hidden from him anymore, and he would gain access to a level of manpower he couldn"t even imagine. Pursuing the Nak wouldn"t be a problem anymore. He would only need to will it, and the Global Army would do his bidding.

Yet, it was clear Abraham"s faith involved different fields, and Khan couldn"t share them. He had no interest in humankind"s well-being. He didn"t care about its future. Moreover, a pressing issue filled his mind, and his urges made it impossible to ignore.

The idea of reuniting with Elizabeth"s family had never crossed Khan"s mind. He had considered it impossible, especially with the engagement with Monica. His allegiances were clear, and the entire network knew about them.

Nevertheless, Abraham"s explanation had opened that path, allowing Khan to consider it. He would obtain untold riches and influence if he joined the Nognes family. Khan would seize one of the most prestigious positions among humankind, and the entire Global Army would have to bow before him, but his mind was against it.

"Why would I even join the Nognes family?" Khan asked, his voice instinctively growing colder. "They kicked out my mother and left my father and me starving in the Slums for eleven years. My only emotion toward them is anger."

"My Prince," Abraham called, "That"s exactly the point. You could change everything once retrieving your rightful status."

"I have no interest in changing anything," Khan declared. "If they want to hand me freebies, I"ll take them. Still, I won"t accept any responsibility or duty connected to them."

Abraham didn"t know what to say. People would kill to join a n.o.ble family, and Khan was several steps above everyone else. The path wouldn"t be easy, but the benefits were uncountable. It didn"t make sense to refuse before even trying.

The scientist couldn"t help but look at Monica, hoping for support, and she had to hold back a sigh. The value of the n.o.bles had been carved into her mind since she was a mere child, so her very core wanted her to shout at Khan and make him rethink the issue. Yet, Monica had slept with Khan almost every day for the past two years. Waking her up wasn"t easy, but she had still witnessed the curse of the nightmares more times than she could count. Thinking that the Nognes family had left him in the Slums in that condition filled her with the same anger as her fiancé.

Moreover, Monica had also been at Khan"s side throughout his struggles. She had memorized his scars. She had seen him as a mess of injuries and bandages countless times. Monica knew his suffering through and through, so it felt insulting to receive a similar opportunity only after so much avoidable pain.

"Are you sure?" Monica eventually whispered, only concern filling her voice.

"As things stand," Khan nodded, "Yes. I might rethink this depending on their future offers."

"Ok," Monica uttered, leaning her head on Khan"s shoulder. "No matter what you decide, I"ll be at your side."

"Madam, please," Abraham said, almost speechless.

"My fiancé has made up his mind," Monica declared in a firm tone. "Besides, the Nognes family will eventually step forward. Khan will force them to do that."

"As for you," Khan continued, eyeing Abraham. "I don"t mind your intentions, and your services might help me. I just need to confirm one thing first."

"Anything," Abraham swore, giving up on the previous matter, "Major."

"Strip," Khan ordered, "And remove all the items inhibiting your mana. I need to check your heart."